Lin Xiao listened, his face was cold and abnormal!

His divine sense swept over and found that among them, stood a tall, white-skinned middle-aged senior official. Next to him, a bloody entanglement, gloomy cold and severe, giant wings and long teeth, the body of thin and thin young man stands!

After seeing Lin Xiao, he said: “They should be the head of Cyborg and the vampire bat!”

I also looked at the strength of the two, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Stage of Cultivator World!

Although it is Nascent Soul Stage, in today’s Mortal World, no one can resist it!

At this time, the young vampire bat said to the middle-aged official: “General Nohan, can you start?”

Middle-aged senior official sideways, said with a smile: “Kemsha Prince, of course, you please!”

“haha, General Nohan, tomorrow, the whole of China, is ours. When it is time, when it is distributed, it must be fair!”

“That is nature, Prince Kemsha, this time, in addition to our British and American, other small country, give them a city!”

“haha, that’s fine, if they don’t agree, then we will, hehe…”

Lin Xiao is in the air, watching the two people talk about China, and in their hearts, they have been regarded as dead!

At the same time, the single thought head, born in his mind!

Awkwardly, Prince Kemsha waved his hand and shouted: “Children, go down and enjoy the meal!”

With his voice, the air, countless ear-piercing sharp and sharp, cut through the night sky, pass it!

In parallel with the sound, countless blood-sucking bats, excited to lean over to the mountain!

Lin Xiao sees this and naturally understands what they are going to do, but will he let them succeed?

At the moment, a wave of hands, a Source Power, under them, formed an invisible light curtain, waiting for their arrival!

“Hey, hey”

“Ah, ah”

Collision and horror stack up, shocking night! !

The vampire bat, because of the undershooting speed, hit the mask directly. As a result, the head is split and dying!

This scene, the other bats that scared, daring to blast, did not dare to fall again!

The number of bats that have been killed is over 10,000, and the air is suspended. The body, blood, brain, and dyed the sky!

This strange scene makes all the witnesses stunned!

General Nohan trembled: “This… what is going on?”

Prince Kemsha also took a cold sweat, and the loss of just now made him very painful. But at the moment, it is not a time to pay attention to gains and losses. He looked at the strange picture below, his face was uncertain!

The coalition forces of the countries on the ground are also scared to stay where they are. Pointing at the air, pointing!

The Chinese army in the mountains is soaring and excited!

They know that their country, with Divine Immortal asylum, foreign barbarians, can you scatter here?

Suddenly, they and everyone screamed and screamed, ready to charge ahead!

For a long while, Prince Kemsha screamed: “General Nohan, is China’s Divine Immortal coming back?”

When General Nohan heard it, he was covered in a big shock, and his face was horrified!

He swept around and whispered: “Should not, if their Divine Immortal is back, can we stay here for so long?”

Prince Kemsha was indulging, and then fiercely said: “Retreating to the ground forces, retreating to a place 200 kilometers away, we also withdraw. Then, throw a small dose of atomic bombs and blow them up!”

“Well, I signaled a retreat, but it was a pity for your dinner!”

“hmph, this is nothing, it has lost that many people, I must let China double the repayment!”

General Nohan laughed: “haha, yes, prince, we are going to a national massacre tonight, let the Chinese human beings disappear forever!”

“Yes, when we get together, we will join forces to control the entire Earth and be the master!”

“hahaha, okay, great, what is one China? We want the whole Earth!”

Just then, a cold and radiant voice came: “Infatuation!”

The sound is not big, but it is like Wan Leiqi fried, rolling heart!

The silhouette of the air, the shocked figure swayed, almost could not hold!

General Nohan and Prince Kemsha were full of horror, and this voice almost made them cry!

However, they have to be tough: “Who is it?”

Suddenly –

“Wow, wow”

“Boom, bang”

Countless tragic sounds, mixed with violent explosions, in the air, constantly staged!

Cyborg, vampire bats, their bodies, constantly shattering, bloody rain, Vault of Heaven, shocking!

Seeing this, Nohan and Kemsha’s scared face was white, and it was so shocking that they were shuddering!

The troops on the ground are also arrogant, and they are going backwards again and again!

This rare bloody, they simply can’t afford it!

On the contrary, the Chinese army that has experienced the robbery has shown a lot of calm. Among them, some jumped up, yelled and cheered!

Screams, still not stopped!

Explosive, not exhausted!

Blood rain, constantly spilling!

Broken limbs, flying all over the sky!

The air is dyed red!

Bloody, full of everything, thick suffocation!

Nohan and Kemsha ashen-faced, they want to escape, want to move, but find that they can not move anyway, just have to watch the bloody scene!

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