After seeing the retreating UN troops see it, they are scared and tremble!

The unity of the Chinese is notorious in history. I want to beat them, unless a hit is effective. Otherwise, once they react, it is a counterattack!

Seeing that nearly 100 million people have come around, where do they dare to resist?

Although the weapons are advanced, they can’t stand many people!

Besides, when defending against aliens, China is the Lord War Zone, the heroic Chinese people, and they are familiar. Now that this situation has been seen, the ambitions of the past have long been thrown into the topmost clouds!

So, in order to save their lives, they have put down their weapons and want to surrender!

After the attacking Chinese army saw it, it did not agree. But they automatically put down their weapons and squatted on the ground, so that the Chinese army could not shoot!

At the same time, countless Chinese soldiers ridiculed in their hearts: “Forever, foreigners are the same at all times. When they first invade, they will be arrogant. In the end, which time is not a failure, they will surrender? A group of useless species!”

In the end, the Chinese army came out of a high-ranking official. This official is the Chinese military marshal Xu Zixin, but Lin Xiao does not know!

He looked at nearly a million United Nations troops and hugged his head on the ground, his eyes filled with disdain!

Xu Zixin reached out and took a amplified earphone and put it on. He stood on a heavy-duty tank car and swept the prisoners. After a long time, he extended his middle finger and broke a word: “Fuck!”

When his voice fell, the Chinese army first startedled, and then shouted loudly: “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

The voice is so passionate, it is like a skyrocketing, just like the raging raging, deafening!

The night sky is caught in a deep “fuck”!

After seeing Lin Xiao in the air, she stunned and a cold sweat appeared on her forehead!

The opening remarks of this senior official are too interesting.

I don’t want to be a slut, this is not the case!

As for the Chinese people around, they are inexplicable and wake up. Immediately, in addition to women, other male compatriots, each and everyone is pulling the scorpion, “Fuck!”

This alternative vent, look at Lin Xiao stunned!

After hearing the UN troops, although they were angry, they did not dare to take any action. You know, there are over 100 million people on the side, really want to fight, one person can squander yourself!

Looking at the past Zhang Wei, but now it has become a foreigner of the prisoners, the Chinese people, fiercely out of breath!

If it is not because the Chinese army is here, they have already rushed up, and hundreds of people have gone one by one!

In the face of the vast momentum, foreign countries, finally chose to yield!

After Lin Xiao saw it in the air, slowly smiled, teleportation returned to the campus!

At this time, it is already late at night, in the air, starry, and bright moon!

Tonight, for China, it is a gratifying night!

After stopping, Lin Xiao waved, Situ Qian and Teacher Xu appeared!

Once it appeared, Situ Qian first reacted and said: “Lin Xiao, are you okay?”

“Of course I won’t have anything!”

“How is the problem solved?”

“hehe, look, there will be results tomorrow!” After that, he turned to Teacher Xu: “Teacher, you are tired, trouble with Qian’er to find a place to rest!”

Teacher Xu a said with a smile : “No problem, Student Situ, come with me!”

Situ Qian looks at Lin Xiao: “What about you?”

“Don’t care for me, I am not tired!”

“You always like to be stubborn, tired and not tired!”

Lin Xiao warmed up and whispered: “Come on, Teacher Xu is tired!”

Situ Qian complied, leaving with Teacher Xu!

After seeing them go, Lin Xiao coldly said: “It is time to greet them!”

Yu La, divine sense swept away, figure disappeared!

United States!

White House!

President’s office!

At this time, it is at noon, the weather is cool!

US President Charlie is sullen. Just now Received a report, went to the Chinese army, broke the contact, whereabouts unknown!

Charlie doesn’t believe it. With the strength of China today, can’t he still eat?

At this moment, a standard Chinese language sounded: “Hello, President!”

Charlie smells and is shivered. He looked up and saw, a tattered yellow skin youth, standing in front of him, expression is a bit cold!

He nervously said: “Who are you?”

Youth dashing eyebrows Wrinkle: “President, I know you will speak Chinese, give me Chinese!”

Charlie was furious: “How did you run in?” Saying, picking up the caller on the table and wanting to inform the guard!

I know, in the summoner, there is only the sound of “dudu”, there is no human voice!

Youth appear strong ,coldly smiled : “Don’t bother, any communication here can’t be transmitted!”

Charlie switched to Chinese and said, “Who are you?”

“Chinese people!”

“Ah You……”

“President, I think, you should know the purpose of my visit!”

Charlie panicked at youth, the hand on the table, slowly moved to a black button!

Upon contact, Charlie sneaked a slap in the face, and he slammed it down, then, with a glare of light, shot from youth!

Charlie saw a smirk on his face after seeing it!

Unexpectedly, the beam hits you, and immediately bounces off, directly piercing the wall!

Seeing this, President Charlie scared the ashen-faced, even the secret weapon can’t hurt the people, or people?

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