He hu hu said: “I will pay attention!” Finished, look at towards President Li: “How can I not see Secretary-General Qi?”

When I heard this, everyone, all down!

At this moment, the gas is extremely heavy!

Lin Xiao’s heart jumped, it’s broken, and something went wrong. He hurriedly: “What happened to Secretary-General?”

President Li whispered: “Qi Tianyuan comrade, already married!”

Lin Xiao shocked: “What is going on?”

“When they invaded, they first controlled the comrade Qi Tianyuan who talked with other countries and talked about it. And threatened us and gave up resistance!”


“In the end, Qi Tianyuan comrades in order not to be tired of the country, he … he … self-defense, to the country!”

Lin Xiao suddenly stood up and angered and said: “I fuck his ancestors, the foreign days of the dog day!”

at this time–

A whistling thunderbolt rumble, the ear rang!

President Li opened the mouth and said: “Are they coming?”

“No!” The first middle-aged teenager suddenly stood up and his face was extremely dignified!

President Li looked at him: “General Zhu, where is wrong?”

General Zhu heard a little ear, heavy road: “This kind of voice, familiar, is… is…”

Lin Xiao heard it, but also felt inexplicable, divine sense released, sweeping the source of the sound, the handsome face suddenly changed!

Suddenly, General Zhu shouted: “I think of it, this is the sound of a missile, a star missile!”

His words fell, and within the battle, everyone changed!

Suddenly, a guard, ashen-faced, ran in: ‘Not good, a missile flew over! ”

When you boarded the time, everyone couldn’t do anything, and President Li couldn’t think of this change!

At this time, a calm voice sounded: “Don’t panic!”

Everyone listened, and the mind was clear, shouting, how to forget, Divine Immortal is here!

Invariably, the eyes are all gathered on him!

Lin Xiao slightly smiled: “They don’t see the coffin, don’t cry, wait for me!” Finished, disappeared out of thin air!

High in the sky!

Lin Xiao stood proudly and looked at the missiles that roared in the distance!

Although it is still several kilometers away, it has caused strong shocks here. It can also be seen that its formidable power is not ordinary!

Looking at the “Sideal Missile” of the Section Chief, the small star of the “Single Stars”, Lin Xiao divine sense, immediately tracked its launch site!

Along the track, soon, in the United States, a vast uninhabited swamp, he found the starting point!

Divine sense Going underground, sure enough, under the ground, there is a military base!

At this time, there are several foreign senior officials, staring at the big screen, watching the trend of the missile!

Lin Xiao took it back, only for these dozens of seconds, the missile is already flying!

He tightened the divine sense, wrapped the missile, and slammed it. Then, divine sense pushes hard, and the missile will reflect back at a speed comparable to light!

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