Fatty Brother Zhu doesn’t care about the face: “Don’t blame us, blame, blame you shouldn’t be born on this planet, blame you planet, there shouldn’t be a scum Sect. Otherwise, you won’t be the end!”

When his words fell, the masses were angry and blamed!

The old man is also a panting: “You…you can marry us, you can kill us. But you are absolutely not allowed to smudge them!”

Fatty Brother Zhu disdainfully said: “I really don’t understand, what good are they giving you, so to help them?”

Old man Gas Extreme Dao: “Stop, if you don’t have them, we planet, it’s already finished, we, there will be no today!”

“hehe, that’s right. But the end result is that they killed you!”

“You are nonsense, ‘Star Sect’, will never make a humiliation of Cultivator World, and will not kill Cultivator World’s fellow!”

“Oh, old bastard, all the evidence, have already indicated, still want to argue?”

“That is planting, Star Sect Master is definitely not the kind of person!”

Slim Han Lai Yin smiled and said: “Brother Zhu, we seem to have too much nonsense?”

Fatty Brother Zhu ruthlessly said : “brothers, start!”

Finish, raise the sword in your hand and go to the old man!

His younger brother, and each and everyone pick up the weapon, and rush inside…

Old man appear strong, sighed in pain, closed his eyes. Although he has the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, due to the lack of Spirit Qi, the realm is unstable, he is powerless to resist, and he has to accept it!

The masses behind him, their faces are condensed, ready to let go, the kind of resoluteness that makes you die, people can’t bear to start!

Suddenly –

Just as the knife of the Fat Brother Zhu will touch the top of the old man, a coldly shouted sounds: “Set!”

With the sound, fatty Brother Zhu found that he was unable to move even a little bit!

The other dozens of people are the same, and the Fat Brother Zhu is terrified!

At this time, a silhouette, in front of them, slowly revealed!

Black clothed, handsome, cold, ruthless!

He is Lin Xiao!

Just now the conversation, he heard the ear in a word. Clever, he has vaguely guessed what happened. Even if “Star Sect” does something that is not shameful against Cultivator World, it can’t reach the innocent people!

Old man stunned back, after seeing the situation in front of him, he glanced at Lin Xiao again, immediately understood, shaking his body and squatting!

Lin Xiao was shocked, and he was busy with a force to hold him, opened the mouth and said: “The elderly please don’t be so, Junior can’t afford it!”

The old man was lifted up and looked at Lin Xiao, excited: “Little old man happy thanks to the rescue!”

The “Senior” made Lin Xiao distressed. He forgot, Culture World, only look at the cultivation base, who cares you!

Lin Xiao also doesn’t want to explain, indifferently said: “You’re welcome!”

At this time, the people behind the old man, all of a sudden from the town, surrounded by the old man. They look at Lin Xiao’s eyes, they are respectful, fearful, excited, worried…

At this time, Fatty Brother Zhu shouted out loud noise: “This brother, why are you with us?”

Lin Xiao looked at them disgustedly, coldly said: “If you dare to start with them, I will kill!”

When it comes to it, a hidden murderous aura is released!

Dozens of people were photographed by murderous aura, and the scared soul was not attached. Fatty Brother Zhu trembled: “Before…Senior, the little ones are just passing by, the horse… just leave, please Senior raise your hand and let us have a horse!”

Lin Xiao didn’t want to kill, so he waved his hand and said coldly: “Roll, see you again next time, and die!”

Dozens of people got rid of it, and immediately took the weapon and fled!

After seeing them go, the old man worried: “Senior, let them go, in the future, I am afraid it will be restless!”

Lin Xiao didn’t care, indifferently said: “If they don’t know the practice, dare to come again, I will never be soft!”

At this time, the mass behind him, suddenly yelled: “Please Senior to save us!”

Said, many people, all smashed!

When Lin Xiao saw it, she suddenly panicked and said, “Let’s get up, what’s the matter, you tell me, I try to help, get up!”

Old man turned, loudly said: “Get up, didn’t you hear Senior say? Come up to me!”

Everyone is excited to stand up the figure!

Lin Xiao confused: “What the hell is going on?”

Old man sighed, one finger inside: “Senior, please go into town with the little old man!”

Lin Xiao nodded promised, the entire group, holding Lin Xiao, into the town!

Not far from the town, the Fat Brother Zhu appeared. He looked at the people who entered the town. He said: “You are dead!” Yu La, disappeared!

After Lin Xiao entered the town, he entered the scene and surprised him to the extreme!

His previous imagination, Cultivator World, is a retro style, but at least it is a cultivation person, strong and strong, and rich in family. What he absolutely can’t think of is that this town, except for the outside houses, is intact, the interior is almost all broken, the home is broken, unbearable to look at!

This is true all the way. Not to mention the people in their town. Faced with hunger and thinness, sick and sturdy, weak and windless, it is like a refugee in wartime!

He is full of suspicious, what happened in this town?

ten minutes later!

They walked into a relatively complete courtyard!

He learned that here is the home of old man, Town Chief!

Entering the living room, old man is busy letting Lin Xiao sit up, himself, standing next!

Lin Xiao is very difficult, but has to sit up!

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