
An arrogant snoring came: “The brat just gave me out!”

Lin Xiao heard, complexion slightly changed, this voice, isn’t it just Fat Brother Zhu?

Divine sense Sweeping, seeing the town outside, only he stood there and shouted. Lin Xiao Daqi, is this guy not afraid of death?

Just as he was about to take back, a burst of space fluctuated!

Lin Xiao converges aura, divine sense sweeps over and finds that there is a hidden person not far behind the Fat Brother Zhu. Its cultivation base is actually Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal!

Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal, but with the strength of Immortal. In Cultivator World, the absolute expert exists. Unexpectedly, this fatty, there is actually Immortal to do the backstage. Moreover, I found a helper so soon!

After the public heard the voice, the reaction was quite frightening. Over the years, they have been sleepy, fearful, fearful, and stunned, and they will die!

Lin Xiao collected to collect one’s thoughts, looked at the eyes of the people outside the panic and restless look, my heart, bursts of pain!

This feeling is like seeing your loved ones and being wronged!

He fiercely stood up the figure, and directed at the outside people loudly said: “You, my Lin Xiao guarantee, will definitely give you a peaceful, peaceful living environment, will never let anyone hurt you!”

The people outside the door heard it, first startedled, and then all the excitement slammed down, shouting: “Thank you Senior, thank you Senior!”

Lin Xiao waved his hand and lifted everyone up. “You are waiting here, I will solve them!” After that, disappeared!

After seeing him disappear, everyone called: “Senior is Great Ascension Stage expert !”

In Cultivator World, only the Great Ascension Stage can be teleported!

Old man Town Chief The entangled feelings, the points are unclear, is the excitement and worry?

Outside the town!

Lin Xiao’s figure appears!

Fatty Brother Zhu suddenly appear, take a step back, and then, shouted loudly: “brat, are you really dare to come out?”

Lin Xiao coldly said: “I just said now, have you forgotten?”

Fatty Brother Zhu disdain: “What? I can’t remember. But now, hehe, brat, your death is here!”

Lin Xiao sneered at the nose: “Just rely on the cultivation base of your Nascent Soul Stage, and dare to boast of Haikou, not afraid of being laughed off by big teeth?”

Fatty, angry, immediately, he did not speak, but turned and succumbed, said: “Elder, this is brat, you have to seek justice for the crime!”

His voice fell, a silhouette, slowly emerged!

Lin Xiao looked out, is a fat half a hundred old man, not tall, dressed in purple robe, hair high-strength, five long beard, face funny. Looks like something like a clown!

After he appeared, he looked at Lin Xiao and his right hand with his two eyes. He kept his moustache, the image, the foundation, and the extreme!

Lin Xiao glanced at him coldly: “Hurry up, Young Master has limited time, no time to play with you!”

Old man heard, chuckled, arched: “old man ‘Purple Hall Faction ‘Elder Xu Jiang, dare to ask the little brother how to call?”

Lin Xiao snorted: “No name, no surname, Jianghu!”

Inadvertently, he used the ancient idioms he had seen!

Xu Jiang was wrong, and said: “I don’t know the little brother Master. Where is the old man, the old man may have the privilege of meeting each other!”

Lin Xiao glanced at him. The more he looked at him, the less pleasing to the eye. This guy is just a smiling face tiger. He smiles and hides his knife. He knows that it is not a good bird!

At the moment, he whispered, and he was unceremonious: “You just want to know my Master, just dream!”

As soon as the words came out, Xu Jiang couldn’t stand it. He said: “little friend, old man treats with courtesy, but you are aggressive, it seems…”

“What seems to be?”

“Some rules that don’t understand?”

Lin Xiao heard, said with a slight smile: “The rules? Rules your mom, Young Master don’t know!”

Xu Jiang violently thundered: “A good brat, old man tolerate again and again, but you do not know how to advance and retreat. It seems that old man today, have to represent you Master, teach you the nature of your unrespectable!”

Lin Xiao coldly shouted: “Hurry up, don’t talk nonsense!”

Fatty Brother Zhu is next to it, and sighs: “little bastard, hurry up and give us a sin. Otherwise, wait for Elder to take it, you will die without a whole corpse!”

Hearing the word “little bastard”, Lin Xiao handsome face a cold, electric torch star, straight to him!

Immediately, the Fat Brother Zhu squinted at his gaze, and the heart, if struck, was uncomfortable. “pu”, spurt a mouthful of blood, backwards!

Xu Jiang face changed, busy with a True Origin to protect him, gloomily said: “little friend high cultivation base, bullying him, is it somewhat unrealistic?” Saying, he is comparable to Immortal’s momentum, Like Shan Hong, it was pressed to Lin Xiao!

The momentum of the body, Lin Xiao, if not heard, look at him without a little cold!

Seeing this, Xu Jiang is very cold and sweaty, and his heart is uneasy. Depending on your own momentum, there is nothing, the cultivation base is not high, can you do it?

But he doesn’t believe it anyway, just like this, there will be a higher cultivation base than him!

In the mind, his momentum was sent to the peak, and the forced Fat Brother Zhu sprayed several more blood. The houses outside the town are also crumbling!

Lin Xiao glimpse, loudly shouted: “Scram!”

The word is out, like Wan Leiqi fried, rumbled, shocked eardrum, creaking!


Xu Jiang a mouthful of blood, spurt out, eyes full of fear!

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