He collected to collect one’s thoughts, stared at them, and hated: “The 683 lives, all the hands of death, etc., well, good…”

Shi Hu doesn’t care: “trifling some commandments, not worth mentioning, even if the entire planet is ruined, no one will say anything!”

Lin Xiao listened, sang with a big smile: “Well, good, finally, the people who saw Cultivator World, how tall, how mighty, what out of the ordinary!”

Its Junior Brother couldn’t help but live: “Senior Brother, what do you do with him? Learn to stop him!”

Lin Xiao’s steep sound, took a deep breath, staring at the two people: “The killer is always killing, this sentence, you should understand?”

Shi Hu startled: “What do you want?”

Lin Xiao slowly extended the right hand and said indifferently: “Yu La!” Yu La, the hand moves, the figure of the two, immediately imprisoned!

Shi Hu and his Junior Brother were horrified, and they realized that they had encountered a super expert. Can use Space Law, the minimum cultivation base, and also the Great Principle Golden Immortal !

Shi Hu loudly said : “Please ask Senior to show your enthusiasm. Junior has no eyes and offended you. Please raise your hands and spare us?”

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: “It doesn’t matter if you offend me, but you shouldn’t kill people. And after killing people, you will be obsessed with it, and you will continue to do evil. If you do, I can spare you!”

Shi Hu said: “Junior got it wrong, I changed my name, I will take my Sect Elder and apologize to Senior!”

Lin Xiao wood expressionlessly said: “Don’t take ‘Kunlun Faction’ to press me, you can’t pose any threat to me, let’s go with peace of mind!” After that, the hand was pinched, and the “peng” was a muffled sound. The blood is in the air, the two are broken!

Lin Xiao Yang Tian, ​​suddenly sighed, reality, always pressing, what, what?

I saw the town in the eyes of the people, the figure moved, I stayed…

Suddenly, a powerful divine sense, locked him, keep coming close!

Lin Xiao stands proudly in the air, waiting for someone to move!

As for the people below, they have long been scared to hide and dare not show up. They don’t know anything about what happened in the air!

At this time, a roar came: “brat, did you kill my disciple?”

When I heard this voice, Lin Xiao was a little wrong. Come to know people?

Confused, a silhouette, accompanied by a powerful power, showed the figure!

This person is an old man over seventy years old, look arrogant, white must be long, imposing!

Lin Xiao took a look, astonished out, this old man, turned out to be in the situ family, Zhang Zhengqi who was destroyed by fleshy body!

However, at this moment, his cultivation base is actually Eight Tribulations Loose Immortal, can compare to Golden Immortal. He secretly sighs: “Kunlun Faction is really rich, only a few years ago, this old fellow is so high. Cultivation base !”

Zhang Zhengqi After seeing Lin Xiao, the gas was shaking, angrily said: “brat, you didn’t die?”

Lin Xiao said coldly: “You will not die if you die!”

Zhang Zhengqi yelled: “At Mortal World, you ruin my fleshy body. Now Cultivator World, you kill my disciple, what are you doing?”

Lin Xiao glanced at him and pointed to the town road below: “You disciple killed that many people, no repentance. And, if you want to continue to be fierce, can I let them do anything?”

Zhang Zhengqi violently and repeatedly: “brat, no matter who you are? Li Qifeng’s discrimination is also good, the embers are worthy. Today, the old man does not take your life, never give up!” The sound fell, his hand azure light flashed, Sword body in hand, straight to Lin Xiao!

At this time, he is immersed in the “Yu Yu” of Zhang Zhengqi.

The wind broke into the ear, Lin Xiao appear strong, busy and retreat, avoiding the opening!

Sword qi is not diminished, and it is a direct attack on the towns!

Lin Xiao turn pale with fright, in a hurry, his body flashed, appeared in front of the sword qi, hand waved, the sword qi hit disappeared without a trace!

Zhang Zhengqi suddenly appear in the sky, my heart can not help but suddenly. Just now Lin Xiao broke his attack at random, and it was still free. This kind of strength, even Sect Master can not easily do!

He is incredible, this is only a few years, is this brat cultivation base, and has risen a lot?

Due to the fact that in the Mortal World, the fleshy body was destroyed, and Lin Xiao, in his heart, is still extremely embarrassing!

At this time, Lin Xiao is angry and opened the mouth and said: “There are innocent people below, I want to fight, I will accompany you enough!” After that, with a wave of hands, the two people’s silhouette disappeared!

In “Other Dimension Universe”, Zhang Zhengqi looked at Lin Xiao with horror!

Lin Xiao coldly said : “Old Man, here, whatever you want to toss, do it!”

Zhang Zhengqi regretted it in his heart, and for the first time he almost died because of the light enemy. This time, it is the same!

He looked at Galaxy, who was met in the week, and said: “Where is this?”

Lin Xiao said coldy : “Universe !”

Zhang Zhengqi knows that he has no way to retreat, a bite, loudly roared: “brat, old man fights with you!” In one stroke, the sword screamed: “Azure Cloud Art’s ‘Soul Slaying Extinguishing Soul!'”

Immediately, in the universe void, a burst of horror was set off. The savage azure light, the outer space of the radiance. The momentum of the stocks has been constantly rising, and it has been overflowing!

Lin Xiao appear strong, I was there, I can’t think of it, this old fellow, when I got started, I started a big move!

“Go!” With the reverberation, the incomparable azure glow, dragging the long tail of the hundred zhang, cut to Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao coldly smiled, palm wave, light drink: “Univers Source ‘Wind Thunder Rushing Forth Move!'”, a thunderbolt palm shadow like a torn space, smashing the heart, greet azure Sword qi !

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