Lin Xiao starred slightly cold, coldly said: “Daoist good intention heart, Master has passed away. As for the other, I am a trifling Junior, do not dare to climb the branches!”

Qing Xu old face startled, still not ignorant: “little friend why refused to be a thousand miles? All are the same, if you can help each other, cultivation base can not leap forward?”

“The trifling cultivation base is low, not worthy of talking with Daoist to talk about heaven and earth, and leave!” Finished; flying and bouncing, flashing to the distance!

Old Daoist Qing Xu looked at Lin Xiao’s disappearing direction and shook his head. “This child temperament is cold and proud but not arrogant, and has extraordinary power. It can’t be limited in the future. If you can pull him to the Cultivator Alliance, it is worthy of like a tiger. That has grown wings. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the Little Brat, this time is hard!”

Yu La , Old Daoist Qing Xu disappeared!

After Lin Xiao left, there was a sparsely populated, more remote path to stop!

All around, the mountains and the mountains are connected, standing in the air, and the distant light of the distant sky will be reflected, and the strange images with different postures will be constructed!

In the sky, from time to time, a silhouette of a sword is crossed, like a meteor catching the moon, and it is so fast!

Lin Xiao stood on the ground, in the heart, inexplicably gushing a sense of loneliness!

He swept around the patrol and found that the old trees covered his eyes and revealed no gaps!

The night is getting dim, and the ink black is shrouded!

Lin Xiao is still standing still, staring at the surroundings, thinking about the next step!

I have already fallen out of the Cultivator Alliance, and it is impossible to sway into the city. If you change your appearance, you will not be bothered. Only now, only when you meet people outside, ask the direction of Mount Shu and go straight there!

As for the dress up, I can’t take care of that many now. You must get to know Cultivator World as soon as possible so that you can move and cope properly!

With this in mind, he took a deep breath and divine sense entered the “Other Dimension Universe” and saw that Situ Qian was still running the cultivation technique cultivating. Don’t bother her, quit, follow the path, move towards the unknown distance!

On the winding path, Lin Xiao is alone, slightly cool and windy, passing over him!

At this time, he was a little homesick and wanted Earth!

I don’t know how China is recovering now?

There are also schools, Teacher Xu, Situ and Nangong…

Suddenly –

A strange laugh came over and broke his memories!

Lin Xiao smells startled, this sound, so familiar!

“Don’t come over…” A fragile woman shouted, with the wind in the ear!

“jié jié jié ……”

Strange laughs!

Lin Xiao star flashed and immediately released the divine sense. After a sweep, the figure suddenly disappeared!

Next moment, ten kilometers away, over a jungle, Lin Xiao hovered down!

After I got to the ground, I saw the scene and made him scream!

Not far from the front, a green clothed girl squats on the ground, the blood in the corner of the mouth is stunned, the face is terrified, the lovable body is shaking, and the sword is in the hand!

In front of her two meters, a black gas-wrapped silhouette, slowly pushes into the girl!

In the mouth, the “hehe” is sent out!

Lin Xiao is after the appearance of strong, angry, this silhouette, is not in the city, the people who swallow Nascent Soul?

Seeing this situation, Lin Xiao naturally understands. Now, he is coldly shouted: “Give me a stop!”

Black silhouette heard, shocked, twisted, figure swayed, teleportation two zhang, turned, look at towards Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao also saw the face of this person. About half a year, dry and thin, cold, poisonous, dead…

After the girl on the ground, suddenly appearing Lin Xiao, the show is one of the bright. But immediately, there was doubt again!

At this time, half a hundred old man stared at Lin Xiao, the open in the mouth and said: “brat, it was you!”

Lin Xiao startled: “Do you know me?”

“hehe, when you were at the Milky Way Galaxy, you broke the space and destroyed two black holes!”

Lin Xiao: “It turned out to be you, another one?”

Old man a little shock, astonished said: “Do you really find us?”

“Not sure at the beginning, now confirmed!”

“Oh, since we can find us, your cultivation base is not low. However, my business, you better not intervene!”

Lin Xiao looked at the girl and just greeted her bright eyes. Her heart couldn’t help but loosely said: “Live swallowing Nascent Soul. It is a cultivating taboo. When you are not afraid of Crossing Tribulation, is soul destroyed?”

Old man laughed: “Those hypocrites, I can’t wait to kill them all. I want them to know that people in our Demon World are not irritating!”

Lin Xiao dashing eyebrows A glimpse: “Retaliation with bloody method will only make hate add hate, hate add enmity, can’t turn it into a jade?”

Old man doesn’t care, strange laugh: “Do you think it is possible? They often say that righteousness and evil are not two, and they are also self-deprecating. For us, Demon World, often kill to the last one. You said, In this case, how do I deal with Demon World?”

Lin Xiao sighed: “I don’t want to say anything more. In short, some people, you can’t use killer, or I won’t let you go!”

“hahaha, brat, praise you two sentences and believe oneself infallible. If you don’t see you still have a human touch, will I talk nonsense with you?”

Lin Xiao glanced at him, indifferently said: “Let this girl!”

Old man is different: “You look at her?”

Lin Xiao handsome face slightly red, said: “No, I can’t see death!”

“haha, after all, you still have to stop me!”

“Even if it is!”

“Well, I will try it out, how much you can!”

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