
A clear sound blew in the night sky!

Followed by, a tragic biography. Lu Zhong’s figure, straight down after the few ten meters away. Finally, the fiercely squatting on the ground!

Lin Xiao glanced at her fist and smiled helplessly, leaving for him!

Lu Zhong sprayed a few more blood, only to tremble slightly up!

When I saw Lin Xiao, I immediately fell into a snake, and he was scared!

Lin Xiao stopped in place, coldly said: “Give you the last chance, disappear immediately!”

Lu Zhong smiled and said: “Teach Senior high name!”

Lin Xiao turned and didn’t go back: “If you don’t want to die, go right away, Cultivator World’s expert will be here soon!”

Lu Zhong bit his teeth, said: “Senior today’s gift, one day, I must pay back!” The sound fell, shaking his body, and the sword flew away!

Lin Xiao heart with said a bitter smile : “It seems that strength is always in the first place no matter where it is!”

At this time, the green clothed girl also returned to God. After seeing Lin Xiao coming, I was busy with the front: “Lin Qiong, a little girl, thanked graciousness of life-saving!”

The sound is crisp and sweet, and if the beads fall into the jade plate, it will make people feel good!

Lin Xiao handsome face slightly red said: “That little girl! Don’t be like this, I just happened to pass by, not worth mentioning!”

He originally wanted to call her Young Lady, but I thought it was Cultivator World, the same as in ancient times, or the girl is the most suitable!

Lin Qiong looked at Lin Xiao and said with care: “Don’t ask Senior to be famous?”

“I… Oh, yes, how is your injury?”

“Nothing, just being injured by the old fellow. Thanks to Senior in time to save, otherwise, I am dead!”

Lin Xiao swept her cultivation base, oh, there is Nascent Soul Stage, it seems that this girl cultivating qualification is very fast!

Just then, a few divine senses, swept away!

Lin Xiao feels that the handsome face has changed, saying: “You don’t move, let’s go!” After that, with a wave, the two disappeared!

At the same time, countless silhouettes appeared, among them, there are old daoist priest Qing Xu!

Around him, standing on the ten old age, it looks like the old man, the attire is different!

However, there are four, they are robes, and at a glance, it is Kunlun Faction!

Old Daoist Qing Xu Sweeped the destroyed forest, saying: “What do you think?”

One of them, the old man in a purple robe and a wreath of flowers, said: “The battle can be completed in a short time, and without leaving any clues, this person’s cultivation base, without the Great Principle Golden Immortal, is unreasonable. !”

Another old man, a silk clothes, holding a folding fan, quite like a big rich man, he shook his head and said: “There is the guy’s black dragon Demon Qi, and the air, and his bloody residual taste. Obviously, he He was vomiting blood, and the final outcome is definitely defeated!”

Listen to him saying that everyone is jealous!

Old Daoist Qing Xu Opening: “Lu Zhong has a cultivation base with Immortal Emperor middle-stage. If it is not Imperial heavy wounded by Immortal World, he will not escape here. In Cultivator World, the only one with him cultivation base Equally different, there is only Great Elder. Who else besides him?”

Everyone looks at each other in dismay and can’t get it!

Finally, the silhouette swayed and the people disappeared!

Only leave the messy battlefield and witness what happened!

Above a round peak, Lin Xiao appeared with Lin Qiong!

At this moment, the night is deep, the mountain wind is bleak, and it is boasting. Starry sky, flashing embellishment!

Cultivator World, as soon as night, it seems to return to the original society, the whole planet, dark!

Fortunately, the cultivator Galaxy’s planet is larger and closer, and the light reflected from the stars is quite eye-catching!

The strange thing is that there is no moon like Earth on the night, it is incredible!

Lin Xiao stared at the night sky for a long time, and did not touch out why!

“What are you looking at?”

Lin Qiong saw him staring at the sky and couldn’t help but ask!

Lin Xiao smells to collect one’s thoughts and sees the beauty like the stars in the sky!

He said with a smile: “No…nothing!”

Lin Qiong asked: “Excuse me… um, what is your name?”

Lin Xiao listened, deliberately said: “Why don’t you call Senior?”

Lin Qiong spoke a little tongue: “I feel that you are not much bigger than me. Why do I call you Senior!”

Lin Xiao is depressed, this Cultivator World woman is really weird!

“Hey, haven’t you told me what?” I don’t know who saved me?”

“How is your injury?”

Lin Qiong jumped two laps in the same place, hehe said with a smile : “Well, that little injury, it is nothing, tell me!”

Lin Xiao said with a slight smile : “I am like you, also surnamed Lin !”

When the girl heard it, the show was excited: “Your name is Lin Xiao?”

This time, Lin Xiao got nervous: “How do you know?”

“Really you!”

“Tell me, how do you know?”

Lin Qiong’s small face is steep, coldly snorted, and angrily said: “Your life is not small!”

Lin Xiao fell into the fog, hurriedly said: “You… what do you mean?”

“hmph, ignore you!” Finished, turned back to him, a pair of birds you look like!

Lin Xiao is so clear: “What is going on? Where did I offend you?”


“You… you can’t say it!”

“Did not say!”

Lin Xiao handsome face A sinking, coldly said: “Don’t say pull down, I am leaving!” Yu La, with a full suspicious big step away!

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