Suddenly –

A shocking and shocking sound, shocked the night!

The two bodies were shocked and looked at each other. I saw a blood-red silhouette, picked up from the ground and immediately disappeared traceless!

Lin Qiong was shocked: “Blood…Blood Demon!”

Lin Xiao to collect one’s thoughts : “What Blood Demon ?”

Lin Qiong was so frightened and pale, and shivered: “I listened to my elders. 100,000 years ago, Demon World showed a genius character. With a ‘Blood Magic,’ almost swept the Cultivator World!”

Lin Xiao dashing eyebrows micro wrinkles: “Is it 100,000 years ago?”

“That’s all said!”

“What kind of silhouette?”

“I don’t know if it’s ‘Blood Demon’. According to legend, every time Blood Demon appears, it’s all red and bloody, and it’s a magical flame!”

“Maybe that person is not, it is someone else!”

“Should not, this appearance, full Culture World, only ‘Blood Shadow Magic’ is such a representation!”

Lin Xiao micro-pondered then said: “You can’t do it all by yourself. The cultivation cultivation techniques are endless, maybe they are just accidental similar!”

Lin Qiong looked at the direction in which the blood-red silhouette disappeared. Lin Xiao: “Go, let’s go, I am so scared!”

Lin Xiao didn’t think so: “I can just be a tragedy, will it be Jiang Renguo?”

At this time, Lin Qiong was pale and shouted: “No matter who he is, let’s go, I can’t stand it!”

Lin Xiao saw her appearance, couldn’t bear it in her heart, loved her life, and waved a Source Power to cover her!

Source Power 甫 Plus, Lin Qiong’s condition has returned to normal!

She was shocked and said “Yi”: “Okay, that magic is gone!”

Lin Xiao didn’t feel anything at all, saying: “Since it’s okay, let’s go and see what happened?”

Lin Qiong listened and immediately pulled him hard: “No, ‘Blood Demon’ is not what you can compete. If he returns again, we will be finished!”

“Nothing, rest assured!”

Lin Qiong hurriedly screamed: “I want to go to you, I don’t want to go!”

Lin Xiao has no choice but to compromise: “Well, don’t look at the head office!”

“Come on!” Yu La, no matter how Lin Xiao reacted, pulling him for a while!

Lin Xiao yelled later: “Hey, hello, Eldest Young Lady, when you run like this, when will you arrive?”

Lin Qiong didn’t return the head: “I’m right!” At the same time, throw away two shiny things!

Suddenly, the two people in the run disappeared instantly!

At this time, in a saddle-shaped mountain peak, above the cliff, a dagger white brow suddenly appeared, with long hair hanging shoulders, like the old man of the baby. His eyes opened eyes, muttered: “Erosing Blood Demon, will it be him?” After the words, disappeared!

Unknown valley!

Ink black’s night highlights a glimmer of light, and then expands, two silhouettes, come out!

Into the eyes, it is Lin Xiao and Lin Qiong!

After coming out, the light immediately disappeared without a shadow, no abnormalities!

Lin Xiao looked up and looked around. “There is a transmission array there. Why don’t you say it earlier?”

Lin Qiong said with a smile : “Did I tell you earlier? Is it your own carelessness, what is it about me?”

“Forget it, don’t argue with you, where are we now?”

“Look at that mountain, it’s my Sect!”

Lin Xiao looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a huge peak between Heaven and Earth, like a giant god!

He can’t help but say: “Good grand!”

Lin Qiong proudly said: “That is nature. On this planet, my Sect is in second place!”

“Hey, what about the first?”

Lin Qiong panting with rage: “It’s the Sect of the dead Jiang Renguo, Kunlun!”


“Okay, let me go!”

Lin Qiong calls out the sword and steps on the sword. The two men squat side by side, spurt the figure and fly toward the summit!

When there was still an 100 meters, there was a sudden shouted in the air: “Who is this?” The voice is falling, and a 60-year old man appears out of thin air!

Lin Qiong loudly said: “It’s me!”

Old man At first glance, she is serious, saying: “Shantou, how did you sneak out?”

Lin Qiong shrank his head and said: “Uncle Master Wu, sorry, I won’t be next time!”

Old man slightly smiled said: “You this girl, you do this, knowing how dangerous it is?”

“Aiya, Uncle Master Wu, I know, hello, I have to go back!”

“Wait, who is he?” Old man looked at Lin Xiao with a look!

Lin Qiong dressed a face to the old man, jokingly said: “Uncle Master Wu, he is the one to be seen by Master Ancestor!”

“What do Master Ancestor want to see?”

“Well, don’t tell you, we are gone!” Finished, one pull Lin Xiao, the two suddenly rushed over!

“Hey, hey, you this girl, don’t talk about it and run it…” Yu Yin around the ear, Lin Qiong took Lin Xiao and went straight to the top!

Lin Xiao was hand-drawn by Lin Qiong’s little, handsome face blush!

Feeling her soft and boneless jade hand, Lin Xiao swayed!

After landing, Lin Qiong let go of him and said with a sigh of relief: “We are here, the front is our cultivating place!”

“I…” was exported, and a silhouette flashed. Lin Xiao saw that it was just the old man of now!

Old man panting with rage: “Taro, if you don’t know the white, bring the outsider to Sect. Do you know the consequences?”

Lin Qiong was trained, and the dagger said: “I know it is wrong, Uncle Master Wu!”

Old man has a soft tone and said: “Forget it, you can’t take it every time!” Yu La, turn to Lin Xiao: “Dare to ask little friend?”

Lin Xiao feels good about this old man, not like some people, arrogant, he faintly smiled: “My name is Lin Xiao!”

“Lin Xiao?” old man seems to have never heard of it!

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