Sima Ziqing took a breath and said: “In a chaotic world, you can have a hero, a messy mess!”

“Oh, Principal, Xiaofei, what about them?”

Sima Ziqing raised her left hand and pointed at the ring, said with a smile: “still cultivating inside!”

“Can you take me in, I look at them?”

“Look at what you said, of course, no problem. You don’t move, I will accept you in!” Yu La, with a hand, Lin Xiao disappeared!

Inside the ring, Lin Xiao appears!

Into the eyes, it is a picture of Nangong Fei, Situ Feng, Long Tiandan, Zi Jing four people cultivating!

On top of their heads, four small swords are still tightly connected and slowly turning!

After calculating the time, they should be cultivating for about five years!

Divine sense swept their cultivation base, Nangong Fei and Situ Feng, reaching the Immortal Monarch late-stage of Upper Universe, which is equivalent to the Heavenly God late-stage of Middle Universe!

Long Tiandan’s cultivation base, from mortal, rushed to the Crossing Tribulation Stage, which is fast, Lin Xiao can’t believe it!

I remember that Han Chen said that Long Tiandan is “Body of Heavenly Vein”, but why is it right? He hasn’t figured it out until now!

As for Zi Jing, the cultivation base has arrived at the Integration Stage. As a result, the strength here is probably no less than the Great Ascension Stage expert!

In just five years, their cultivation base has made a big leap forward, which is obvious to the general of this three cultivation techniques!

Lin Xiao stared at the four people and said to herself: “It is time to wake them up and experience their minds. If you are cultivating and have no stability, you will definitely have problems!”

His handsome face is a condensate, slowly swinging Source Power and covering the four. Then, slowly infiltrated into their minds and sound transmission: “I am Lin Xiao, I will pick you up, now, according to their respective cultivation technique!”

With the input of the sound, the body of the four people was slightly shocked, and then the whole body rayed of light. The four small swords connected to the top of the head, the beam faded. Finally, turned into a white light, hidden four people within the body!

Then, the four opened their eyes at the same time!

Lin Xiao laughed at Hehe’s four people and said, “How are you feeling?”

The four people startedled, and they looked toward him, and immediately, they jumped up and cheered: “Lin Xiao, you are here!”

Lin Xiao Khan: “Crap, I am not coming to call you?”

Zi Jing stared at him with a big show: “Strange person, where have you been running recently?”

Looking at Zi Jing’s beautiful and refined, Lin Xiao is another heart. He was busy dismissing distracting thoughts and said: “Where I didn’t go, just to solve the problem, I will see you!” He stunned and said, “How? Is it more powerful than before?”

Zi Jing laughed: “Yes, and in my mind, there are many things that I have never heard before, what cultivation techniques, what Cultivator World, weapons, grades, all!”

“So can you sense your cultivation base?”

“Yes, probably 3rd-layer, Integration middle-stage, hey, it’s lower!”

Lin Xiao jokingly said: “You are still too low? It is impossible for others to go to the Integration Stage. It is impossible for hundreds of years, and you have spent five years, contentment!”

“hehe, of course I am content. Because there are hints in the cultivation technique that cultivating is too fast, it will lead to tribulation thunder early. If the state of mind is not enough, it will die very badly!”

Lin Xiao strangely said : “The cultivation technique actually has this hint?”

“Not only these, there are others!”

“Okay, I know, you will follow cultivating in the future, just cultivating!”

“hehe, don’t know if you can beat a strange person!”


Lin Xiao sighs: “A girl, can’t move, say, can’t you speak?”

Zi Jing looks like a sly, scornful: “Sven? That’s what nerds do. If you honestly point, then when I first met ‘Interstellar Butcher’, they were taken away. , will it be here?”

“Amount, Interstellar Butcher?”

“Yes, fortunately, this Miss usually practice fighting, or my life is gone!”

Lin Xiao After hearing a few people, shaking his head smiling!

It was Long Tiandan, angrily said: “Elder Sister Zi Jing, when I meet someone else, I will help you out!”

Zi Jing gave him a glance: “It’s Interstellar Butcher, they specialize in robbery of spacecraft. And, from time to time, attacking the residents planet!” Speaking here, she faintly sighed: “I don’t know when I can go back, my parents must be worried about death.” It!”

Finally, she was a little bit crying!

Lin Xiao appear strong, busy: “Don’t worry, I will send you back after some time. In some cases, I have to tell you about your father and mother!”

Zi Jing sweetly smiled : “Then many thanks you, strange person !”

Lin Xiao thought depressedly: “I just wanted to cry, I just laughed in a blink of an eye. Who two of us blame?” Although I thought so, I dare not say it. Otherwise, it will be bombarded by Zi Jing!

He turned to Situ Feng: “Brother Feng, how is your ‘World Defying Startled Dragon Art ‘cultivating?”

Situ Feng smiled calmly: “When it comes to 4th-layer, fast breakthrough to 5th-layer!”

“How many floors?”

“Ten floors!”

“Oh, Xiaofei, Xiaodan, your ‘Nine Revolution Devouring the Heaven Art’?”

Nangong Fei replied: “I am in the third turn and will enter the fourth turn!”

Long Tiandan is a bit not good intention thinking chuckled: “I am a bit stupid, only breakthrough the first turn, only to enter the second turn!”

Lin Xiao looked at the four people and condensed: “At your cultivating speed, there is no one in the entire Cultivator World. One thing I want to tell you is that cultivating is fast, the cultivation base is fast, relative, and later cultivating It will be more difficult, so you must be mentally prepared!”

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