On the second floor, it is much better than the first floor. Whether it is light, space, furnishings, the first floor can not be compared!

At this time, there are already several table diners on the second floor, drinking in a toast, and chatting low!

Once Lin Xiao and others appeared, they immediately attracted their attention!

When I saw Zi Jing two woman, my eyes couldn’t move away anyway, staring at them!

Among some people, in the eyes, flashing obscene rays of light!

After sitting in the window, Lin Xiao gestured to Zeng Wuying to order!

Zeng Wuying was busy shook his head, Lin Xiao was helpless, and he swept a few people. He said, “waiter, take your food in the store, good wine, seven!”

Shop waiter was surprised, said: “Young Master, seven copies I am afraid…”


“No, under the small reminder, one needs ten upper-grade spirit stones, and the small one is afraid of everyone…”

Lin Xiao heard, opened the mouth and said : “waiter brother, you only have to do it,spirit stone don’t worry!”

“Okay, that’s it, the little ones will do it right away!” Yu La, turned and rushed downstairs!

Zeng Wuying 忐忑 Uneasy road: “Lin Senior, 70 block upper-grade spirit stone is not a small number, eat stopped rice, will it?”

Lin Xiao Hao said with a smile : “No matter, the spirit stone is the same as the renminbi, it is used for flowers, or what is the use?”

“RMB? What?”

“Forehead, I forgot, forget it, anyway, it is the item used in the transaction!” He stunned, and he asked: “Brother Zeng, or is said the brocade thing?”

“I am afraid…” He glanced at all around!

Lin Xiao looked around and found that most of the diners were with them, and the eyes were intertwined with different colors!

Lin Xiao See this, secretly thought “broken”, money is not open. The atmosphere of my own now is estimated to have become a fat sheep in the eyes of everyone. Coupled with the appearance of Zi Jing, this time has some play, and lost “foot” into a thousand hate!

However, it is a foregone conclusion. If you retreat significantly, it will only cause more shocking impulses. Only calm, maybe they can shake them!

At the moment, his hand did not reveal the traces, a barrier wrapped them all, Lin Xiao said: “Now can say, but not too loud!”

Zeng Wuying was dubious, saying: “Not long ago, there was a Lovely Immortal cultivation base Loose Cultivator who got the box. But then he was immediately besieged. Finally, he was outnumbered. He abandoned the box and fled! ”

“and then?”

“hehe, then, I am present at the right time, with this door you can open the method of divine sense, in the chaos, easy to get!”

“Since it can be found without human divine sense, how can the old man catch up with you?”

“The old fellow often went to steal the chicken and touch the dog before entering the ‘Fierce Yang Faction’. So I guess, he probably also wants fish in troubled waters, but I was first picked up!”

“So he found clues outside and he was chasing after you?”

“Yes, if you can’t meet you, I will die!”

“That is, except for the old fellow, no one knows that you took it!”

“Yes, but that guy will definitely rumor and say something on me!”

Lin Xiao a said with a smile : “Then you have troubles in the future!”

Zeng Wuying lamented: “If I am alone, that’s the end of it, I am afraid of Sect!”

“You can divert the attention of others!”

“How come?”

“It’s not easy. If you take this disaster, you will not have to plant your enemy!”

Zeng Wuying, hehe ghost said with a smile: “Yes, Brother Lin, you are so smart, why didn’t I think? Haha, planting dirty, um, this is a good way!”

Lin Xiao said seriously: “Under the premise, don’t give innocent people or Sect, otherwise I won’t let you go!”

Zeng Wuying converges with a smile: “That… can’t you plant Kunlun Faction?”

“Kunlun Faction ?hehe, of course no problem!”

“But what do you do?”

Zi Jing is on the sidelines: “Don’t worry, we will help you if necessary!”

Lin Xiao looked at her strangely. What does this girl say about Perfection?

Zi Jing looked at Lin Xiao and glanced at him with a smug look!

Lin Xiao appear strong, my eyes turned over and I was depressed!

At this time, the store waiter ran up and down, on their table, filled with exquisite dishes!

At a later time, Waiter mentioned two more bottles made of jade stone!

Lin Xiao couldn’t help but ask: “waiter, what is this wine?”

Waiter listened, busy respectfully said: “Young Master, this wine is a special product of Blue Crystal Star, named ‘Drunk Xianlu’. It means that Immortal will be drunk when drinking, and can pass True Origin, lead the blood! ”

“So good? How to sell?”

“Back to Young Master, this wine is very rare, so I need a hundred upper-grade spirit stone!”

Zeng Wuying sucked in a breath of cold air : “So much? It’s better to grab it!”

Waiter said bitterly: “Young Master, Blue Crystal Star Everyone knows, I don’t have a false report!”

Lin Xiao said indifferently: “Well, waiter, let’s put the wine down, we want it!”

Waiter echoed, then turned and went downstairs!

Zeng Wuying complained: “This wine is a hundred upper-grade spirit stone, two bottles of two hundred. You know, two hundred upper-grade spirit stone, but the ordinary cultivator people 500 years of spending!”

Lin Xiao thinks that Sima Ziqing gave a thousand upper-grade spirit stone. I don’t care. “This is a fresh picture, no need to care about it!”

When I heard him say this, Zeng Wuying didn’t say anything!

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