The volatility starts again, two young married women and several other old men appear pale!

When they see the situation, dumbstruck, can’t come back!

Awkward –

One voice sounded: “I am not doing it. I only slightly punish this time. If I am worried again, I will swear it!”

Old Daoist Qing Xu As soon as I heard the sound, the excited colors in my eyes flashed, and it was fleeting!

As for the others, it is shocking!

For a long while, Old Daoist Qing Xu sighed: “Elder Fan, send a message to the General League, send someone to come and cook. This planet, we really can’t move anymore!”

Elder Fan also said to himself: “Qing Xu Fellow Daoist is justified. According to the previous attack, they are doing their best this time. They are not dead. It is entirely due to the other party’s mercy!”

“Yes, since the other party did not take the opportunity to take our lives, it means that the other party does not want to kill!”

“Hey, turn back, the rest of the matter, handed over to the subsequent discipline, I have to report Sect Master, this time the Cultivator Alliance is big!”

“Yeah, I have to make it clear to Sect Master. In the future, it will be wonderful to make this planet less!” He turned to a few others: “You are innocent?”

Palace Lord Zhao is white and stunned: “The aura is like facing Death God. If we don’t escape, we must be seriously injured!”

The rest of the people are still horrified, and the eyes are full of hustle and bustle!

Old Daoist Qing Xu and Elder Fan sighed again, the figure disappeared!

The rest of the people were full of heart, and they left for a long time!

Taigar Planet On a dark red planet in the distance, Lin Xiao sits cross-legged, above the handsome face, full of cold!

Gradually, he opened his eyes, coldly snorted. In the star, the cockroach shot a sharp killing intent!

Situ Feng asked carefully: “How is it?”

Lin Xiao took a breath and slowly lowered his face: “You look at the divine sense!”

Nangong Fei and Situ Feng heard the sound and immediately explored the past!

At first glance, they immediately recovered and called: “Lin Xiao, you put them all…all…”

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: “No, if I don’t weaken the defense restrictions, they will die. Now, just serious injuries, it will be better to recover for a while!”

Nangong Fei looked at Lin Xiao, muttered: “Lin Xiao, you are so powerful, the number of hundred thousand people is so given to you…”

Situ Feng is also shocking, and Lin Xiao is more and more mysterious in his eyes!

Zi Jing, Long Tiandan, Lin Qiong, because the cultivation base is low, the divine sense can’t visit too far, and yells: “What is going on?”

Situ Feng and Nangong Fei smiled and looked at Lin Xiao, I don’t know if I should say it!

Zi Jing sees two people swallowing up, the boss is not happy, snorted, said: “Without you, I can see very clearly!” Out, she reached out, a small rocket with a strange shape appeared!

Looking at the incomprehensible eyes, she proud of said with a smile : “outer space satellite reconnaissance machine!”

Yu La, she pressed the green button above, the rocket “sou”, disappeared into the sky. Its speed is enough to compare to the speed of light!

Lin Xiao appear strong Big sigh, good technology!

Zi Jing jade hand stretched out, a small LCD display appeared!

Everyone is moving, and on the display, there has been a slap in the Taigar Planet!

Seeing this, Zi Jing was surprised by the few people!

Steep, a voice came out: “Hey, what is this?”

With the sound, the old man of the squirrel appeared on the display!

Zi Jing saw it, and he said, “Where are you coming from? Don’t block my shot!”

Old man shocked “Ah”, and then furious: “monster, look at the trick!”

“嘶”, on the display, the picture disappeared!

Zi Jing’s pretty face is red, angrily said: “The old fellow, even ruined the scouting machine, I can’t spare him!”

Out of outer space!

The old man of the squirrel, staring at the smashing scouting machine, disdainfully smiled: “What monster, simply unable to withstand a single blow!”

Lin Xiao, Nangong Fei, Situ Feng Three people, divine sense Detected the past, happened to hear his words, immediately retracted, laughed out loud!

Zi Jing glared at three people: “What are you laughing at?”

Nangong Fei licked his stomach, and he was out of breath: “That… my home… gang, actually said that your scouting machine is monster, and it is still to withstand a single blow, haha, laugh at me!”

“Hateful, I want him to have a good look!”

After that, Zi Jing reached out and a small robot appeared: “outer space light speed battle robot!”

Without stopping, Zi Jing pressed on the top and said: “Go to the old fellow!”

When the robot moves, it flashes without a shadow. Fast speed, the speed of light, deserved!

Zi Jing has a wrinkled nose, muttered: “Dare to swear by me, I love the planet’s civilization, and I don’t want you to look good!” With the sound, she reached out again: “Voice sensor!”

Her voice came out, and there was a scream in it: “Ah, what is this? Everyone, please help me, this monster is too fast, I can’t lock it!” This voice is the old man of the skull!

Then, the sound inside is up: “hateful, how fast is it?”

“Sect Lord Chen, let’s lock it together!”

“Ah, everyone is going to do it, why does this monster attack me alone?”

“Hey, hey!”

“Boom, bang!”

Various sounds are constantly coming out from inside!

Finally, I only listened to the scream of “Ah”, and then it was shocked: “Li Hall Lord, how are you?”

Inside, there was a weak voice from the old man of the squirrel: “I was hit by the light that it fired, so uncomfortable!”

“Yeah, look, the monster has escaped!”


On the faint red planet, the rays of light flashed and the robot appeared in the hands of Zi Jing!

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