Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly, dropped the hilt and transported the “Universe Source Art” to adjust the interest!

After half an hour, Lin Xiao received the work and recovered as ever!

Outer space, still Primal Chaos is unbearable, dead and heavy. Black like ink, swallowed everything!

Lin Xiao smiled, just now’s blow, not only destroyed this piece of nearly four 1 billion kilometers of the sector, together with Star not far away, but also fell into a frenzy!

For the right attack, he used the first 30% Source Power. Before the enemy against the enemy, only a little release, I did not expect this time, actually met a super opponent!

At the same time, he also knows that Zuo Yihuang was seriously injured and the wolf escaped!

He turned his eyes and looked at the destroyed sector Galaxy. In his heart, he blamed himself, and another Galaxy disappeared!

Every Galaxy is formed after a few 1 billion years. Unexpectedly, just one battle can make the results accumulated by 1 billion years instantly become invisible. It is really too terrifying!

As for this Galaxy, there is no one, there is no life, he is not known. However, he secretly made up his mind. In the future, he must find a way to make the people with high cultivation base not appear in the World Plane space that does not match it!

Grandma dripping, God World’s ran to Cultivator World, what’s this?

When he is ready to repair the space crack, the ripples reappear!

A silhouette, awkward appearance!

Lin Xiao looked at it, and it was the old man who was beaten, Leng Tianyun!

He appeared, coughed twice, looked up at all around void. Although it is dark as ink, for them, it is tantamount to a bright light!

After looking at the scene, he stared at Lin Xiao and said, “This… is this caused by them?”

Lin Xiao doubts: “They?”

“Yes, Zuo Yihuang and another Senior!”

“There is no other person here, only me!”

Leng Tianyun heard it, trembled and screamed: “Coul it be, just now, are you fighting with him?”

“Ah, this…”

Lin Xiao screamed and regretted that she was too stupid to understand Leng Tianyun’s initial question. Now if you want to change your mouth, for this cultivating old monster who doesn’t know much about you, you can’t fool it!

Leng Tianyun appear strong, excited before drifting on the body, said: “Really… really you?”

Lin Xiao helpless nodded!

Leng Tianyun trembled and said: “Dare to ask Senior, are you law enforcement?”

“Space law enforcement? What?”

“You are not law enforcement?”

Lin Xiao sighed: “What is it with?”

Leng Tianyun is busy: “Senior, space law enforcement, is jointly proposed by Lord in each sector. It consists of its discipline and travels between World Plane!”

Lin Xiao does not understand: “I still don’t understand!”

“In short, it’s the Law Enforcement Team that maintains the universe and peace!”

When I heard this, Lin Xiao understood, and his eyes turned: “Is it wrong? If you are really patrolling as you said, why is there an expert that should not appear here?”

Leng Tianyun’s face is a secretly thought: “Senior doesn’t know, and now the high-level World Plane has changed. Several Lords are busy day and night. As for their discipline enforcement, it’s hard to get out!”

Lin Xiao heard, Daqi: “High-level World Plane? Which? What happened?”

“This, Senior, Rong impudent, how to fix the space crack first?”

Lin Xiao “Ah” screamed and said: “For a moment of curiosity, forget about the business, give it to me!” After he finished, his hand waved, and a pure Source Power exploded, like a soup splash. Snow, wherever it passes, the space cracks immediately pass!

Leng Tianyun eyes Da Yu, looking at the scene in front of you, incredible!

After the completion, Lin Xiao indifferently said: “It’s okay, you have been so badly injured, it should be cultivated!”

Leng Tianyun stunned: “Thank you for Senior’s concern, and Junior is injured immediately. After the recovery, let’s talk to Senior about it!”

“Oh, this way, after you are good, come to Taigar Planet to come to me, I lost the place to you!” Yu La, a white light, did not enter his head!

Leng Tianyun didn’t get up and said: “Follow the Senior Order!”

“I am leaving!” Yu Xiao disappeared without a trace!

Leng Tianyun got up and excited on the old face: “I don’t think of it, there is still an expert outside the expert. It seems that my previous refining is in vain!” With the tail, he disappeared!

Other Dimension Universe !

On the blue planet, Lin Xiao appeared. He had intended to explore the strength of Leng Tianyun, but after thinking about it, this person is full of anger, and when he should know, he will naturally understand!

He looked up and found that Yang Yuqi was holding the black clothed old woman on the floor, and he was sobbed and miserable!

Lin Xiao appear strong, the heart of the big earthquake. It seems that this black clothed old woman is really her Master!

But strange, Zuo Yihuang nothing to ask her to do? With her cultivation base, for him, is there no use at all?

do not understand!

Looking at the sad Yang Yuqi, and the fragrant pear flower, the princess of Lin Chu, Lin Xiao heart, unconsciously produced a heroic, an impulse to protect her!

He did not scream and walked over!

Before he got to the front, he stopped and whispered: “Miss Yang!”

Yang Yuqi lovable body A shock, lifted the tears of the pretty face, the show, full of self-blame and remorse!

Lin Xiao saw her gaze and couldn’t help but feel a pity: “This Senior is your Master?”

Yang Yuqi Xiu Miao slowly closed, and then opened, painful nodded!

“So she is now?”

“Master is dead? Only some legacy is left, and her old man is gone!”

Lin Xiao said, “Don’t be sad, you Master, finally have something to say to you, this, you should be thankful!”

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