He slowly raised his palms and prepared to make a move…

Fierce, the ghosts screamed, and the last three silhouettes rushed forward, the sword in hand, and the thousands of cold light ssword qi, rushing to him!

Lin Xiao smiled hard, withdrew the momentum, figure flashed again and again, sword qi, three people, disappeared without a shadow!

Not far away, Lin Xiao stood there in a leisurely manner, above the handsome face, cold and frosty!

The middle-aged person did not agree with the disappearance of the three people, but stared at Lin Xiao with great interest: “I don’t think there is a living thing ‘space ring’ in your hand. It is really too unexpected for me!”

Lin Xiao snorted: “The back will make you more surprised!”

“Oh, is it? Then this king will wait and see!”


Lin Xiao also doesn’t care what his cultivation base is, and he directly pushes “Wind Thunder Rushing Forth Move”!

But seeing the dark outer space, suddenly burst into a violent palm shadow, slammed into the middle-aged person!

Middle-aged person suddenly appear, cried out in surprise : “Wind Thunder Rushing Forth Move !”

At the same time, his figure flashed and hid away!

Silhouette reproduction, middle-aged person staring at him, shouted loudly: “brat, you are Lin Xiao?”

Lin Xiao coldly said: “Yes, you are Kunlun Faction? Zhang Zhengqi, they probably told you everything?”

Middle-aged person: “Oh, good, who is my way, it turned out to be Li Qifeng’s discipline, haha, no wonder so arrogant!”

“Old Man, you got my Master in predicament, hateful, today, I want to take revenge on behalf of the teacher!”

Middle-aged person suddenly with a smile: “Revenge? Just by you? OK?”

“Well and not, Zhang Zhengqi will tell you!”

The middle-aged person changed his face and said: “Have you met Zhang Elder?”

“Yes, but he is not ready!”

“You… what do you mean?”

“hmph, not only Zhang Zhengqi, but also Shi Hu and the others, are passed away!”

Middle-aged person The face of the gas is green, screaming, and shouting: “brat, kill me Kunlun Faction that many people, you damn it!” With the reverberation, a cyan ray ball appeared in his hand and leaned toward Lin Xiao. !

Lin Xiao flashed sideways and the ball was pasted!

Behind him, “hong” slammed, and the planet’s imprisonment was opened by the ball of light!

The roaring resurrection, the middle-aged person palms up, yelled: “Azure Cloud Art’s ‘Soul Slaying Extinguishing Soul!'” The sound fell, he was loudly shouted, his hand waved, an azure like a mountain, pressed to Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao handsome face, Sud, Wind Thunder Rushing Forth Move, attacked out!


The loud noise exploded, Lin Xiao’s figure was shaken back dozens of kilometers!

The respite is undecided, and Mount Tai is fighting again!

Lin Xiao starred, Source Power picked up, and took a shot!

“Boom, bang!”

Quiet outer space, suddenly burst into rumbling, chestnut-hearted!

“Good brat, good skills, come again!” The middle-aged person’s voice rises and falls, a world like the river sloping, so hard to come over!

Lin Xiao faced the enemy, no longer dodging, his palms turned quickly, and then he sang: “Martial Breaking the Heaven and Earth!” But see, a wave of palm shadow, accompanied by tearing eardrum The roar of the roar, roaring and colliding!

“Boom, bang!”

“Hey, dong! ”

Countless explosion vortices, in the vacuum, provoke each and everyone tornadoes. All around the space, si si sounds, shattered, precarious!

“Hateful, this King has a big idea!” In the air, the figure of the middle-aged person emerges in front of Lin Xiao!

But at the moment, his figure, some wolf, messy, messy clothes, white face, no trace of appearance!

Lin Xiao stared at him, said coldy: “What is the taste of ancient martial?”

Middle-aged person The wreck of the road: “brat, don’t be proud. You are now irritating this King, this King wants you to fight destroy both body and soul !”

“Fuck, hit it!” Lin Xiao yelled, screaming, and took a shot!

The middle-aged person didn’t respond, and was directly hit by Lin Xiao!


Middle-aged person Blood spurts out, figure is not flying!

Lin Xiao pushed forward and reached out and said: “Dess!”

The middle-aged person who flies backwards immediately suspends the outer space, motionless!

In his horror, Lin Xiao’s momentum came to him again!


The tragic sound, sounding in the dark Universe outer space, is fascinating, creepy!

Lin Xiao is angry and reminiscent of his own experience, thanks to the “Kunlun Faction”. Today, the four major Patriarchs were used as toys, and his anger at the bottom of his heart finally broke out!

But see –

In the outer space, the body of the middle-aged person flies back and forth, screaming, and endless. Blood, constantly spilling out, Yin Hong swearing, for the dark outer space embellishment!

For a long time, Lin Xiao breathed out the figure, the middle-aged person, is dying, life is dying!

Lin Xiao stared at him with a blank expression, and reached out and received him in the “Other Dimension Universe”!

At the same time, Lin Xiao looked at the splendid starry sky in the distance, above the handsome face, a smile appeared, he muttered: “Master, discipline has completed your old man’s last wish. Persecuted the elderly, the discipline has been recovered, Four Great Aristocratic Family Patriarchs, already found, Master, hello old man can see it!”

The last word fell, Lin Xiao star, two drops of tears!

As always, when the tears are separated, they immediately turn into ice beads and slowly drift to the depth of the unknown outer space!

Lin Xiao looked at the two tears disappeared, my heart was stunned, and Qian’er had already resurrected. Why is my tears still ice?

He can’t figure it out!

Finally, his figure swayed and disappeared!

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