As soon as the words came out, Yang Xiaoyu next to him suddenly yelled: “What? What do you say? Master is dead?”

Lin Xiao is surprised. Did Yang Yuqi not tell him?

“elder sister, what’s wrong with Master?”

Yang Yuqi said: “Master is gone!”

Yang Xiao shook his head and said: “I don’t believe, I don’t believe, elder sister, you lied to me, you lied to me!”

Yang Yuqi shed tears and said: “Brother Yu, I didn’t lie to you, Master, she is really gone. I don’t tell you, I am afraid that you are sad!”

“Ah, no…” Yang Xiaoyu screamed and screamed, and his body fell to the ground!

“Brother Yu ……”

Lin Xiao figure swayed and held him. He said to Yang Yuqi: “Nothing, he just can’t accept it for a while, fainted!”

Yang Yuqi sighed: “Master is very good for Brother Yu, and Brother Yu has always regarded the Master as a relative. I don’t tell him, I am afraid that this is happening now!”

Lin Xiao handed him to Situ Feng, and said: “When I had a loved one, my situation was the same as that of Xiaoyu. I didn’t want to live, I understand!”

Yang Yuqi Sakurakou has never even spoken!

Lin Xiao sees this, he naturally understands what she wants to ask. Although he does not want to listen, do not want to mention, but always have to face. Just avoiding it will only increase the burden on your heart!

He immediately said: “If you want to ask, just say it!”

Yang Yuqi For a while, leisurely said: “Forget it, see how Brother Yu is!”

Lin Xiao turned and looked around, only to see Situ Feng, Zi Jing and the others around him, full of nervousness!

Seeing this, Lin Xiao smiled heartily. Because, in their hearts, Yang Xiaoyu takes up a position. Otherwise, they won’t show that expression!

At this time, Situ Feng extended his right palm, and Immortal Origin took the opportunity to slap in Yang Xiaoyu. He woke up!

First, he looked toward Yang Yuqi and shouted: “elder sister…”

Yang Yuqi eyes tears, nodded!

Suddenly, “wa!” Yang Xiaoyu burst into tears and let her tears!

Looking at the true feelings of Yang Xiaoyu, Lin Xiao deep inside, bursts of pain!

Yang Yuqi came forward and stared at him: “Brother Yu, don’t cry, Master, if the elderly know it, it will definitely be unhappy!”

“elder sister…”

“Okay, obedient, we have to practice well and revenge for the Master!”

“Well, I listen to the elder sister!”

Lin Xiao goes forward, said solemnly: “Xiaoyu, dry the tears, stand up!”

The younger brothers and brothers got up, Yang Xiaoyu sobbed and burst into tears!

Lin Xiao sighed: “Xiaoyu, don’t be upset, it’s imperative, you have to take up the sorrow, get up the spirit, practice your strength, and fight your enemies in the future!”

Yang Xiaoyu wiped the tears and said firmly: “Yes, I must work hard to revenge for the Master!”

“Good, have aspirations, don’t lose your Master’s face!”

“Thank you, Big Brother Lin!”

Zi Jing is also in the back: “Xiaoyu younger brother, you will follow us later, when we will, we will help you revenge!”

“Thank you Elder Sister Zi Jing, my Master’s hatred, I must report it myself!”

Lin Xiao heard this, secretly nodded, it seems that Yang Xiaoyu at this moment, the mind matured a lot!

Lin Xiao said with a sigh of relief: “Go!”

Yang Yuqi is busy: “Approximately 10 li kilometers ahead, it is a city, we have to hurry. It’s messy outside, not safe!”

Yang Xiaoyu was angry and shouted: “What are you afraid of? Who dares to come to trouble, we will kill who!”

His voice just came out, and a cold voice rang: “A big tone, a little doll, don’t you dare to flash your tongue?”

After the sound is around the ear, a strong pressure is coming to the face, and everyone forced to fall again and again!

“Brother Feng !”

Lin Xiao screamed!

Before Situ Feng flashed, it was comparable to Heavenly God’s late-stage!


Huge sound burst, Situ Feng stepped back two steps, and then stabilized!

And the air in front of me, a burst of scrolling, a silhouette, emerged!

Everyone raised their eyes and saw that it was an old man who was about sixty years old, gray-haired, gray-browed, medium-sized, not fat, not thin, and gloomy, dressed in silk clothes!

On his chest, embroidered a big “he” word!

After he appeared, the dryness of the smashing shot, surprised: “Immortal Monarch late-stage, brat, who are you?”

Lin Xiao, looking at the old man, his heart suddenly shook, it turned out to be Immortal Emperor early-stage peak, and soon broke into the middle-stage!

Situ Feng is due to the fact that Immortal Origin is not fully mastered.

When I heard the old man asking questions, I learned the tone of Lin Xiao, the cold way: “Who am I, you don’t know?”

Old man changed his face and said: “Good brat, although you have Immortal Monarch’s cultivation base, but in the eyes of the old man, it is not worth mentioning. Don’t think that you just now catch the momentum of the old man, I can’t afford it!”

Situ Feng put his body in his body and waved his hand. “Don’t talk nonsense, hit it!”

Old man busy: “Slow!”

“What do you have to say?”

“old man asks you, is he a wounded?”

Situ Feng to ask a question, when already knows the answer : “Who is He Youcai?”

“It is the thin man who stopped you!”

“You said that waste?”

Old man angrily said : “Don’t insult my He Family!”

Before Situ Feng bullied, he said, “I don’t want to talk nonsense, hurry up!”

Old man regressed and said: “Don’t worry, old man has to ask clearly!”

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