Listening to this, Lin Xiao is stunned, and the sword qi can break through Long Tiandan’s True Origin and enter his body. It can be seen that the strange sword is very big!

Long Tiandan gasped for a moment, then said: “Fortunately, my cultivation technique is also very special. After the black sword qi entered, it was completely strangled and left nothing. However, the cold aura made me very happy. !”

Lin Xiao said in a moment: “The sword is definitely a problem, it seems not a product!”

“Oh, yes, what about the guy?”

Lin Xiao looked around and shook his head. “You are hit by flying, it is estimated that now, I don’t know where to go!”

Long Tiandan said indignantly: “Hateful, I will meet him again next time, so I must make him look good!”

“Okay, don’t say this, how are you feeling now?”

“Much better, my cultivation technique is working autonomously, without me deliberately urging!”

Until then, Yang and Yuqi sister and brother came back to God and said, “Please come inside!” She said, she sideways, let a few people go first!

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly: “Miss Yang, don’t you come here?”

Yang Yuqi is a red face and says: “Okay, actually, I am afraid of those bad rules, or do as one pleases!”

Zi Jing happy yelled: “Yes, Elder Sister Yuqi, with strange person, you are welcome!”

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “Zi Jing, when were you polite to me?”

Zi Jing laughed: “Why should I be polite to you?”

“Eh…” Lin Xiao is speechless. He really doesn’t know how to answer this question!

After a few people walked into the cave, there was no Heaven and Earth inside!

From the outside, it is a simple and extreme hole. And inside, although can’t be called splendorous and majestic, the pearl wall, but the beautiful scenery as the painting, seems to be like Immortal Realm!

Inside the cave, the space is unusually wide, dry and not wet!

The center of the cave is inlaid with an egg-sized bead. Although not big, the white light is blazing, dazzling and eye-catching, making everything inside the hole clear and arguable!

The cave is full, Demon Qi is full, comfortable and pleasant, refreshing!

Of course, this is only for the demon cultivator. For Cultivator World, in this case, they only have a burst!

Lin Xiao looked at the furnishings in the cave, simple and elegant. It can be seen that the Master is a person who does not like to show up. It’s a pity that the fate is not good, it’s a terrible disaster, and it’s dead!

After Yang and Yuqi sister and brother came in, the expression was anxious, and couldn’t take care of Lin Xiao and the others, looking around!

Lin Xiao let go of the divine sense and swept it one by one. They found that in the corner of a hole, not far from them, two large mans were made and fell to the ground, motionless!

On their periphery, there is a small hidden array that allows the two to dissolve into the space, like Nihility!

This array, only Array Master, can be sensed. On the other hand, if the cultivation base is much higher than the caster, you can find it!

Lin showed to collect one’s thoughts, stepped over and stood still, facing Yang Yuqi: “Miss Yang, people are here!”

Yang and Yuqi sister and brother, flew to him. Take a look, empty, nothing!

Yang Xiaoyu said: “Now is not a joke!”

Situ Feng, Nangong Fei Several people also came up!

Before Lin Xiao spoke, Situ Feng lighted “Yi” and snorted!

Lin Xiao extend the hand, palm to the void, said: “Look now!”

The sound is degenerate, two silhouettes, slowly emerge!

Situ Feng suddenly cried: “There is really an array, it seems that I have not sensed wrong!”

Lin Xiao with said with a smile : “Brother Feng, believe in yourself!”


Situ Feng forced nodded!

Two silhouettes of the ground, head down, no movement. Obviously, I passed out and couldn’t see their faces!

Yang Yuqi pushed them nervously and said: “Senior Brother, Senior Brother…”

Sound out, nothing happens!

Yang Yuqi lovable body can’t help but sigh, “Senior Brother, you wake up!”

Yang Xiaoyu is on the side, silent, handsome face is extremely ugly!

Lin Xiao opened the mouth and said: “Don’t be sad, they’re fine, just fainting for a while!” He said, his hand waved, a very soft breeze blew, and the two whispered!

Yang and Yuqi sister and brother were overjoyed and shouted: “Senior Brother, you are fine, that’s great!”

The two startedled, and then raised their faces, nervous: “Young Lady, you are going, Yu An comes with expert!”

Yang Yuqi said with a slight smile : “Don’t worry, they have been driven away!”

“Oh, who is it? Master?”

“It’s them!” She extended her fingertips and pointed her to Lin Xiao!

The two quickly stood up to figure, directed at Lin Xiao, sincerely said: “many thanks to save the grace!”

Lin Xiao was stunned when she saw the two!

These two people are strong and strong, and they are in the Earth, they are Zhang Long, Zhang Hu and two brothers!

I remember that a total of two times, the first time, was when I was camping. The second time, attacking Earth for aliens, they were chased by Kunlun Faction!

At this point, he finally understood, what the two brothers said at the time!

“Zhang Long, Zhang Hu, are you?” Lin Xiao faintly opened!

The two people were shocked and looked up, looking to Lin Xiao!

In doubt, the two suddenly shouted: “Is it you?”

Yang Yuqi lost his voice: “Senior Brother, do you know?”

Lin Xiao said calmly: “Yes, it’s me, Earth is nothing, more than a few!”

Zhang Long, Zhang Hu said: “little brother, sorry, that night, we were too impulsive!”

Lin Xiao faintly smiled: “I don’t mention this little thing, let’s say, you didn’t give me medicine pill. If you don’t have medicine pill, I am afraid I will die!”

He has understood since cultivating. At that time, without the green pill, when I was chased by Cheng Yun, I was already dead!

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