At this time, the old man trembled slightly, hoarsely said: “You … dare to go down this 狠 … hand, Defying Wind Faction, will never have to kill!”

After that, his body suddenly shot a thousand blue light, and it flashed!

At the same time, a light, shot from the hands of the old man, disappeared into the sky!

Yang Yuqi yelled :”Not good, he sent ‘Black Eye Demon Mirror !’ to Sect”

Lin Xiao asked: “What is the Black Eye Demon Mirror?”

“At Demon Cultivator World, once you have a life-threatening experience, you can use Cui Fa with the body’s all functions to send the last real-time situation to people in the distance!”

Lin Xiao startled, and then said: “That is, the light of just now has sent everything just now!”


Lin Xiao faintly smiled, said: “Nothing, let’s go now, it’s hard, they dare to go to Cultivator World to kill?”

Yang Yuqi said with uneasiness: “This is very likely, Demon World has a lot of embarrassing characters, they fight for life, what will not be managed!”

Nangong Fei came over, loudly said: “What are you afraid of? Who dares to come to trouble, he will be afraid of him!”

Situ Feng also said: “Do not worry, there is Lin Xiao, there will be no problem!”

Zi Jing added the fire: “Elder Sister Yuqi, why are you so scared? I have not said that as long as the strange person is there, no one wants to hurt you!”

Yang Yuqi’s emotional intertwined words: “I know that everyone is thinking about my brother and sister, but I really don’t want to be someone, because my brother and sister are tired!”

Lin Xiao looked at Yu An, opened the mouth and said: “Okay, Miss Yang, then we are here, we will leave soon!”

Yang Yuqi stared at Lin Xiao, faintly said: “I really don’t want you to take risks for me anymore. Our family, owes you too much!”

When Lin Xiao heard it, his brow jumped slightly. In this sentence, he vaguely caught something. But for a moment, I couldn’t think of it. I just said: “Miss Yang, the future Star Sect Master, can’t be so indecisive!”

Yang Yuqi lovable body A shock, nodded and said: “Trouble!”

Finally, Yang Xiaoyu, Zhang Long brother was called out, and everyone left, and left the mountain!

Yang and Yuqi sister and brother, Zhang Long brother, looking at the old land that is about to leave, my heart!

As for the Yu Family tens of discipline, the cultivation base is almost completely abolished. Fortunately, Nangong Fei has a hand in hand, they can also re-cultivating!

But Yu An, the adolf and remote Eldest Young Master, will be born after death. Nangong Fei has completely destroyed his Sea of ​​Qi, dantian, and turned it into a waste!

After they left, the sky suddenly rumbling, hundreds of silhouettes, drops from the sky, per person murderous-looking!

The first is a fierce middle-aged person, dressed in silk clothes, tall and strong, looks very awkward!

His copper eye ring sweeping the field, suddenly a flash, came to Yu An, raised him, yelled: “son, son, wake up, come!”

Yu An opened his eyes and saw the middle-aged person, the painful swearing: “Hey, you are finally here, you must kill them and take revenge for me!”

Middle-aged person Exploring Yu An, arrogantly said: “Hateful, you are so poisonous, actually killing me so thoroughly, laozi does not kill you, swears no one!”

The people who followed him were shocked by his embarrassment and fear.

Yu An fiercely said: “Hey, when killing them, the three chicks, don’t move, I must kill after playing!”

The middle-aged person heard and angered: “An Er, how many times have I told you that it will be destroyed in the beauty of the morning and evening? When things get to this point, don’t you have a repentance?”

Yu An has a red eye and says, “Hey, are you jealous of me?”

Middle-aged person startled, long put out a long breath, calmly said: “The things that happen, always happen, no one can stop it!”

“Hey, what do you mean?”

The middle-aged person waved his hand and immediately got two figures forward!

“Send the Young Master back!”

“As you bid!” Said, the two leaned over and lifted Yu An, and left to leave!

Middle-aged person Sweeping the front of the hole, coldly snorted, suddenly raised the right hand, a dazzling glare burst, squatting toward the hole!

“hong long long !”

In the loud noise, the cave turned into a ruin!

Middle-aged person Looking down at the old man’s body, muttered: “Transforming Void Stage’s cultivation base can’t resist it. Who are they? It seems that the war is really here!” Yu La, picking up the old man’s body, Disappeared!

Other disciplines, take up dozens of others, and e-traceless!

On the scene, only a large piece of blood and dusty ruins are left!

a path of mountain wind blowing, hu hu rang, 恍若九幽幽音!

And said that Lin Xiao and the others left, through the transmission array, reached the original gray planet, also the cultivator, demon cultivator junction!

Originally Lin Xiao wanted to use teleportation, but as a result, Galaxy is different and the space pressure is different. His divine sense, although covering the entire Galaxy, can’t find the exact location of Cultivator World. In desperation, I have to pass this planet first, then carry out teleportation!

After the appearance, Lin Xiao first opened the mouth and said: “On this, we offended Golden Sword Sect and Ancient He Family. Now, we must leave quickly and not get into trouble!”

When his words came out, Nangong Fei whispered: “Really, why do you have the strength?”

Lin Xiao blinked: “Xiaofei, strength, is used to guard, not to fight for arrogance, not to distinguish between high and low!”

Nangong Fei has a low head and a small voice: “I know, I will tell you about Great Dao!”


“Okay, okay, I don’t say, listen to you!”

Lin Xiao took a breath and said: “Actually, I don’t blame you. You are angry, everyone will be angry for a while, and fight hard. But I only advise that saving strength is equivalent to keeping dignity for yourself. Too much. The mountains of dew are not good for you!”

As soon as the words came out, not only Nangong Fei, but also Situ Feng, a few people were surprised!

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