Nine people are very strong, busy, and touched the ground with their heads, fearful and uneasy: “Subordinate is incompetent, please lower the prince to sin!”

Youth ignored them, Lin Xiao in front, said: “brat, you are courageous, dare to work with this Sovereign child!”

Lin Xiao said coldy: “I don’t want to cause trouble, but you are unbearable. Is there such a truth in the world?”

Youth proudly smiled: “The reason? Haha, tell you, here, my Jiang Family is the emperor, my Jiang Family is the truth, everything, I have the final say by Jiang Family!”

Lin Xiao’s gas is straight, but he doesn’t bother with a hairy brat, snorted, saying: “Young and crazy, excusable, don’t think Nine Heavens Profound Immortal’s cultivation base can cover the sky!” , leave and leave!

The youth heard, the angry eyes were burning, loudly roared: “For more than a decade, you are the first to dare to talk to this Sovereign in this tone. If you don’t teach you today, why is this Sovereign child?”

Yu La, Nine Heavens Profound Immortal’s imposing eruption, like a river raging sea, like a tornado raging hurricane, rolling rumbling, pressed to Lin Xiao!



The restaurant on both sides of the road collapsed, and countless people, screaming again and again, by the waves and blood, mad spray!

Lin Xiao’s heart is very small, and the momentum of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal is so fierce!

Not to be careful, he immediately followed the ancient martial route, transported the mysterious law, protected the whole body, and did not move!


The muffled sounds up, the momentum touches, Lin Xiao stands like a mountain, not for the photos, hair, clothes angle, can not afford to wave!

“hong long long !”

In the sound of the ear, the huge city gate, the collapse of the earth, the broken stones are flying all over the sky!

“How can this be?”

Jiang Family Young Master is stunned, he can’t think of it, trifling Crossing Tribulation Stage, actually seems to have nothing to do with his own momentum!

Nine white clothed costumes are still on the spot, and I can’t say a word in surprise!

Lin Xiao took a sigh of relief and pressed the anger. He said, “You are angry, and the fire is also made. Should you eliminate it?”

Jiang Family youth handsome face, for more than a decade, has been crowned with the reputation of “the pride of the sky”, by all the stars cup themselves around the moon. Unexpectedly, today, it was actually the weak of a Crossing Tribulation Stage, and his face could not be hanged!

He gritted his teeth and said: “You can’t see it, you are also deeply hidden. Today, this Sovereign child will meet you!”

Lin Xiao smiled lightly: “Good cultivating, when you reach ‘Supreme’ someday, challenge me again!”

“brat, hurry!” In the language, Jiang Family Young Master stretched out and a simple long sword appeared in his hands!

“upper-grade Immortal Artifact!” Someone screamed out!

Many people listened, their eyes were red, and they stared at the sword in the hands of youth!

But they don’t dare to shake, even though the upper-grade Immortal Artifact is attractive, but it has to be alive!

Lin Xiao doesn’t care, above the handsome face, calm and composed!

Jiang Family Young Master looked at the sword in his hand and said: “You are the first person to let me send the troops, dead, and should be proud!”

Lin Xiao dashing eyebrows One pick: “You want to kill me?”

Youth Evil smile: “Yes, if you don’t die, what is this Sovereigns Might?”

“Small age, the method is so ruthless, when you grow up, you are still afraid, you are not afraid of Heaven’s Punishment?”

Youth suddenly laughed: “Heaven’s Punishment ?haha, what is the day? One day, I have to step on the sky, fly on the ground, let them be the tools of my feet. This Sovereign also dominates the entire Culture World, let They respect me as the king!”

“You…” Lin Xiao can’t!

This tone, really fucking too arrogant, is even more mad than Zuo Yihuang!

If “Saint Venerable” Leng Tianyun is here, after hearing these words, I don’t know what expression he would be?

After everyone in the world heard it, they couldn’t return to God. It’s so embarrassing, too mad, too perverted!

Jiang Family Young Master puts a sword in his hand and says, “Come on, let this Sovereign son see you!”

Lin Xiao is in a dilemma. If he wants to defeat him, he can’t help but say that with a finger, he can play him without a shadow. However, as a Universe Manager, how can he compete with a hairy brat, and when it comes out, does it make people laugh?

He smiled helplessly and turned to stay out of town…

Suddenly –


A shocking huge sound, from the center of the city, came from far away!

“They started!” Someone shouted out, followed by countless silhouettes, like a flying scorpion, all out, flying towards the center of the city!

Jiang Family Young Master coldly snorted, the sword received within the body, said: “I have something to do today, let me not touch you, or you will die!” Figure, no flash!

Lin Xiao’s soul is pure, although he is also angry, but still resisted!

Next moment, his figure swayed, moved towards people in the direction of clustering!

Gu Pan, has arrived!

Lin Xiao is in the air, watching a big courtyard in front of her daze!

This courtyard is very large and the houses are dazzling and dazzling. The glazed bricks, the floodlights, the ancient pines, the dense forests, the entire courtyard, a few are covered!

All around sky, silhouette, back and forth, 掎 袂 袂, densely packed, all floating in midair!

Under the courtyard gate, about 100 people armed with magic weapons, every strikes, the entire courtyard, will have a transparent mask!

Huge collision force, the shaking of the courtyard is not only, it seems to collapse at any time!

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