Zeng Wuying said nervously: “These five people are all experiential, the cultivation base is above Immortal. It is unfathomable. Let’s go!”

Lin Xiao divine sense Micro-sweep, found that the old man called Senior Brother, has Nine Heavens Profound Immortal early-stage. Called Junior Brother, Great Principle Golden Immortal early-stage. The other three old man are Golden Immortal late-stage!

He was amazed at his heart. This lineup is enough to cover the sky at Cultivator World. No wonder no one dares to commit the Cultivator Alliance!

Five people stopped in front of them in front of them, called Hong Senior Brother said solemnly: “Let us go, don’t force old man to do it!”

It’s crisp and neat, and it’s the order form!

Can Lin Xiao be put in the eyes? If you don’t say anything else, just Long Tiandan, you can deal with them. Although it won’t win, it is enough to protect yourself!

At this time, Situ Feng and Nangong Fei, Lin Xiao, ignorant of the people, concealed their own aura, so that others could not find the foundation. At first glance, it looks like a mortal!

As long as the cultivation base does not exceed him, it is impossible to see it!

This is also why, five old man dare to talk so much. in case. The cultivation base aura of the two existed and was sensed by several people. It is conceivable that their first action is definitely a run!

An Immortal Monarch, with two fingers, can’t get five of them up, let alone two Immortal Monarch!

Lin Xiao did this not to play the pig to eat the tiger, but rather he didn’t want to expose his strength too early. He needs to know more facts to solve the mystery of his own life!

He has an intuition, his own life, and has a great connection with “Star Sect”!

Lin Xiao is replied: “If you want to catch us, you have to see if you have this ability!”

“Hurricane!” Five people drink low at the same time, and the momentum is released!

Situ Feng, Nangong Fei, stepping forward, the momentum of the two, topped up!


Muffling deafening, five old man back two steps!

Situ Feng, two people, also back two steps!

Five old man was shocked and couldn’t believe it. In front of the two youth people, they can block the momentum of the five people, and, in the first place!

“Who are you?” Old Man Hong Senior Brother’s dignified opening!

Situ Feng indifferently said : “Star discipline!”

“Impossible, this is only a decade or so, you can’t have such a high cultivation base!”

“You love being or not, we want to fight, we are always there!”

Old man blinked for a while, said: “old man Hong Wanxing, can you tell the big name first?”

The two looked at each other and looked at Lin Xiao again. “No!”


“Because you don’t deserve it!”


Hong Wanxing gas knot!

“Senior Brother, what do you dismiss with them? Take it directly!” The thin old man is not satisfied with the opening!

Nangong Fei stunned him: “Old hair, you are fierce, and you are careful to hit your waist fracture!”

“You…brat, mad at the old man!”

Say, you have to shoot!

Suddenly –

Lin Xiao’s eyes flashed, and the three-person sound transmission said: “You have to take Zeng Wuying back, there are powerful people coming!”

Long Tiandan big mouth, opened the mouth and said: “Who is here?”

Lin Xiao glanced at him with a sigh of relief!

Situ Feng pulled him, then released the divine sense to cover Zeng Wuying, saying: “Let’s go first!” Yu La, with a depressed face of Long Tiandan and the incomprehensible Zeng Wuying disappeared!

Five old man appear strong, loudly shouted: “Where to go!” In the language, reach out and grab…

Lin Xiao coldly snorted, the palm of the hand, five old man suffocating half a voice, face pain, backwards!

The five were full of horror, staring at Lin Xiao, saying: “You…you…”

Lin Xiao looked at them and the people in the distance, saying: “Star Sect is coming back, I don’t want to play with you, someone is with you!”

Hong Wanxing said: “You… what are you talking about?”

Lin Xiao ignored him, his hand, in a corner, screaming, a silhouette, flew into his hands!

This person is exactly “Fierce Yang Faction” Elder Si Taijian!

He is now bound, such as the chicken to be slaughtered, full of despair!

“brat, let him go!” Five people shouted!

Suddenly, a gloomy Sen’s sneer, just like tearing the clouds, passed over!



On the spot, many cultivation bases have low leagues, and the tragedy is shocking, blood is mad, and the servant is dead!

“who is it?”

Five people were also extremely traumatized, pale, almost destroy both body and soul!

“jié jié jié 桀…”

The laughter was re-transmitted, such as anger and thunder, Nine Heavens shocked, the ear was cut, and the heart was painful. It also seems to be a world of enthusiasm into the body, bursting skin!

Hong Wanxing shouted: “Come on hearing, this is ‘Smiling Demon’ Zhang Liuhai’s ‘Death!'”

Everyone heard that they sat down cross-legged, and they were fighting against each other!

Those who passed out in the past are the luckiest, they are ignorant, safe and sound!



Even so, there are still many people who are hard to resist and die of death!

Lin Xiao sees this, although he can’t bear it in his heart, but he hates them very much. Now, he doesn’t scream, carrying Si Taijian, disappearing on the spot!

Late at night, the stars fade away, the breeze, gently pass!

Bloody smell, filled with space, floating in the city!

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