The dragon roar is deafening, like the Nine Heavens shock, and the sky is smashing. Another example is the screaming of the drums, killing the irons, and swearing!

Lin Xiao yelled, madly said: “Rewind, retreat!”

Several people are hearing this and get out quickly. Lin Xiao stands beside Situ Qian, swinging Source Power and adding a protective cover to let go of his heart!

Nangong Fei, Situ Feng, Long Tiandan, Zhang and Long two brothers are screaming and screaming!

Lin Xiao looked at the distance, Nine Clawed Giant Dragon floating in the air, full of horror!

Seeing its huge mouth, Wandao golden light, like Nine Heavens Galaxy, drowning two brothers and sisters, heart, more shocked speechless!

After seeing this scene, he flashed the four characters of “dragon vein inheritance” in his consciousness, which made his heart cool and mad!

“dragon vein inheritance”, generally only for Dragon Race, why choose Yang and Yuqi sister and brother?

He wants to go up and interrupt him, but he knows that if he moves, he will be bored and suffer. The life of Yang and Yuqi sister and brother will also be dangerous!

Is this good or bad?

Why is my heart hurting for no reason?

Does it mean here?

He looked up and picked up Source Power. After the golden light was looming, Yang and Yuqi sister and brother both looked at each other and closed their eyes and meditated. On both of them, the golden light is very spectacular!

He has some doubts!

Suddenly, Lin Xiao hurts “hmph”, chest, and cone pain again!

He was shocked, what happened?

Situ Feng was busy asking: “Lin Xiao, what’s wrong with you?”

Lin Xiao sighed: “I am very upset in my heart, I am worried that something bad happened. But I don’t know what will happen, which makes me very anxious!”

“Is it?” Situ Feng’s expression changed and he said in a hurry: “Is it Zi Jing, are they in trouble?”

Lin Xiao was shocked and dropped a sentence: “Look at them, let me see!” Then, the figure disappeared!

Taigar Planet !

Sunset Town !

Lin Xiao has lost Source Power and directly locked the target, teleportation has come over!

甫Show up, immediately release the divine sense, search for the silhouette of Zi Jing and Lin Qiong!

He saw that Town Chief Yang Huai was walking back and forth in the courtyard, very anxious, but did not see Zi Jing two woman, he could not help shouting “Oops!”

Divine sense Then, like a storm, sweeping the world, but still no one!

Lin Xiao’s heart trembled, what happened to the two women?

He immediately teleported to Yang Huai’s home, figured out, and immediately shouted: “Town Chief, Zi Jing, what about them?”

Yang Huai Gossip, a shackle, when you see Lin Xiao, look at the ground, said: “Senior, you are finally back, otherwise, the little old man really wants to die!”

Lin Xiao raised him, anxiously said: “What happened?”

Yang Huai’s old eyes are vague: “This morning, Young Lady Lin has no intention of receiving information, saying that they are facing a crisis of extinction. If they don’t say anything, they will leave now!”

Lin Xiao heard, scared all six vital organs fail, “Mount Shu Faction” faced a crisis of extinction. Lin Qiong didn’t want to see the information, and immediately rushed back. Isn’t she going to courting death?

“Zi Jing? What about her?”

“Young Lady Zi walks with Young Lady Lin!”

“This morning?”


“How long has it been?”

“It is already afternoon, it is estimated that there are five hours!”

Lin Xiao heard, the head “weng” screamed, the eyes were black, and the figure swayed!

Five hours later, they must have reached “Mount Shu.” With their strength, if there is a crisis of extinction, they go, what is the use?

Lin Xiao is impatient, and now drives Source Power, which extends the divine sense to the maximum, like a slap in the air, and explores the distant Galaxy!

Until the star territory of a hundred light years, Lin Xiao’s divine sense began to blur, and his head gradually became painful!



A bit of earth-shattering sounds, bursting from a light azure planet!

Lin Xiao Regardless of the other, the figure moves and immediately teleports the past!

Over the planet, Lin Xiao looks pale!

He ignored the prance and went straight!

Looking forward, at the foot of a tall and upright mountain, Lin Xiao landed!

He looked up, yes, this mountain, he vaguely remembered, it is the location of “Mount Shu Faction”!



Not yet waiting for him to collect one’s thoughts, percussion, tragic sound, constantly rising, ear-piercing shocking!

Countless gravel, rolling from the sky, silhouette flying, Magical Artifact Guanghua cover the sky, shouting and killing, the blood stained the cliff!

The smoke is dense, the fire is smashing, the mountain wind is whistling, and the blood is suffocating!

Lin Xiao’s ring sweep, the whole “Mount Shu”, like the nine secluded purgatory, full of roar, mourning, miserable, dead body, broken limbs…


Not far from him, a “Mount Shu” discipline, was smashed by a sword qi, dissipating between Heaven and Earth!

A black giant shadow, holding a blood red knife, sneer!

“Fuck, come on!”

Lin Xiao screamed, the figure slammed up and raised his fist to the giant shadow!

The giant shadow turned to the blade glow, the blood red knife smashed, and the horrible bloody smell of the screaming, cut down!


The giant shadow was split by Lin Xiao, and the blood burst like fireworks.

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