Lin Xiao heard, body shock, it is difficult, those monsters, really Upper Universe?

But if it’s an Upper Universe, why do they want to attack Mount Shu?

Suddenly, he thought of those black clothed people. I heard that Mount Shu and Kunlun had a grudge, and they might use the power of the Upper Universe to destroy Mount Shu. If this is the case, then Kunlun Faction, isn’t it already collaborated with people at Upper Universe?

Invisible, Lin Xiao burst into cold, and he felt that a plot of huge is slowly unfolding!


A silhouette, out of thin air!

“See Master Ancestor!” Song Renjie, Old Daoist Qing Xu Go forward!

This person is exactly the “Magnificent Martial Faction” Sect Founder, Old Daoist Ji Kong!

Old Daoist Ji Kong hehe smiled: “Free, no need to pay more!” Then again: “Sima Master, Old Daoist 惭愧, failed to rescue the nobles!”

“What?” Lin Xiao screamed out!

Sima Ziqing’s face twitched, and the words stopped!

Old Daoist Ji Kong sighed said: “This person’s cultivation base is above me. The understanding of speed and space is stronger than me. Hey, this time, Old Daoist I am big!”

Sima Ziqing is busy: “Senior please don’t. So, Senior is willing to help, and Junior is already inside!”

Old Daoist Ji Kong looked at Lin Xiao and said: “little friend, where the dust is tempered and cleaned for over 10,000 years, your responsibility is very heavy!”


“Old Daoist said goodbye, it’s time to look for a few old fart discussions, Cultivator World, really messed up!” Yu La, disappeared!

A few people look at each other in dismay, especially Lin Xiao, and they are in a hurry. Lin Qiong is in the hands of the other party, who the hell knows what will they do?

Lin Xiao couldn’t sit still, he said: “Principal, I want to go out and see!”

Sima Ziqing listened, and reached out, a small green bell appeared and handed him: “This is the only portable item of Joan’s head that year, you bring it, maybe it helps!”

Lin Xiao confused: “The only portable item?”

Sima Ziqing waved his hand: “Hurry up, don’t wait for someone, wait until you save Joan’s head, I will explain it to you!”

“Okay, I am leaving!”

He rushed to Old Daoist Qing Xu and Song Renjie, a cup one fist in the other hand, disappeared on the spot!

“Magnificent Martial Faction” Sect Master Song Renjie was surprised: “This child is Crossing Tribulation Stage, how can he teleportation? And, there is no space fluctuation, this is only possible with Old Ancestor!”

Sima Ziqing hehe smiled: “With him, everything can be solved!”

“Old friends are so confident?”

“Yes!” He was thinking, even the Universe Manager couldn’t do anything. Who can still?

The next day, Cultivator World is boiling!

“Star Sect” remnant of the recognize comeback, and hit a big fight, seriously injured hundreds of cultivator expert, shocked!

After that, Demon World expert “Smiling Demon” Zhang Liuhai appeared, so that the experts killed and injured on the spot, the corpse is everywhere!

The Cultivator Alliance sends a message with the highest order, Star Sect, and Demon World same qi, connected branch, intended to prepare for revenge. Where cultivator, everyone gets it!

The cultivator is stunned!

On the other hand, “Mount Shu” was attacked and suffered heavy casualties, such as the thunder of lightning, spread throughout the entire Cultivator World!

Cultivator World everyone, dazzling, can’t believe it!

Who is so bold, dare to attack “Mount Shu?”

Unexpectedly, they thought of the comeback “Star Sect” discipline. However, “Mount Shu” immediately clarified that this time it was attacked by unknown people, and it has nothing to do with “Star Sect”!

Everyone is stunned again and there are rumors!

And after Lin Xiao came out, divine sense was big and searched for the shadow of Lin Qiong!

He knows that his divine sense limit is one hundred light years. He believes that the strength of a person is so high that it is impossible to run a hundred light years in such a short period of time!

He holds the bell and flies outside the outer space, and the divine sense keeps scanning!


A wave of resentment qi, from the top of a small Star, Lin Xiao’s divine sense is not a glimpse!

He suddenly remembered that this Star was an old man he met when he first came out with Yang Yuqi to find her Master. This old man is obviously trapped here, cultivation base, in Immortal Monarch!

He didn’t want to waste time, Lin Qiong fell into the tiger’s mouth, and he was in danger at any time!

He quickly passed around and continued to search!

Suddenly, his divine sense was sucked by a strong gravitation, and Lin Xiao, who was scared, was busy increasing Source Power and started to get rid of suction! !

He carefully swept away, divine sense in the field of vision, so that he could not help but scalp numb!

This sector is about fifty light years from his location. In the outer space, there are a lot of pieces of meteorite scattered, floating and floating, slowly floating!

In front, a black vortex with a diameter of about five kilometers is greedily absorbing everything around it, and the light beam is not spared!

“Black hole!”

Lin Xiao’s face is abrupt!

The black hole is the most fascinating and strange celestial vision of the Universe. How is it formed? What constitutes? Why is gravity so great? What does it look like inside? No one knows!

Think about it, the gravity of the black hole, even the light must be destroyed by the disaster, other objects, can you be safe?

Lin Xiao quickly collects collect one’s thoughts, keeps thousands of kilometers with the black hole, avoiding being swallowed by it!

Although his art expert is daring, but in the face of the most terrible killer of the Universe, he does not dare to take the initiative!

“Strange, how is there a black hole here? And, is it still so small?” Lin Xiao secretly wonders!

Fierce, “bang!” a loud bang exploded, making the outer space tremble!

Lin Xiao’s divine sense swept away and saw that a group of dazzling fireballs about 10,000 kilometers away from him flashed in the void and spread out quickly!


Lin Xiao is shocked!

His body is moving, with the divine sense, keep coming close!

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