And Lin Xiao rushed out of the outer space, and the figure went into the “Other Dimension Universe”!

On the Earth class, Lin Xiao appears with a few people!

After standing, he looked up and Situ Qian still forgot cultivating!

Zi Jing four people, surrounded by the beam of light, four small swords slid and turned non-stop, a group of white fog, faintly discernible!

In the distance, Yang and Yuqi sister and brother are golden light, sitting on the ground, solemn and solemn!

Two people are close, Zhang Long Zhang Hu Two brothers are not moving a little, for fear that there will be a surprise!

Lin Xiao see this scene, satisfied with nodded!

Looking back to Zi Jing, divine sense probed and found that Zi Jing’s injury was almost cured. The damaged Nascent Soul has been restored. True Origin is awesome!

Orange rays of light bloom, Zi Jing shows extraordinary and refined!

Lin Xiao felt very strange. I don’t know why. When he saw Zi Jing’s life-threatening hang, his mood was exactly the same as that of Situ Qian. The pain is unbearable, sadness, and self-blame!

Lin Xiao star is somewhat blurred, do you like her?

Situ Qian looked at the distance, Lin Xiao’s heart was full of miscellaneous, he couldn’t understand, cut constantly!

Turning to Zi Jing, my heart is swaying, my heart is bloody!

“Oh, feelings are really annoying!”

Lin Xiao muttered to himself!

Steep, Lin Xiao seems to think of something, the figure immediately bounces and rushes into the distance!

In an instant, he appeared in a lush and green forest!

Looking around, the opportunity to live is lush, quiet and quiet. Breeze in the breeze, ushered in a strong tree fragrance!

Lin Xiao walked into the distance, not far away, four silhouettes, standing in the wood, standing in the ground, noisy!

He came to the front and stared at the four people, muttered: “Look at the situation, they have already died for a long time, and they are hopeless!”

Three hours later, Lin Xiao walked out with a look of exhaustion!

On the handsome face, hate reveals. He looked up and said, “Kunlun Faction, you have to pay the price!”

Fierce, a brilliant golden light rises to the sky, the blue sky is distorted!

Lin Xiao handsome face A gentle, faint smile, figure disappeared!

Not bad, Lin Xiao is based on the original place!

In the line of sight, Yang and Yuqi sister and brother got up and looked amazed!

Lin Xiao walked over and asked: “Sister Yuqi, what is happening now?”

Yang Yuqi to collect one’s thoughts, the show said: “I don’t know, there are a lot of strange information in my head!”

Yang Xiaoyu on the side also shouted: “Yes, in the brain, we are already a member of Dragon Race!”

Lin Xiao heard, the scared eyes almost fell out: “No? You are Dragon Race? Just kidding!”

Yang Yuqi nodded, said: “Brother Yu is right, as for why, I don’t understand!”

“Dragon Soul Jade Talisman?”

Yang Yuqi reached out: “Here!”

Once the “Dragon Soul Jade Talisman” appeared, the colorful divine light appeared immediately, and it was dazzling!

“How could this be?”

Lin Xiao saw that “Dragon Soul Jade Talisman” has been completely merged into one, without any cracks. And, from the original crystal green, it has become the current gold!

A nine-claw Goldenen Dragon, lifelike, coiled on it, a strong stock of majesty, from above, never stop!

Lin Xiao feels awkward, he feels that this aura is very powerful. People with low cultivation base will be directly destroyed by aura!

He extends the hand and wants to touch…

Suddenly, the golden light is flourishing, and there is no such thing as a mighty Tianyu.

Lin Xiao turn pale with fright, busy with Source Power, cover Situ Feng four people and Situ Qian, to avoid being affected!

Just then, a dragon roar broke Nine Heavens and it sounded loud!

Surprisingly, a nine-claw golden giant dragon with a length of thousand zhang smashed over the sky, and the golden light was burning, and there was no ancient king looking down!

Yang and Yuqi sister and brother also feels incredible from the eyes!

Suddenly, the giant dragon moved with a front paw, and the mountain fell over and turned to Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao Daxie, this Nine Clawed Giant Dragon is the Sovereign with supreme power in the Dragon Race. Its cultivation base and combat power are enough to stand out from other races!

Seeing it attack, Lin Xiao was busy sideways. In the unknown case, he did not dare to take the shot!


The earth trembled, and Lin Xiao’s original position was shot out of a deep pit, and the ground was cold!


Dragon claw again, golden light Zhan Zhan, with a sharp nickname, directed to him!

Lin Xiao can’t hide, transport Source Power, condense his fists, and hit the past!


The anger is violent, the wind is rewinding, the space is created, and the space is Great Dao scars, which are slowly cracking!

“cough, cough…” Lin Xiao was shot with severe hundred meters, broke more than twenty towering trees, and finally landed!

And the nine-claw Golden Dragon, flying the single hundred zhang, and then firmly in the void!

“ao ……”

Dragon roar is clear and straight through the sky. Nine-Claw Golden Dragon body hem, golden light Tao Tianzhong, pressed to Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao was extremely depressed, and he didn’t provoke it. When he came out, he wanted to kill himself?

Yang Yuqi screamed: “Stop…”

Sound out, the Golden Claw Golden Dragon looks back, the big mouth opens, said: “This Sovereign will never allow anyone to hurt you, I must kill him!”

Finished, the two dragon claw golden lights flashed, ready to attack!

Its sound is crisp and young, obviously a child’s voice!

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