Although I have been guessing that they are Upper Universe, they are not recognized by them, everything is in vain!

“How could Cheng Haotian be with them?” Lin Xiao couldn’t understand, couldn’t figure it out!

Finally, he thought of the mysterious old man who took Zeng Wuying. Who is that person?

Universe starry sky, like a world, is unpredictable!

He sighed and the figure disappeared!

Planet Ground, Lin Xiao volley “Sunset Town”, divine sense sweeping the sky and covering the earth sweep until the planet every corner!

At the end of the day, he collected to collect one’s thoughts and said to himself: “Quiet, where did these guys come from?”


Longlong appears in front of Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “How?”

Longlong said indignantly: “Hell, the physical hardness of these monsters can be compared to the four-claw Golden Dragon. Compared with humans, there is no God Monarch period, it is not enough to see. I really don’t understand, where did they come from? ”

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said: “It seems that they first played against each other. They didn’t do their best. Otherwise, Zi Jing couldn’t resist it!” Then, with a wave of hands, they appeared in the Town Chief!

Yang Huai has been waiting. After he saw it, he came forward and asked, “Senior, are you all right?”

Lin Xiao smiled: “Town Chief, can you not call Senior? Listening is so uncomfortable!”

“This…called other, the little old man can’t change his mouth!”

Lin Xiao helplessly: “With you, as for monster, it has been wiped out, but…” The tone is steep and low: “There should be a lot of people who died this time!”

Yang Huai’s old eyes are turbid, saying: “Life is in troubled times, life is from heaven, can’t be reversed, everything is life!”

Lin Xiao opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn’t say anything!

“Senior, what about rallying people?”

Lin Xiao sighed and said: “Continue, not far from the war, you must speed up the action!”

Yang Huai said: “Senior, can I cultivating?”

Lin Xiao heard, “Town Chief, you have the body too much impurities, and meridian aging, can’t practice their cultivation technique. But I can let them teach you another, pure Spirit Qi, restore your meridian !”

Yang Huai excitedly said, “Thank you, Senior, the old man swears in this, in this life, always follow Star Sect, if you have two hearts, Heavenly Dao must!”

Lin Xiao is busy with him: “Town Chief, you don’t have to be like this. In the past few years, everyone on the planet has proved his loyalty to Star Sect with his own actions. I am Lin Xiao here, representing Sister Yuqi and Star. Sect promises to make everyone enjoy supreme authority, Cultivator World!”

Yang Huai excited Mo Ming, beard tremble, speechless!

“Town Chief, please come to the announcement, time is running out!”

“Yes, Senior, Junior, go now!”

After that, he seems to have recovered from the past, striding out of the Meteor!

Longlong stepped forward and stared at Lin Xiao. “The boss is the boss. Just two or three sentences, I will turn a person’s faint stunned and grateful!”

Lin Xiao’s side, the dignified road: “This is not Hu Wei. If I say it, I will do it. I will make this planet above all the planets of Cultivator World!”

“Boss wise!”

Longlong is flattering!

Lin Xiao ignored him and waved his hand. Zi Jing appeared!

Pull out, Zi Jing yells: “strange person, how are you? Are you injured?”

Longlong grievances, looking at Zi Jing!

Lin Xiao heard, warm in my heart, said: “Nothing!”

Zi Jing went up and said, “Would you not say two more words?”

“It’s really ok!”

Zi Jing: “…”

She was very angry, then she said with anger: “The dead wood can’t be carved, and the mud can’t help the wall!”

Lin Xiao Daxie: “I…this…I…”

Zi Jing straightforward: “What is it with? A big man can’t even speak!”

Lin Xiao handsome face A red, simply don’t say anything!

Zi Jing almost turned his back and said: “Strange person, it’s really hard enough to let you say something nice!”

At this time, Yang Yuqi came forward, said with a smile: “younger sister, this does not blame Brother Xiao. His nature, this is not a sweet talk. All things, Brother Xiao is to show by action!”

Lin Xiao has been nodded!

Zi Jing smiled, close to Lin Xiao, faintly said: “In fact, I am not letting you say something moving, I just want to hear your voice, don’t want to leave you!”

Lin Xiao is crazy and blurted out: “Reassured, I won’t leave you!”

“hehe, strange person, you are so good!”

Lin Xiao took a step back and said, “Your clothes have changed?”

Zi Jing turned around and said: “Of course, the dress has been dyed red, the blood smell is too heavy, can’t wear it again!”

Lin Xiao’s mind is lost, and Zi Jing’s unintentional movements are so elegant and pure!

“Strange person, what do you see?”

Lin Xiao to collect one’s thoughts : “Nothing, let’s go in!”

Longlong is in a hurry, relying on Zi Jing, willing to live and refuse to leave!

Yang Xiaoyu sighs in his heart as “Little Dragon!”

After sitting down, Lin Xiao opened the mouth and said : “Sister Yuqi, Town Chief Yang has already released a message, it is estimated that there will be many people coming. By then, you will be busy!”

Yang Yuqi smiled: “As long as you can revive, no regrets!”

Lin Xiao said again: “Now let’s go to rest!”

“Strange person, don’t you rest?”

Zi Jing asked!

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