“So, you can make a move first!”

Middle-aged person Holds the hand: “You are Junior, this King has three tricks!”

“The Thunder guy!” Lin Xiao scorned in the hearts of several people!

“Okay, pick up!”

Long Tiandan yelled and punched out!

Middle-aged person looks disdainful and wants to hide…

Suddenly, the boxing is steep, leaning from the middle, hitting the Sea of ​​Qi!

Middle-aged person complexion slightly changed

Long Tiandan Shadow Chase ,fist strength smashed, the rays of light flashed, surpassing the mountains!

Middle-aged person The face changed again, he felt a dangerous aura!


In a moment, the fists changed, and the evolution of the sky was fistless, seamless, and smashed to him!

Middle-aged person Dagu, gathered up Yuan Li, screamed and slammed up!



The explosions are stacked, all around the wind and the wind whistling!

Silhouette separation, expression rendering!

Long Tiandan is full of play, full of naughty!

Middle-aged person look Stunned, face like a gray!

Long Tiandan took the step, loudly shouted: “Come on!”

The voice is falling out of the palm, the palm of the hand is in the palm of the hand, and the sky is soaring, it is possible to move the mountains!

Middle-aged person figure Stand up and rush. Then, on the head and down, the palms spread flat, a strand of black gas, covered down!

Long Tiandan withdrew the momentum and raised the palm of his hand!


The two groups are connected in a gas phase, and the pressure of all around the space is not only rolling!

“I rely!”

Nangong Fei screamed, figure collapsed severe ten zhang!


Nangong Fei hit a giant tree in the sky, and he hurts his teeth!

In contrast, the middle-aged person, such as bloodthirsty, body shaking, step by step backwards, as if under pressure from huge!


He is steady, mouth spurt blood out!

“You are so weird!”

Middle-aged person is shocked and unbelievable!

Long Tiandan flew back, and said: “Grandma dripping, what kind of black gas do you use fucking? Is there such a heavy chill?”

Lin Xiao flashed in the eyes and said: “The origin of this middle-aged person is not simple. In Cultivator World, there is no such black gas!”

At this time, the middle-aged person figure turns, screams and flies!

“Damn, want to run?” Long Tiandan body movement, flashing chasing!

“Ah, despicable!”

In the scream, Long Tiandan fell from the air!

Nangong Fei stepped forward and lifted him up and said: “Where is it hurt?”

Long Tiandan refers to Vault of Heaven, angry: “The bastard attacked me in the air sneak attack!”

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “The poor are not chasing, this is the taboo against the enemy on Earth. His cultivation base is higher than you, and the combat experience is rich. You are rushing to pursue, and it is lucky to die!”

Long Tiandan rolled his eyes and said: “The guy escaped!”

Lin Xiao raised the right hand and said: “He is unable to escape!” After that, a Source Power waved, the right hand sucked, a silhouette, and fell!


Silhouette Half-death, falling slowly on the ground!

Long Tiandan came forward and said: “You are too shameful, actually escape!”

Middle-aged person The messy clothes, struggling to stand up the figure, the eyes, terrified!

At this time, he was already in a state of sorrow. He thought that he had escaped to the outer space and he could cross the starry sky and return to his Sect. I never thought, a strong suction, pulled him back!

Lin Xiao went up and said, “What is your identity in Kunlun Faction?”

Middle-aged person Cold and cold, restored the original strength, not answered!

Long Tiandan shouted: “Ask you, what?”

Middle-aged person Knowing that there is no hope in life, hard channel: “brat, this King is in your hands, you want to kill you, listen to you, don’t want to get any information from my mouth!”

Nangong Fei couldn’t help it: “You killed the Patriarch of Four Great Families, I can’t wait to make you a meat sauce!”

Middle-aged person Disdain: “trifling ancient martial, not to mention four Patriarch, even the entire martial arts, this King has heartbreak!”

“Fuck!” Nangong Fei yelled, punched out!


The middle-aged person was shot and the blood was squirting!

Situ Feng also said with anger: “You are a cultivator Senior, actually disregarding shame, and deal with mortal, what else do you say?”

Middle-aged person climbed up from the ground, and said: “brat, this King regrets that he did not hurt the killer at that time, and eliminated the martial arts of the Central Plains from the world!”

Situ Feng gnashing teeth : “old bastard, are you still obsessed?”


The middle-aged person suddenly burst into laughter, and all around Spirit Qi constantly poured into him within the body!

“This guy is going to blew!”

Several people have changed abruptly!

Lin Xiao coldly snorted, the palm of the hand, the middle-aged person shouted, softened!

“brat, what did you do to me?”

Lin Xiao looked at him: “Report your name, origin, status!”

“Small, you can’t think about it!”

“In this case, I will personally search your memory!”

Middle-aged person: “brat, you can’t live for a long time, someone will avenge me!”

“Give you another chance and say it yourself!”


“The mouth is really hard, if I guess it is good, you are in the Kunlun Faction, the identity is definitely high Elder Yu?”

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