“Brother Xiao, don’t be stubborn!” Yang Yuqi sees his expression is wrong, busy with the sound!

Lin Xiao took a deep breath, said: “Sister Yuqi, you back, I will open it!”

After that, he stepped forward and stood in front of the gold box. He picked up 40% Source Power with both hands, grabbed the lid and slowly opened it up!


A heavy voice sounded like a mountain moving!

Golden box cover, only split a slit, it will stand still!

“Damn it, fight!” Lin Xiao gritted, Source Power shipped to 70%, slowly lifted!

“Boom, bang!”

The deafening sound swayed back and forth, as if the starry sky was destroyed, the space collapsed, and it was shocking!


Shouted sounds, colorful glory moments Golden Palace!

Golden big box, finally opened!

Lin Xiao is dying, fearing mutation!

Brilliant brilliance, such as the flow of water, oh, like a show, covering everything!

For a long time, the brilliance of the glory, the Golden Palace is restored!

The two hurriedly looked around, entered the eyes, stayed, stupid!

In the box, there are countless golden pills, each with a longan size, exuding the unmatched aura. Like Primal Chaos, Heaven and Earth are beginning to appear, and they are boundless!

In addition, in addition to the countless golden pill, there are a variety of plants, countless!

Every plant has a moving brilliance, its surface, a path of mysterious faintly discernible, like the Great Dao of the Universe!

Its deep aura, even Lin Xiao is a little dazzling, can not guess!

“Hey… Brother Xiao, these things are… yes…” Yang Yuqi was incoherent and she was scared!

Lin Xiao to collect one’s thoughts, said: “These are things that defying heaven, any one can make people flow into a river !”

“I… I feel there is under the box?”

Lin Xiao condenses Source Power’s induction, and sure enough, at the bottom of the golden box, there are countless fine irons in different colors. Colorful, different shapes!

“Well, all are defying heaven, finished!” Lin Xiao!

“Brother Xiao, what’s the bottom?”

“It should be used by the refiner, it is all things that are not out of the world!”

“What is it?”

“Not good said, there is room for smelting soldiers, tears, gold, black storms, destroying Star Stone, Primal Chaos stone, too much, I can’t count!”

Lin Yuqi’s small mouth couldn’t be met: “These names, how can I not hear of one?”

Lin Xiao took back Source Power and said: “Don’t say it is you, people in Saint World don’t necessarily know!”

“How did you know that?”

“I… is the cultivation technique telling me!”

“Oh!” Yang Yuqi is interested, no question!

But in her heart, Lin Xiao is very mysterious and has too many secrets!

Lin Xiao stared at the gold box and sighed: “This box is enough to hold the entire Taigar Planet, almost a Space Divine Artifact!”


Yang Yuqi is going to be numb!

“How many things are there in this box?”

Lin Xiao shook his head: “Who knows this? It’s extremely spacious inside. It’s built with Golden Core and other people who might drown a city!”

“What is the name of this pill medicine? And those plants?”

“medicine pill’s name is ‘Primal Chaos Pill’, take one serving, you can shed the body and exchange the bones, have Supreme mana, and thus prove Great Dao, more than Heavenly Dao, Happy Universe!”

“Ah, this thing is too defying heaven!”

“Yeah, it’s itself, the Universe Source is condensed, it’s been hundreds of millions of years, it’s got this pill!”

Yang Yuqi was surprised: “Is this your cultivation technique telling you?”


“Is there a value?”

“Wrong, that’s not a plant, it’s a material for divine medicine!”

“It’s amazing, this place is crazy!”

Lin Xiao pondered then said: “Is this really Sect Master Yang left behind?”

Yang Yuqi calmed down and said: “Brother Xiao, Town Chief said that only the uncle came in. It is enough to show that this is not the father, but the uncle!”

Lin Xiao doesn’t understand: “If these things are really father, why are you still suffering?”

“Perhaps, it was unintentionally discovered by the uncle. I want to use it, but I don’t have that strength!”

Lin Xiao squinted his head and said: “Things are too unexpected. Father is getting more and more mysterious. I really don’t know, is there any other secret?”

Yang Yuqi said: “Yes, the pattern is getting more and more chaotic. Now it seems that it is not just a simple extinguish sect murder, certainly for another reason!”

Lin Xiao raised his right arm and looked at the Pentagram Seal. “Isn’t that going to be related to Star Seal?”

“Right, Brother Xiao, the body of the Star Seal?”

Lin Xiao shook his head: “I don’t know, this is what I told you!”


“Xu Bihua !”

“Ah, it’s her old man!”

“Yes, all of this, my life, including our relationship, is all told!”

Yang Yuqi hi said: “Where is her old man? I listened to Senior Brother, Sect Headquarters was the only one who survived at that time!”

Lin Xiao said: “The old man’s oil is running out, I can’t go back to heaven, go!”

“Ah…” Yang Yuqi is terrible!

“Don’t mention it!” Lin Xiao sighed and said: “These things, whatever they are, will leak out, and they will cause an inestimable slaughter, which must be handled properly!”

“Brother Xiao, you put them away!”

“This… not so good!” Lin Xiao hesitated. “Every item can compete with Heaven and Earth. If you bring out so much, it will cause confusion in Heaven and Earth. Again, we just found out that Treasure has a virtue, we can’t take it!”

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