Suddenly, the crowd outside is becoming very chaotic and involuntarily flows in one direction!

“What happened?” Lin Xiao wondered!

At this time, the big beard of the black beard screamed: “Look at the people outside, excited to be like that, it will not be a fairy to come again?”

Old Kang glared at his two eyes and said, “Big big, don’t you know? Old man heard that the pearl of the ancient Jiang Family is out, she is here today, I want to meet the Cultivator Alliance alliance lord. At the same time, with Kunlun Faction The marriage of the son of the church!”

The big black beard trembled with a rough face, and finally said: “Grandma’s, gas, Jiang Family Pearl, such as Nine Heavens Fairy, extraordinary, smart, how can it be cheaper? I…wu!”

Having said that, the man opposite him immediately stood up and grabbed his mouth, his face pale: “Black brother, you really don’t want to live? You dare to talk about this?”

The big black beard broke his hand and cried: “Afraid? Isn’t it the son of the teacher? You are not afraid of the big cow!”

“Black brother, you…”

“Brother, are we being bullied by Kunlun? You look at their discipline, each and everyone is arrogant, arrogant, and looking angry!”

The opposite thin man almost pleaded: “Black brother, don’t say it again, if they are heard, it’s really over!”

The big black beard has a rounded eye and a big gasp.

Lin Xiao smiling, he knows that this person’s nature is definitely a straight line, and it is ridiculous. Will not bend around, and will not seek to think about others.

Old Kang also advised: “Let’s stop, let’s stop. According to the old man, Jiang Family Pearl is completely forced, she is not willing. He He Family is strict and can’t be violated!”

The big black beard panting with rage: “When you mention that bastard, you will come to the fire, and you still want to touch the Pearl Family Pearl, I am!”

Old Kang sighed: “Big man, old man knows that you have a grudge with Kunlun, but for now, you still have to bear it!”

The bearded hate said: “I can’t help but kill Kunlun and marry them!”

“Forget it, big guys. Now Cultivator World has a bloody disaster, the wind is raging, and it has not calmed down. In addition, Demon World is preparing for a big attack, internal trouble and outside aggression, Kunlun Faction, or a major force in Cultivator World, and they will win. It will be difficult. For the sake of the big picture, you have to hold back!”

Bearded fists clenched, teeth biting straight: “blood enmity blood still, nothing to say, this life does not kill them, I swear not!”

“Hey, big head, Mingzhe protects himself, gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late. With your current strength, I am afraid that even the door can’t enter!”

“Can’t enter the door, meet outside, kill and die!”

“Big, old man advice, you still make them less wonderful!”

“Can’t do it, Kunlun Faction’s discipline, I have to kill!”

“hmph, a big tone!” The sound of the beard fell, and the door came coldly shouted.

Everyone looked and stood at the door with three young robes, and they looked proud!

Lin Xiao saw them and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

The bearded man blinked and said: “Who said that?”

The one who is right, the young man with a scar on his left face disdains: “It is Daoist Master. I am a big black block. Do you want to die?”

The bearded blood is pouring up, grabbing the two axes on the table, you have to do it…


Old Kang stood up and took him to death, and then said: “Two, he just now drank too much, for a moment, ignoring, never want to blame!”

Young face coldly snorted and said: “Even if you drink too much, you should take care of your mouth, don’t carelessly, don’t give up your life!”

“You…” The bearded riot, Old Kang died to suppress him: “Yes, the two are right, we will pay attention later!”

Other diners in the store, all of them stunned, did not dare to scream.

The unspoken youth swept around and then stared at the bearded man: “The big black dog, the next time you notice, if the Young Master is in the body, I have to let you kneel down and swear!”

“Shantou? You hacked you!” The bearded violent walk, Old Kang hand numb, the bearded double axe tossed, and flew straight to the two.

The two saw this, the figure did not move, just a sneer.

Lin Xiao sees this, secretly shaking his head, this beard has to suffer!


In the screaming voice, the bearded axe flew, his hands stained blood, and his face was horrified.

Two Kunlun disciple, the sword tip on his chest and Sea of ​​Qi, full of disdain. They only need a little vomiting, a big beard, they will be quite dead!

“Two angers, please raise your hands and spare him a life!”

Old Kang hurried forward and bowed his hand!

The big beard shouted: “Old Kang, what are you doing? Are they helping the bastard with such a big gift?”

“Good brat, dead to the end, still arrogant, laozi fulfills you!” After that, the two men received the sword at the same time, and then, azure light flashed, stabbed to the beard!

“Don’t…” Old Kang screamed!

“Wow, wow!”

The tragic sound, the tremor and everyone sitting!

Everyone took a closer look, stupid!

I saw the beard still standing, intact!

In front of him, two Kunlun Faction disciple long swords were broken, and two chopsticks, running through the palms of the two men, straight through their chests.

Blood, immediately reddened their whole body, the face is both shocked and angry!

The two played hard, pulled out the chopsticks, stopped the blood, and swept the crowd. The cold man said: “Who is the shot? Why not dare to stand up? The dark arrow hurts, what is the reliability?”

Yu La, everyone at at other other in dismay, I don’t know who it is.

Young face ruthlessly said: “Dare to provoke me Kunlun Faction, live impatient? Have the ability to stand up.”

In the store absolute silence!

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