White clothed girl A little wrinkled nose, said: “I don’t go, come here, it is already a promise to fulfill the promise, and did not say that you have to go to Kunlun!”

“Male Master…”

“Don’t say it, I will definitely not go!”

“Princess wants to go it alone, can you think of the consequences?”

“What consequences?”

“Your esteemed father and my Sect alliance, there must be a major reason. If Princess insists on this, then, it may be a big harm to your esteemed father!”

“impudent!” Shuang, Lin two old mans shouted, momentum, pressed over.

“you guys……”

Ten people ashe-faced, backwards.

Uncle Lin stepped forward and said: “How dare you dare to threaten Young Lady?”

A robe cultivator lacking the left ear took a step, said coldy: “Please pay attention to your words and deeds, here is the sphere of influence of the Cultivator Alliance!”

Two old man listened, his face was full of anger, but then slowed down!

Lin Xiao saw the clear cut, secretly said: “In this, there must be something inside, so that the two old people dare not get angry!”

Before he heard people say, Jiang Family, even the Ancient He Family did not dare to provoke, let alone Kunlun. But this is how long it took, two powerful old man, facing Kunlun’s pick, but dare not attack, it is incredible!

In addition, the people who sent the greet were only the lower cultivation base, and the facial features were incomplete. This obviously did not pay attention to them.

There are many people in the crowd. They also caught some surprises and felt that things were not that simple.

The cultivator lacking the ear waved, and the ten people stood on both sides, voicing: “Please!”

White clothed girl The face is full of anger, standing in the same place, motionless.

“Young Lady…”

Two old man whispered.

“Uncle Shuang, Uncle Lin, why are you afraid of them? Beat them!”

“Young Lady, let them go!”

“I don’t go, I don’t want to see Ding Dongfeng, I don’t want to see the strange old man wearing a mask!”

“Princess please pay attention!” The robes cultivator lacking ears are shouted with a sullen face.

Just in time, a silhouette, the more volley, the fall in the middle of ten people!

“I have seen you Senior Brother!”

The people are also dressed for the road, very vivid!

The first cultivator to speak: “Junior Brother Wang, what?”

“Wang Weifan ……”

Lin Xiao recognized this person. At the time, on Earth, it was Zhang Chang Zhang Hu who was forced by another guy and two brothers!

Wang Weifan opened the mouth and said : “Junior Brother Feng and Junior Brother Huang were killed!”


Ten people are shocked!

“Where is it? Who is the murderer?”

Wang Weifan pointed his finger to the distance: “I also found it there. It is a restaurant. What is the situation, I am not quite clear!”

The earless cultivator is angry: “Who dares to kill me Kunlun disciple?”

People in the crowd who witnessed the “World Guest” scene were also present. Although they saw Lin Xiao leaving calmly, as well as Bearded and Old Kang, they did not dare to stand up. You know, even the people of Kunlun Faction dare to kill, who is provoked?

Instead, white clothed girl, whispered to himself: “It’s good to die, it’s better to die!”

Although the sound was very low, Lin Xiao heard the ear in a word, and he secretly said: “It seems that Jiang Family and Kunlun are not very close!”

At this time, the lack of ear cultivator called: “Junior Brother Wang, you go to the store where the accident happened, I will take Princess to return to the mountain, and then deal with it!”

When the language came out, everyone was angry, too fucking.

But they were angry and angry, but they did not dare to speak out.

Wang Weifan hesitated: “Senior Brother, that is the restaurant of ‘World Guest’, you can’t!”

“World Guest?” The earless cultivator stunned, and then said: “Put their bodies first, wait until I know Sect Master, and then make a decision!”

“Yes!” After that, Wang Weifan left the disease.

Missing cultivator complexion changed ,said with a smile :”Princess, please!”

Girl stiff in place, a dilemma…

“Princess, please don’t be embarrassed about us!” The lack of ear cultivator’s face is gloomy over water, very ugly.

“Uncle…” The girl was helpless and looked at the two old men.

Two old sighs, shaking their heads!

Lin Xiao, of course, how is this scene like forced marriage?

Suddenly –

“jié jié jié 桀…”

A romantic burst of tearing clouds, ringing Heaven and Earth!

“‘Smiling Demon ‘Zhang Liuhai ……”, Lin Xiao was slightly shocked.

On the Blue Crystal Planet, his appearance has caused countless deaths and injuries to the Alliance discipline. Now, the bloody is likely to be staged again.

“Young Lady retire!”

The two old men were pale, their mouths were bloody, and they were hard to protect the white clothed girl.

“The two uncles…” girl appear strong, scared and pale, and overwhelmed.

Uncle Shuang labored opened the mouth and said : “Senior why did you shoot Jiang Family?”

The laughter is still the same, the people who have been lying on the ground, all stunned by the sound waves.

The clever person, in the first time, stepped back and walked away.

Ten Kunlun disciple, shaking and smashing, like a wax paper, is extremely popular.

“pu, pu!”

The sound of spurting sounds, the ten feet are soft and weak, and they are crumbling!


The sound broke out, and the ten Kunlun disciple were fiercely cracked, and the blood and rain were flying, all of them shattered and died.

Consciousness The people who are still there, who are timid, do not want to escape.

Lin Xiao stayed in the same place, not moving, just staring coldly at the front void.

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