“What’s wrong with this?” Lin Xiao puzzled!

At this point, Xiao Jiaohua dishes have been finished, shouting: “waiter, come over!”

“Come on!” With the sound, waiter came down from the upstairs.

“Which guest is going to…” Halfway through, he looked at Lin Xiao and stunned.

Xiao Jiaohua raised the recipe in his hand and said: “waiter, what do you want to do? Come over, press me to order!”

The waiter in the store screamed and rushed forward, and he said: “Two young Masters, can you change places?”

Xiao Jiaohua frowns: “Why?”

Waiter’s head was sweating, and he said: “Young Master, don’t ask why? Just ask for you, there is still a place on the fourth floor, please move!”

Xiao Jiaohua apparently slammed his strength and said: “Why? We don’t give money when we eat, why let us change places?”


Shop waiter anxious straight jump!

“If you have any questions, you can say, or how can I understand?” Xiao Jiaohua refused to give in.

“Young Master, are you here first?”

Xiao Jiaohua looked at Lin Xiao and said, “Yes, we have just arrived here today!”

Waiter swears: “In this case, the two are going upstairs, and I don’t know who is not guilty. Later, the two will be in trouble!”

Lin Xiao couldn’t help but ask: “What about the waiter brother?”

As soon as his words fell, an old voice sounded: “little friend, there is a specific table for the son of the city’s City Lord, no one can be contaminated!”

Lin Xiao listened, and he was very funny. He said: “I have seen people, chartered, and packed. I have never seen a table!”

The old voice is ringing again: “little friend, young and impulsive, but at the moment, you’d better leave, or you will be affected by the blood light!”

Lin Xiao startled: “Can you eat a meal?”

“Yes, there were a lot of people who didn’t believe in evil. I want to eat at this table. As a result, after all, after going out of town, all died. Over time, I know what is going on!”

“When is that person coming?”

“The sky is getting closer, faster!”

Xiao Jiaohua turned his eyes and said: “Forget it, if that’s the case, let’s go upstairs!”

Lin Xiao starred four sweeps, but did not find anyone to talk to him.

“Don’t look for it, he doesn’t want to show up, you can never find it!”

“Hey, do you know who you are?”

Xiao Jiaohua smiled: “How do I know? Go, go up!”

After that, the first to go up, Lin Xiao shook his head smiling.

If you are in Earth, with Xiao Jiaohua, it is impossible to enter any hotel. But at Cultivator World, no one dares to provoke.

After all, Cultivator World is a place for crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are countless strangers and behaviors. Moreover, the people that waiter meets in the store are all kinds of people, and they are all the best.

At the same time, they know that some experts often don’t show up in the mountains. If they don’t have a long eye to hit them up, they will be finished. This is also the reason why Xiao Jiaohua is able to carefree and come in and order.

On the fourth floor, two people were seated. After Xiao Jiaohua reported the food to Waiter, he held his chin with his hand and looked at the ground floor of the fifth floor!

Lin Xiao also thought about it. He really didn’t understand who just now is talking to him.

In addition, trifling a table, there are people who fight. And, there will be bloody battles. What is good about a broken table? This is the restaurant for the people of the world to eat. Is it true that this is the son of the City Lord?

He can’t believe that Cultivator World is too singular, and there are often ridiculous things.

Then he thought of “Smiling Demon” Zhang Liuhai!

This demon and Lu Zhong should be a group. At the beginning, when they destroyed two black holes in the solar system, they were hidden in the dark, that is, two people. Now, they often appear in Cultivator World. What is the purpose?

Lu Zhong was wounded by himself, and now it is estimated to recover. He and Zhang Liuhai, what is it?

I heard Lu Zhong said, “If you can’t even pick up yourself, what qualifications are you going to Immortal World to find them?” There is no doubt that his so-called “they” must be their enemies. The problem is that he mentioned the word Immortal World, which is not the same.

At Immortal World, the Immortal Emperor level is equivalent to Cultivator World’s Great Ascension Stage, which is a top expert. The enemy is Immortal World, I want to come, it must be caused by the expert of Immortal World!

It can be seen that the high-level Xianmo and the two circles, I am afraid that the beginning of chaos.

“Chaos?” Lin Xiao’s brain flashed. He thought of the words of “Saint Venerable” Leng Tianyun. He said that the high-level World Plane had started rioting, and the Lords were busy and unable to communicate. So to speak, in addition to Cultivator World is still stable, high-level World Plane, early chaos?

In the faint, Lin Xiao feels awkward!

“No, you must speed up the action, first pull people up!” Lin Xiao thought about setting up, and after planning to eat, immediately set off to find weapons and equipment.

“daoist brother, what are you thinking about?” Xiao Jiaohua’s voice sounded!

Lin Xiao to collect one’s thoughts, said: “Nothing! Right, just now the source of the sound, do you know?”

Xiao Jiaohua Mysterious smile: “daoist brother, if I don’t know, are you believing or not?”

“Eh…” Lin Xiao said, I don’t know how to answer!

“hehe, tell you, I know!”

“who is it?”

“No matter what, let me eat after dinner!”

“Dining?” Lin Xiao looked down and saw that the food was on the table, but she didn’t know it.

“When was this?” Lin Xiao asked!

“Just, I think you think too much, don’t bother you!”

“Oh!” Lin Xiao was shocked. If someone sneak attack at this time, then it should not be hanged?

“Oh, yes, what should I call you?” Lin Xiao stayed with Xiao Jiaohua for a long time, knowing what his name is!

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