Lin Xiao categorically said: “If Senior insists on this, then Junior has to leave and go to other homes!”

Old man A glimpse, said: “Well, how do you collect a hundred upper-grade spirit stone?”

“One hundred upper-grade spirit stone?”

“More? If you want 50 or not!”

Lin Xiao calmed down: “Senior, according to Junior, an upper-grade Spirit Artifact, can sell at least 200 upper-grade spirit stone. You can’t afford this business practice!”

Old man laughed said: “little friend is laughing, old man just now has spoken, and the little friend is as good as ever, full of joy, these, as a gift!”

Lin Xiao got up and said, “Junior is saying goodbye!”

“little friend, you?”

“Senior has something to say, there is no need to turn around!”

Old man A sigh, said: “little friend, you care!”

“Senior has refused to tell, Junior has to go!”

Old man Eyes turn, hurriedly said: “little friend, old man just look at the little friend, the face is extraordinary, there will be immortal achievements. So, with this intention to make friends, nothing else!”


“The old man is already a dusty and chesty person, will you cover it?”

“I don’t think so!”

Old man body A shock: “What does little friend mean?”

Lin Xiao sneered: “Senior is insincere, and Junior is not a tough guy, leave!”

“brat, how are you big?” At the door, the original black clothed old man appeared, staring at Lin Xiao with a look of anger.

Lin Xiao coldly said: “Please speak with respect to your lord!”

White haired old man angered: “What are you doing here? Don’t roll me back!”

Black clothed old man panting with rage: “Third Brother, I really don’t understand, isn’t it a brat of Crossing Tribulation Stage? Are you here?”

White haired old man Anxiously blinking: “Go back, don’t be blind!”

Black clothed old man Do not bird him, look at Lin Xiao: “brat, age light, courage is not bad, see the old man is not afraid, what is your name?”

Lin Xiao looked at him coldly and stepped forward, intending to leave sideways.

Black clothed old man The green short sword in the hand is horizontal, evil channel: “brat, old man asks you, if you don’t answer, you want to go?”

Lin Xiao sighed and said coldly: “Please lend your own weight and let you leave!”

“Oh, brat, it’s really good to give your face, old man is not them!”

“Sixth Brother, what are you doing? Don’t give me out!” white haired old man.

Black clothed old man, first side, said: “Third Brother, I just tempted him, seeing him enough!”

“You… you are so reversed, dare…” When he said it, he stopped!

Black clothed old man Look at Lin Xiao: “brat, reveal both hands to the old man. Otherwise, you must give the old man Third Brother a sin, otherwise hehe…”

Lin Xiao is furious and cold-hearted: “Don’t bullly intolerably!”

Black clothed old man The gray eyebrows wrinkled, said: “brat, talk relaxed, the tone is not so cold, you are not qualified!”


“What are you talking about?” black clothed old man eyes violent, such as electric divine glow shot, shocking.


“You…brat, do you say it again?”


“brat, you are courting death!” Saying, in the hands of the green sword, it is necessary to attack…

“Sixth Brother, are you having enough?” white haired old man stepped forward and yelled at black clothed old man.

Black clothed old man broke his hand and said: “Third Brother, what are you doing? With his brammed brat, what can I do? I really don’t understand, what do they think?”

“Sixth Brother, you…” Then he faced Lin Xiao: “little friend, don’t mind, my Sixth Brother is out of control, just now is not sincere!”

“Is it?” Lin Xiao spit out two words, cold and ruthless.

White haired old man Cold sweat: “little friend, old man on behalf of Sixth Brother to apologize to you. This way, the weapon money is free, in addition, the old man will send you a middle-grade Immortal Artifact how?”

“No need!” Lin Xiao didn’t go back and went straight out.

“brat, hello mad!” black clothed old man furious, want to shoot.

“Sixth Brother ……” white haired old man sighed with anger: “Do you know what you are doing? Do you want to be a sinner of the family?”

Black clothed old man stunned, and whispered: “I just want to be a family, I don’t want to be scorned by those snob!”

“snob? I see you are!”

“Third Brother, I think about the family, how can you say this to me?”

White haired old man A slap in the air, turned and disappeared.

Black clothed old man Looking at the direction in which Lin Xiao disappeared, hehe sneered: “brat, it hurts me, old man can’t help you!”

And after Lin Xiao came out, he was cold with a face. How can he not estimate this trip, this will be the result.

Think of the white haired old man, the expression of the reunion of the old friend, and the black clothed old man. In the tone of the enemy, Lin Xiao is extremely entangled, he can’t figure out what is going on?

“Jing Xin Zhai”, it is impossible for him to cooperate with them, even if it is free. The performance of black clothed old man made him hate him. What he hated most was the kind of person who provoked the accident.

At this time, the sky is dark, and it is very small. Many restaurants have been lit up, and the candlelight has been lit up.

Lin Xiao walked on the street and thought about the next step.

This trip has failed, only to find another way. He looked at the distance and found that he was near the east city gate. At this moment, there are crowds of people, images of mother-in-law, voices, and mosquitoes into thunder.

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