“Sir, this?” Zuo Yihuang was not happy.

“How? Is there any opinion on Sir Zuo?” Liu Hongchang squinted.

“Subordinate is not daring, sir is very generous, and I am honored to be a subordinate. However, today’s little task is not good. If it is not strictly punished, the prestige of sir will be very unfavorable.”

“Zuo Yihuang, what do you mean?” Song Zhong angrily said.

“What do you mean?” Zuo Yihuang sneered: “You often boast of your own array of invincible, and the result is that others are instantly escaping. If everyone is as open-minded as you are, it will only be on paper, then how will my emperor complete the ruling cause?”

“Zuo Yihuang, you don’t bullly intolerably. The old man said that his own array is superb, and the facts have proved that you have not been trapped for several days without getting out of trouble. But this time, the old man encountered is not weaker than My expert, array together, the inner rhyme of the letter, not all of you outside the viewer.”

Zuo Yihuang’s face is cold: “Song Zhong, no matter how you argue, dereliction of duty, you can’t escape.”

“Zuo Yihuang, you can hear clearly, Liu sir has already spoken, forgive old man, what are you?”

“Song old dog, do you have the guts to say it again?”

“What about you? All day aloof and remote, a look at Only I Am Supreme, have you put sir in your eyes?”

“Song Zhong, you are less fart, I Zuo Yihuang is loyal to sir, to the Emperor, Young Master, and you are able to compare to these villains.”

“hehe, is it? It looks like this, but what is in your heart? Your ambitions are far better than your strength.”

“Song Zhong, you dare to insult the left, I…”

“Enough!” Liu Hongchang interrupted his words: “The enemy has not been removed, but you are fighting for the limelight here, what do you want to do?”

“Subordinate knows guilty.” The two immediately bowed their heads.

“hmph, old man wouldn’t want to come here, but Young Master confessed that it is difficult to achieve a career with your strength. Sending that many experts and discipline, as a result, there are a few of you left, really long-faced.”

Zuo Yihuang said: “Liu sir, Star Sect has an expert that is not weaker than subordinate, subordinate is also extremely helpless.”

“Okay, these old man know, so Young Master specially asked the old man to help you destroy him, so he can get a low-level Culture World.”

“Young Master is far-sighted, subordinate and so on.”

“hmph, if you don’t talk a little more, please do something that makes Young Master happy. Young Master said, if you can’t take it here, you can solve it yourself and you don’t need to go back.”

Zuo Yihuang trembled and said: “Please sir and Young Master rest assured that as long as the person dies, no one will compete with subordinate.”

Liu Hongchang looked up and said: “This person should not go far, otherwise, we should be able to perceive people who are outside. Old man guess, he is both an Array Master, certainly hiding, maybe, just around here. “”

When he spoke, Zuo Yihuang and Song Zhong nodded said it was.

As for the other golden robed old man and the half-old old man panel, it is as dead as a dead body.

“Song Zhong, in the square, set up the Space Array method, if he is in this range, he can definitely force him out.”

“Yes, Liu sir, subordinate obeys.”


“Sir is not home to tell?”

“old man asks you, are you sure that the aura in the sword is weak?”

“This…subordinate can only say that it will not exceed sir.”

“Well, go, speed resolution.”

“Yes!” After that, fly down the mountain.

“Zuo Yihuang!” Liu Hongchang called.

“Subordinate is in.”

“old man also asks you, in this low-level World Plane, do you really only have one opponent?”

“Does Liu sir not believe in subordinate?”

“I don’t believe it, but the old man is very upset recently. It feels bad. Especially the vision of the previous few days, the old man is hard to understand.”

“Please sir rest assured that there is only one, the other does not have to worry about sir, subordinate one person is enough.”

“Zuo Yihuang, you have to understand the importance of this World Plane. If you master it, it is equivalent to mastering the main battlefield in the future. Do you understand this value?”

“This…subordinate understand.”

“I understand it. If you understand it, just confess to the old man, how many people are there?”

Zuo Yihuang bowed his head: “I don’t know sir, subordinate really only suffered in the hands of that person. There is another one, he was weak, but later, for some reason, he was able to equal the subordinate. But he couldn’t help subordinate. Therefore, I will not care about sir.”

“It was very weak, suddenly it became stronger?” Liu Hongchang shocked and said: “Who is that person?”

“He was a small faction, and later he was afraid of leaking things. They all killed them. I never thought that there were two people cunning abnormally and escaped halfway. However, one person has been killed. As for the other one, that is the advanced by leaps. And bounds people.”

“This way…” Liu Hongchang pondered: “It seems that he has got what rare opportunity, Cultivator World, is the first choice of the main battlefield, and it is really extraordinary.”

“sir ……”

“old man understands that you don’t have to say a word. By then, the old man will help you get rid of it together and keep you safe.”

“many thanks sir love.”

Just here –

There was a mutation in the sky.

In the daytime when the sun was infinite, the starlight was a little bit dazzling and beautiful.

“What happened?” Liu Hongchang asked with a squint.

“This aura, familiar, big day, suddenly appeared stars, stars?” Zuo Yihuang said: “It is him, sir, it is him.”

“Zuo Yihuang, yelling, what is the system, who speaks correctly?” Liu Hongchang frowned.

“Sir, is the expert that makes subordinate twice dead.” Zuo Yihuang’s voice was a little trembling.

“It’s him.” Liu Hongchang looked alertly at all around.

“This starlight is too real. If the old man knows it is a fantasy, it will be taken seriously.”

Another golden robed old man who has not spoken, gloomily said: “This aura is very strong, I am afraid it is not weaker than you and me.”

Liu Hongchang said: “Hou Dan brother, you have some long-term ambitions and extinguish your own prestige.”

Lu Dan’s glare, staring at starlight, hoarsely said: “Liu brother, you know that I’m never swearing, we’re not the opponent of this person.”

“What?” Upon hearing this, Zuo Yihuang’s face was green.

“We are not opponents, isn’t it even better than Young Master?” When he said this, he looked around and raised his voice: “old man asked friends to show up.”

“Friends? Are we friends?” A cold voice sounded.

Upon hearing this sound, Zuo Yihuang’s face turned pale and he was too familiar.

“Friends, no matter what you are, please show up,” Liu Hongchang called again.

“hmph!” With coldly snorted, a silhouette, not far from them.

As soon as he appeared, Lin Xiao’s huge pressure was released and rolled up to four people.


Liu Hongchang was a big man, and with a wave of his hand, the four disappeared.

But as soon as the starlight floated, several people slammed into it and forced to fall back to the ground.

“Well, we have counted it.” Four people are at a loss.

Lin Xiao expression Cold and cold, slowly raise your right foot and stare at them.

After the four people touched his gaze, the heart slammed. When seeing Lin Xiao’s feet fall back to the ground, Liu Hongchang yelled: “Come on the road, or it will be heavy wounded.”

The three listened and resisted.


The footsteps fell, Heaven and Earth shattered, and the space Transforming Void, as if the trillions of lightning beams were hit at the same time, tearing everything.


Four people complex changed, all squirting blood.

And the half-old man, directly fell to the ground, can’t get up again.

“How can it be so powerful, even if the Young Master is inferior to three points. Such a powerhouse, it is impossible to appear here.” Liu Hongchang unwillingly barked.

Lin Xiao snorted and raised his left foot and slowly landed.


In the distance, countless mountains are broken under the foot of the foot, as if the end of the day.

“Impossible, impossible, who is he?” Liu Hongchang screamed and his body trembled.

“If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed.” Lin Xiao no longer uses Dao Li, strides forward and deceives himself.

“Hey, hey!”

Without giving them reaction time, Lin Xiao punched four people, hitting the four people at high altitude, fiercely hitting the starlight, and then falling to the ground.

“Hateful!” gloomy husky old man arrogant, body light golden gas overflow, a golden long sword appeared.

“The wound of the soul!” old man screamed, and the sword was like a layer of blue waves, tearing the clouds and rushing to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao coldly smiled, his hands are turned up, and the palm shadow is full of void, which is pressed against the waves with an unstoppable momentum.


The palms passed through and hit the old man.


The old man was hit high, and the body instantly shattered and turned into a bloody rain.


The abnormal sound is protruding, and Lin Xiao blinks in his eyes.

It turned out that the waves in that layer actually ignored the palm of the hand and still pushed straight toward him.

“The wound of the soul?” A flash of light in the brain, Lin Xiao naturally understands. This ripple is intended to attack the soul, and the external body attack certainly has no effect.

No longer hesitating, the divine sense immediately released and ran into it.


When the two sides touched each other, Lin Xiao’s brain stunned and then returned to normal, and the wound of the soul was also broken.

“A very strange attack.” Lin Xiao feels awkward, fortunately it is himself, for another person, it will die.

“You…” Seeing this scene, Liu Hongchang, Zuo Yihuang was scared and overwhelmed. Lin Xiao doesn’t know that Soul Attack is their strongest method. Once it fails, only death is waiting.

Think about it, it’s useless to press the bottom, what else can you do?

“Fast escape.” No longer delay, Liu Hongchang tried his best cultivation base to attack starlight, trying to open a gap.

No matter how hard he works, he is always a pillar, not moving.

He is desperate.

Lin Xiao said: “An Immortal Monarch early-stage Array Master, two God Monarch late-stage peaks, a God Monarch middle-stage expert, and an Upper Universe.”

Liu Hongchang and Zuo Yihuang gathered together, Liu Hongchang brace oneself said: “Friends, who are you?”

Lin Xiao coldly shouted : “Who is a friend with you?”

“Yes, old man is ignorant, what is the identity of sir here? Is it Lord of World Plane?”

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: “Listen, I am Star Sect after Sect Master Lin Xiaolong, Lin Xiao.”

“After Star Sect, Lin Xiao.” Liu Hongchang called: “Impossible, you lied to me, with your strength, how could it be just a master?”

“Wrong, I am not a Sect Master, just an ordinary discipline.”

“What? You…”

“Well, not much nonsense, now, answer my own question, otherwise, he will be your end.” Speaking, pointing to the wrecked old man’s body.

The two were in great shock but did not speak.

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