“I greet you with an ancestor’s eighteen generations. Is it finished?” Wu Gong was anxious and turned, pointing to the source of the sound.

When he saw the silhouette, the situation was frozen and motionless.

“old fellow, continue to swear, I rarely hear anyone yelling at this King, today, let you have enough.”

At this point, Wu Gong licked his mouth, forced a smile and said: “Oh… Oh, don’t dare, don’t dare, how can the little old man dare to marry the Alliance Lord?”

“alliance lord?” Lin Xiao heard the name, and the eyes flashed.

Not far away, a silk clothes old man stands tall, his hair is pale, his face is masked, and he is wearing a black wind, which is extremely tall and mysterious.

“This is the owner of the Cultivator Alliance? Why do you have a mask?” Lin Xiao wonders.

I remember when I first met Jiang Tingting, she said that she didn’t want to see the old man who was wearing the face. It seems to be him.

“Wu Gong, this King came in person and wanted to ask you a few questions.” The voice is full of domineering and unbearable.

Wu Gong laughed: “It is a great honor to be able to work with the independence lord. The little lord is very honored. There is something to say, the little old man knows everything.”

The Lord of the Alliance stepped forward, said solemnly: “This King warns you, I hope you cooperate, otherwise you know it.”

Wu Gong’s face was a little bit stunned and immediately said: “Of course, can cooperate with alliance lord, the blessing of three lifetimes, will fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness?”

“hmph, you are smart. This King asks you, what are you doing here?”

Wu Gongyi’s words: “alliance lord is joking, you know the little old man’s business, come here, in addition to treasure hunt, what else can you do?”

The Lord of the Alliance flashed through the two eyes of the mask: “Tell this King, where is Qian Shenhui now?”

“What? Qian Shenhui?” Wu Gong shocked the color of the flash, and then did not understand.

The secret Lin Xiao is also self-sufficient. The owner of this alliance mentioned Qian Shenhui. What is he doing?

“alliance lord, where do you say this?” Wu Gong smiled.

“Wu Gong, it seems that you can’t help.”

“alliance lord, you ask this, little old people don’t know, what Qian Shenhui, little old man has never heard of.”


“That’s true, how can I lie to alliance lord you.”

The leader of the Alliance waved and said: “Wu Gong, this King doesn’t want to be embarrassed about you, but you can fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness. If you don’t impose some punishments, you may not be able to follow suit.”

Wu Gongyi listened, wow wow: “alliance lord, you can’t decide this way, the little old man really doesn’t know,”

The Lord of the Alliance, laughed heartily: “Your foundation, this King, is clear, and wants to bully the old man?”

“This… what do you say?”

“Wu Fengcai, for the Profound Principle Sect, opened the eldest disciple, because of the poor qualifications, was replaced by later people, and became the Junior Brother. Finally, it is because they fell in love with Junior Sister Su Xiaojuan, fighting each other, both sides suffer.”

“You…” Wu Gong was shocked.

“In order to avoid the fellow apprentices from killing each other, the Junior Sister has to break away from the sect. Since then, there has been no news. After this change, the fellow apprentices recognized their stupid things, and they vowed not to get involved in the world. A change of name, change of fun, and sorrow.”

Wu Gong is dumbfounded.

Said coldy, the owner of the alliance: “How? Wu Fengcai, is this King clear?”

Wu Gong looked at him and squinted: “Nothing, you are talking nonsense.”

“hahaha…” The Lord of the Alliance laughed out loudly: “Wu Fengcai, you are really courageous, and you are in danger, you can’t escape, but can you escape?”

“What do you mean?”

“Wu Fengcai, this King knows that you have a relationship with Qian Shen Family. You only need to say the whereabouts of Qian Shenhui. This King guarantees your wish.”

“Wish? What a wish?”

“This can let you see Su Xiaojuan.”

“Really?” Wu Gong was excited.

“haha, Wu Fengcai, you are completely unfettered.”

After Wu Gong realized that he was lost self-control, he said: “You are wrong, I am only impulsive.”

“Impression? I think it is exciting.”

“alliance lord, if there is nothing else, the little old man will ask to be excuse first.”

“Ask to be excuse? Hey, since this King is coming, can you leave if you want to go?”

“Does the alliance lord want to deceive you?”

“This King is not okay?”

“You are the owner of the alliance. I am a city, and you are shooting against me. Are you afraid of being ridiculed?”

The owner of the Alliance shook his head: “If it’s a gangster, this King won’t shoot at all. But you are the eldest disciple of the Profound Principle Sect, and this King doesn’t make a fuss.”

“You… I am flashing.” Wu Gong came up with a few words and disappeared immediately.

“Want to go? hmph!” The main robes of the league are floating, and a circle of ripples impacts.


A silhouette, which is smashed out of the void, is Wu Gong.

The body appeared and he disappeared again.

The main cold of the alliance is continuous and the ripples are expanding.


Heaven and Earth are shaken, the owner of the alliance is groaned, figure is sliding far away, and barely stops the retreat. A stream of blood, flowing out of the mask.

“Who is it?” The head of the league is coldly shouted.

Looking into the distance, the inexplicable starlight flashed, and everything returned to silence.

“Flash!” The head of the league decided decisively that teleportation ran.

In the sky, Lin Xiao came out and stared at the direction of the Alliance Lord’s departure with a sneer: “After Star Sect clarifies everything, it is your death.”

During the concealment period, he has been forced to press Nai.

He not only wants to hear about Wu Gong, but also wants to destroy the leader of the alliance.

It can be ascertained that the Star Trek, the owner of the Alliance, is probably one of the dominant players. But considering the truth in the future, I need to confront him and I have to let him go first.

Then he thought of Wu Gong, this strange old man.

It can be known from the talk of just now that before Wu Gong, it was definitely an amazing figure, so that the league’s active hand was killed.

The reason for making such a field today is because of his Junior Sister.

After Lin Xiao knew everything, she sighed with a long sigh: “Emotional things, really fucking is not harmful.”

At this point, he had a bit of sympathy for Wu Gong.

Lin Xiao was curious about Wu Gong’s question about Qian Shenhui.

At the beginning, I suspected that he had a relationship with Qian Shen Family. Today, I can be sure that it is really relevant.

After thinking about it, the Lord of the Alliance has nothing to ask Qian Shenhui.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao shocked: “Qian Shen Family exposed?”

Thinking of this, he was heavy in his heart.

No longer think about it, and regardless of Wu Gong’s whereabouts, go straight to Scarlet Flame Star, Calm Artifact Room.

If things really change, then “Calm Artifact Room” is the best place to confirm.

At this point, the day is already deep and the day is about to pass.

Time is tight, Lin Xiao does not use the transmission array, directly using Divine Ability, interstellar greater teleportation.

Two hours later, he appeared in the Scarlet Flame Star “Seeking Moon City” and he became Yu Chen.

There are too many things happening in this place. Lin Xiao recalled it, and it was incredible.

At this time, it is at noon, and the sun is hot.

Without stopping, he ran straight to the “Calm Artifact Room”.

In the hope, Calm Artifact Room is already in sight.

At the moment of seeing, Lin Xiao was shocked.

Calm Artifact Room, the door is closed, the dust is full, and it is clear that no one has come and gone for a long time.

Lin Xiao sees this, the heart is very heavy, it seems that Qian Shen Family really has an accident.

What should I do next?

Lin Xiao Hey, people from Upper Universe are not much time to travel to Taigar, and if they don’t go back to deployment, they are likely to fall short. But since the situation here is known, do you have to stand by and watch?

What’s more, I was influenced by Qian Shen Feiyun and the others, and at the time I promised that if they had difficulties, they would be able to reach out and help themselves. Now, they are obviously in trouble, and if they turn a blind eye, this is equivalent to a violation.

Not keeping promises, this is better for Lin Xiao, let him die directly, he has never done it.

Suddenly, an old voice rang in his ear: “little friend, old man Qian Shenche, bothering you to move outside the city.”

“Qian Shen Senior.” Lin Xiao turned around.

Qian Shenche’s voice resounded: “little friend, don’t move, everyone is watching around, your current every move, all in their eyes, don’t expose the weak spot.”

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