Yang Yuqi A nodded: “Well, underestimating the enemy is a taboo against the enemy, and it must not appear again for the second time.”

“Well, Qian Shenhui, you have to be prepared too. The people of Upper Universe have Array Master. When it comes to you, it depends on you.”

Qian Shenhui has a head: “Package on me.”

Looking at other people, Lin Xiao said: “Longlong, you go to the place where you first took the fruit of the yin and see what is wrong there.”

Longlong stunned, vomiting: “Boss, are you aware of anything?”

Lin Xiao smiled and said: “brat, are you gonna steal the fruits of others? If you see me, you will fight with me.”

When Longlong heard it, he was furious: “I will teach him this, and dare to disrespect the boss.”

“Okay, you give me a point. The current enemy is Upper Universe and Multiple Space, not Immemorial.”


“Just let you go and see, don’t mess with me.”


Lin Xiao went on to say: “As for Uncle Qu, you should first gather the people’s disciples and tell them about the enemy.”

“it is good!”

Everyone responded.

Lin Xiao looked at Yang Yuqi: “Sister, am I a bit overwhelming?”

Yang Yuqi smiled: “If you don’t want this, then we can change it.”

Lin Xiao shakes his hand: “No, I will be really happy when I kill them this time.”


At the top of the peak, Zi Jing three people sit against the air.

Yang Xiaoyu, Long Tiandan The two were exhausted, but Zi Jing did not say anything. Beautiful eyes look at the Vault of Heaven in the distance, I don’t know what to think.

“Let’s go down!” Lin Xiao’s voice sounded.

“Oh!” The two became interested and quickly disappeared.

“Zi Jing…” Lin Xiao whispered, sitting next to her.

“Sorry, I misunderstood you.”

Zi Jing turned to him slowly, with big eyes and tears.

Lin Xiao held her fragrant shoulder and said: “I blame me for a moment, completely forgetting the feeling of a girl at home, I am really sorry.”

“wu wu wu ……” Zi Jing said nothing, buried in his arms and burst into tears.

Lin Xiao said sadly: “Don’t cry, I will send you back at all costs when the matter is over.”

Zi Jing heard it, and the cry was soaring and hugged him.

On the mountain top, the two men were half-hugging and lying on their backs, snoring, and the sound of the cold was faint, and the cold wind sent a shadow, and it was empty.

“strange person!” Zi Jing stopped crying and said: “I am homesick, I want to father and mother, but I am very busy when I see you. I dare not bother you, let alone distract you. So, I have been holding back. But I see a lot of people reuniting now, I really can’t suppress that family.”

At this moment, Lin Xiao’s heart is as warm as spring, and at the same time, he blames himself.

Zi Jing, who has always been considered by herself to be a not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, is a petty, domineering little girl. But now, he found that he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

For a long time, Zi Jing has been suffering from the sadness of silently. But in order not to worry about herself, she swallowed her belly and left her laughter to herself.

Lin Xiao didn’t know how to express it. He only understood at this time that Zi Jing would rather be wronged and would not want to be embarrassed.

People are not grass, can be ruthless, Lin Xiao is emotional.

In his history of growth, only Situ Qian let him do this. Today, Zi Jing really walked into his heart.

Unconsciously, the second line of tears, slipped from Lin Xiao’s eyes, and fell on the Zi Jing powder.

“Hey, strange person, is your tears warming?” Zi Jing sat in a straight lovable body and touched the tears with a jade hand.

Lin Xiao caressed her head and said, “Yes, it is warming. Without you, it is impossible.”

Zi Jing said: “Sorry, strange person, I am making you cry.”

Lin Xiao reached out and hugged her, and put it in her ear, whispered: “Zi Jing, later, you are part of my life, you can’t have any accidents.”

Zi Jing pink and red, Jiao said: “With you by my side, I will never do anything.”

“So confident?”

“That is, otherwise, when I saw you on the first side, why did you stick to you?”

“Amount, is that what test machine did you use?”

“No, I feel safe from my heart.”

Lin Xiao is bad in her ear with a smile: “You are not afraid that I will eat you?”

Zi Jing took a jade hand and said: “I am not afraid, this Miss will not be wrong.”

Lin Xiao took a long breath and released Zi Jing. He said, “Well, misunderstanding clarified, we should do business.”

“Doing business right?” Zi Jing’s face turned red.

Lin Xiao didn’t notice her situation, but looked at towards the distance. Some mysterious words: “Of course, the business must be as fast as possible, and you have to find a hidden place. Otherwise, when the time is over, it will be too late. “”

“You…” Zi Jing was shy and didn’t dare to carry it.

“Zi Jing, are you afraid?”

“No… I… I just don’t want to come too fast.”

“Is this fast? I feel too slow, I can’t wait to get to the right place right away.”

“On-the-spot method? Strange person Lin Xiao, you shameless.”

Lin Xiao bowed her head and looked at her: “beautiful woman, how do I shameless? What happened to the local law? I really hope to be a thousand times.”

Listening to this, Zi Jing is cold in his heart.

“Hey, beautiful woman, talk to you, why don’t you do anything right?”

“I…” Zi Jing is speechless.

“Where is it?” Lin Xiao saw this scene, and then saw the expression of Zi Jing, immediately realized and laughed.

“Dead strange person, what are you laughing at?” Zi Jing couldn’t help but looked up and angered.

Lin Xiao is out of breath: “beautiful woman, I am talking about the business is to lead the enemy, not that, you want to marry. Oh, can not estimate, Zi Jing big beautiful woman also has such a simple side, tsk tsk … …”

Zi Jing knew that he was being played. He rushed to Lin Xiao and grabbed him. The two laughed and laughed together.

Mountain top, the setting sun falls, the red sky is full of sky, the two silhouettes are intertwined and chasing, and the entertainment is infinite.

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