“How is the situation?” Lin Xiao took the lead.

The two stood in front of Lin Xiao and looked at each other. Situ Feng said: “Chaos, very chaotic. This is a day after, many Sects outside, family, extinction, destruction, and in all, chaos.”

Yang Yuqi said: “We contacted several disciplines and learned that the Galaxy planet outside Cultivator World has been occupied by the Demon World army. Moreover, the army is constantly pushing towards the core of Cultivator World with the trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Unimpeded.”

Lin Xiao asked the doubt in his heart: “Do they really have that many people?”

“Yes, according to the discipline, on each planet, staying behind is about a hundred thousand troops stationed.”

“What about their cultivation base?”

“There is a general between the Nascent Soul and the Great Ascension, and only a few of them have the strength of the Great Principle Golden Immortal.”

Lin Xiao scratched his head: “Is it really a billion-dollar army, how many people at Demon World?”

Yang Yuqi hesitated: “Brother Xiao, this time we are afraid that it is a hundred words.”


“There are only half of the cultivator Sects and families that have been killed outside, and they are now rushing to us in desperation.”

“My day!” Lin Xiao said: “What are they doing? Come to me…” He stopped here when he said it.

Situ Feng said solemnly: “The leader of Sect and the family, it is me, you, Xiaofei, Xiaodan.”

Lin Xiao sighed: “They turned into our appearance and the purpose was to cause a total crusade against the entire Cultivator World.”

“What do I do now? Several people said that we released words and wanted revenge, even though we came to Taigar.”

Lin Xiao bites his teeth: “They have to push us hard.”

“There is no way, after the remnants of the forces are clear, they are all squeezing everywhere. Even some powerful Loose Immortal, Loose Cultivator are moving, and we are here to get rid of us.”

Lin Xiao shouted: “They got into the water, and they didn’t want to think about it. They deliberately made it here. Isn’t it trap?”

“It doesn’t blame them, Sect, the family is destroyed, this is not a general hatred. Once it is stunned by hatred, what will not be managed.”

“How long are they still?”

“Soon, the last half day is enough, and it takes a day to go.”

“I have to think of a way, Upper Universe is so embarrassed, in order to deal with us, do not hesitate to kill many people, really fucking bastard.”

Suddenly, Yang Yuqi’s white light flashed and disappeared.

Yang Yuqi closed her eyes and immediately opened it. “A disciple came to the news and said that 200 million kilometers away from us, on a transit planet, someone called to come to seek revenge.”

“Who is it? What are you doing?”

“Unclear, according to the discipline, the cultivation base of the convenor is at the Immortal Monarch early-stage. I don’t know which force it is. The discipline said that this person wants to bring together all the people who are preparing to revenge in Taigar, then Go together.”

Lin Xiao pondered then said: “What kind of tricks do these people want to play?”

“Brother Xiao, how do we act? They have to hit the door.”

Lin Xiao swayed: “Reassured, with the old saying on Earth, the enemy does not move, I don’t move, the enemy moves, I move.”


“Okay, Sister Yuqi, let’s go to rest. Brother Feng, you and Xiaofei have to keep monitoring, no accidents.”

“No problem,” Situ Feng replied.

“Amount, I hope that the pipe will be down these days, otherwise, it will really bother people.” Lin Xiao finished, directly closed his eyes.

The two looked at each other and turned to go out.

The next day.

With the help of Lin Xiao, Qian Shenhui will soon complete the great array, and the power of the array source is Source Power, whose power is hard to predict.

After ten days, it disappeared.

In the early morning, Lin Xiao assembled all the disciples, each armed and highly motivated.

Although it came out less than a month, it was almost maddening the disciples.

“Everyone!” Lin Xiao said: “Today is a special day. Everyone knows it. The difficulties we face can be said to be a life of nine deaths. But only in this way can we completely inspire your ambitions and move toward higher levels. Peak.”

“Please ask Sect Master to rest assured that the Guardian will swear by the discipline, and never retire.” The tens of thousands of people like thunder piercing the ear, the sky is empty, very scary.

Lin Xiao smiled: “Well, today, I will do Sect Master for the time being.” Finished, loudly shouted: “The public disciple listens to the order, immediately hides its own aura, scattered everywhere. But be careful, the distance can not be too far Must be taken care of each other.”


After that, the 10,000-person discipulation turned into a white light man, disappeared without a shadow.

Lin Xiao 揉揉 forehead, said: “Qian Shen big beautiful woman, what do you say to let those female disciple 瞎 blend?”

Qian Shenhui blinked: “Our women will never be weaker than your men.”

“You… forget it, really kill it, life or death depends on your own creation.”

Situ Feng said: “Strange, how can these days be so quiet, and no one has used divine sense to explore.”

Lin Xiao said with a laugh: “That’s because people with low cultivation base don’t dare, people with high cultivation base don’t bother.”

“They are too conceited.”

“Brother Feng, not conceited, they have this strength.”

“Oh, too!”

“Right, is the dispatch sent to Kunlun and the Alliance back?”

Zi Jing said sweetly: “When I came back, they recorded a lot of pictures. I watched it with Sister Yuqi over and over again and eventually integrated them together.”

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “Well, there are a few trump cards in hand, plus people’s cards, I see what they have to say.”

Golden day light, breaking through the clouds, dotted the earth.

Lin Xiao looked and said: “The sun is coming out, they should have arrived.”

Just then, a terrible divine sense swept over and it was instantly smashed.

Lin Xiao’s face startedled, immediately said: “It is the old fellow, immediately hide the aura, don’t be seen by him. Qian Shen beautiful woman, start the hidden array, disturb his mind.”

“Okay!” answered Qian Shenhui, jade hand, and Xiao Xiao and the others. The surface of the body, the faintly discernible mist, is very embarrassing.

“Boom, bang!”

The deafening sound of the sound broke, and the people in the sky were crushed.

Because Taigar’s transmission array is broken, all the people who want to enter this place will only come down from the outer space.

“Don’t bother, they are the people of Cultivator World, they should be the remnants of the exterminated or the family.” Lin Xiao snorted.


Countless people settled, the earth trembled, the peaks collapsed, and the birds and beasts flew.

The whole foot of the peak is overcrowded.

Lin Xiao divine sense is roughly swept, and the number is about 150,000.

From the cultivation base Golden Core to the Transforming Void, there are only a few Immortal levels.

The crowds of men, women, and children are all full, and each person’s blood is still there, a little bit red, very glaring.

Their eyes looked at Lin Xiao and they were full of hatred. Weapons in hand, gnashing teeth.

“hong long long !”

The sky is stunned, and Lin Xiao is so eager to see that the entire Taigar Planet is completely surrounded by people, and there are countless people who are densely packed.

Look at the costumes, all of the Cultivator Alliance’s discipline.


The laughter came from the air, hundreds of silhouettes, falling slowly, and the floor was not clean.

Lin Xiao and the others look at it, it is the Upper Universe and the Multiple Space entire group. Among them, there is a tall old man with a face and a Hall Lord of the Cultivator Alliance.

The audience was silent, everyone was holding their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Too much pressure.

In the end, Lin Xiao took the lead: “What do you think of the Taigar?”

“Star Ember!” One of the thin old man screamed: “I am equal to humanity, bloody and killing, no humanity, so that the creatures are coated with carbon, sorrowful and sorrowful, and the souls are scattered. You are not obediently surrender, accepting justice. Trial.”

“hahaha…” Lin Xiao laughed: “Weiyang, I haven’t found your trouble yet, but you jumped out automatically, simply act recklessly.”

“Lin Xiao, you dare to die when you die. Today, Taigar will be wiped out forever, forever.”

Lin Xiao heard, his face was cold: “Listen, anyone on who dares to attack Taigar planet, I will smash it, and Nether World.”

“hehe, a big tone.” A black clothed old man laughed.

“Song Zhong, since you are here, I really only have to end for you.”

Song Zhong disdainfully smiled and pointed at a giant old man next to him. He said: “Du sir is here, brat, even if your star expert kills Liu sir them, it is impossible to escape.”

Lin Xiao looked around, lightly said with a smile: “For my trifling Star Sect, I actually feel so honored to have so many experts.”

“Let’s talk nonsense with him, kill him!” Cultivator World’s remnants are resentful.

Song Zhong rape said with a smile : “brat, see it, without the old man and the others, they can kill you.”

Situ Feng coldly snorted on the side said: “Be smart, but don’t want to, smart is wrong.”

Song Zhong stunned, and then said: “brat, let me know how to swear words, in front of Du sir, everything is in vain, not worth mentioning.”


The 150,000 remnants of the forces were unable to live, and they flew up.

“Hey, hey!”

Countless words qi are shot by all directions, and all those who flew up are shot down, blood is mad, but not dead. Other people were scared to stay in the same place by the sudden appearance of the situation, and did not dare to fly again.

“hmph, it seems that you are ready!” Song Zhong’s language changed slightly.

Lin Xiao didn’t take him, but turned to the power of Cultivator World. “You, I think you are very resentful at this time, I can understand. But I hope you can listen to me.”

“There is nothing to say, paying for my Dad and Mom’s life.” A young man looks like crazy, desperate to fly in front of his body, and his knife slashes straight toward Lin Xiao.


The people did not arrive, the white shadow flashed, the people spurt a mouthful of blood, flew back and squatted in the crowd.

The white silhouette is a pretty woman, with white ice. After repulsing the man, she immediately retreated to Lin Xiao and the others.

“Immortal Emperor middle-stage.” Du Wuming’s eyes were amazed, opened the mouth and said.

“You go back first!” Yang Yuqi turned to the woman and spoke to the woman.

“Yes, Sect Master, discipline ask to be excuse !” After that, the female disciple disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this scene, everyone is at a loss.

An Immortal Emperor middle-stage woman is actually a “Star Sect” discipline. Is this too much?

Especially those who want to take revenge, do not dare to shake at this moment. Immortal Emperor middle-stage, this is in their eyes, it is just like the existence of legend.

“hehe, trifling an Immortal Emperor, what make a fuss about nothing?” Song Zhong gloomily said.

“Shunfeng, you go to solve them.” Song Zhong opened.

“Yes, sir!” SF was in the air, and the arrogant wind flew before the body.

“Brother Feng, this guy is the Universe God middle-stage, which is equivalent to Heavenly Saint early-stage. With your strength and experience, when you don’t pay attention, you can definitely kill.” Lin Xiao sound transmission.

“Okay, give it to me!” Situ Feng responded by calling up the upper-grade Divine Artifact “Star Sword”.

He didn’t dare to take out the sword left by Han Chen. Otherwise, with the name of Primal Chaos Saint Artifact, I don’t know how many people will compete.

“haha, you, brat, laozi can shoot you.” Shun Feng saw Situ Feng and was very disdainful.

Situ Feng went up two steps, the tip of the sword pointed, indifferently said: “Is it? If you can’t even pick up your palm, I don’t have to do it, I will solve it myself.”

“You…hahaha, arrogant, arrogant!” SF laughed.

Du’s name at the foot of the mountain squinted, suddenly slammed open, shouted: “Idiot SF, he is paralyzing you, be careful.”

“What?” Hearing Du’s nameless scream, SF chilled and then looked toward Situ Feng.

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