“That is coming!”

The roar sounded, and Lan Du and Shunfeng swooped.

“Your opponent is us!” Situ Feng and Nangong Fei both blocked them and they were in the hands of the attack.

Lan Du and Shun Feng saw Situ Feng and they stopped, and they suddenly went backwards. They know that they are not opponents of the two.

“Ah, fly, you will kill!” Situ Feng yelled, and the momentum of the two continued to rise.

“Hateful, I want to be desperate, who is afraid of who?” Lan Du is also arrogant.

“Domain lock cage!”

“Breaking the world!”

Lan Du and SF are low-lying, and the style is condensed.

“hmph!” Situ Feng was cold and cold, and his palm was slightly raised: “Dragon Venerable”.

Nangong Fei Surrounded by palms, said solemnly: “Devouring the Heaven’s nine-deformed ‘destroy the law.'”

The sound of the two fell, and the aura of the mighty sky was filled with shock and sorrow.

“This…this…” SF and Lan Du looked pale, and the style in their hands accelerated the show.


The two yelled, and their tricks were like a river, and they rushed to the opposite side.


Situ Feng, Nangong Fei Eyes in the eyes, as if the ancient Great Desolate-like momentum spread, like the end of the palm shadow overwhelming, smashing into the other side’s big move.

“Rewind, retreat!” Du unknown complexion changed, hurriedly yelling.

The voice screamed out, and everyone retired from the same place, far away.


The Upper Universe and Multiple Space people have a high cultivation base, breaking through the momentum and getting rid of the difficulties. The Cultivator World’s human cultivation base is too weak, and the four-person style has not yet collided. Only Yu Wei has made them unable to move.

In their horrified eyes, the four people’s styles meet.

“hong long long !”

The explosion rang in the sky, a dazzling white light that brightened the entire sky and the sun was eclipsed.

Super strong momentum, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood spread, the people will be destroyed.

“Boom, bang!”

In the distance, the peaks in the horizontal position bear the brunt and collapse.

On the ground, the aftermath of the waves, the flowers and trees are annihilated in an instant, turning into powder.


Those who have escaped from the Upper Universe and Multiple Space of 100 kilometers, the cultivation base is low, and they are smeared by the aftermath, and they die on the spot.

“Retreat!” Du Wuming was very wrong at this time, he wanted to shoot, but the other party’s Longlong used the divine sense to lock him, so that he did not dare to shake. Even if he was forced to defend, he could not display it.

When everything was attached to the calm, Du Wuming and the others took a long breath.

Looked towards “Star Sect” direction, within a thousand kilometers, are covered in dust, can not be seen.

The superstar of the league, released the divine sense, but encountered a resistance, no progress, only back.

Du Wuming’s cold-speaking road: “Dark Captain, you immediately take the old man token and leave here to find Young Master, tell the truth here, and send the army to the fire.”

Said, he handed a dark Captain a black, palm-sized, no luster token.

“Subordinate obeys!” The dark Captain took over, one bowed and the body left.

“It’s over, it’s all over!” The super-figure is crumbling, and it is conceivable that under this formidable power, the alliance discipline will no one survive.

Du Wuming chuckled: “The middle alliance lord don’t have to worry, those disciplines are dead, the cultivation base is too low, it is not enough.”

Zhong Chao looked at him and didn’t say anything.

“Du sir, what do we do now?” Song Zhong opened.

Du Wuming Yin said: “Notify the Demon World army, let them attack immediately, and rush here to the fastest speed, kill all the people on this planet.”

“Yes!” Song Zhong took a look at his hands and sent a message out.

Du has no name and said: “Retreat, we have no chance to win, and then the reinforcements will come to revenge.”

“Yes, sir, SF and Lan Du, their soul?”

“hmph, Song sir, this formidable power, don’t say you, even the old man, under the resistance, will suffer some minor injuries, do you think their souls have a chance to live?”

“Yes, subordinate is ignorant.”


Du Wuming turned around with hundreds of people and flew high.

“Give me all the time!” A cold voice rang in the air, and at the same time, a golden palm was photographed.

“Damn!” Du did not dare to take the shot, busy flashing out.

But others are not so lucky.


A handful of powers, smashing the earth, Song Zhong and so on, hundreds of explorers were all photographed, and the ground was pulled out of each and everyone.


Du nameless horror, vaguely, he felt Lin Xiao’s terrifying aura, which made him tremble deeply.

Lin Xiao stared at him coldly: “Since you dare to kill us, you must prepare for failure.”

Du Wuming’s sullen road: “brat, don’t bullly intolerably, the old man is in a hurry, and the old man will let you all die.”

Lin Xiao coldly smiled : “What? Still want to use Soul Attack?”

“How do you know?” Du Wuming was shocked.

“Your Soul Attack, I have seen it for a long time, and it is okay to deal with ordinary people. It does not work for me.”

Du Wuming suddenly silenced and said: “Is Dugalun killing you?”

“Who is Du Galen?”

“brat, do you dare to say no?”

“old fellow, what do I know?”

“Good!” Du is anonymous, panting, a hand waving, a man’s image void.

“it’s him!”

“It turned out to be him!” Lin Xiao relieved, this Dugaren, the man he met on “Hell Planet”, but in the end, Du Garen blew himself to death.

“Do you admit it?” Du’s nameless face was cold and extreme.

Lin Xiao said coldly: “What about that? Dare to be in my Middle Universe impudent, arbitrarily arrogant, die!”

“hahaha…” Du Wuming crazy laughs.

“brat, old man tells you that he is the son of the old man. Today, the old man is screaming at the soul and killing you.”

“Is it? See if you have this ability?”

“brat, lose the old man son’s life!” Du Wuming, the body turned into a streamer, tearing the space rushed to Lin Xiao.

“old man, do you dare to shoot?” Longlong’s voice sounded.

At the same time, a golden light hit the past.


The strength is a little touch, destroying everything.


The tragedy ear-piercing, who finally got up in the Upper Universe and Multiple Space, was accidentally smashed and caught in the pool, and nearly half died on the spot.

Song Zhong and Multiple Space Huang Da, the league’s main super, and the remaining disciples, wandering, do not dare to stay.

“Longlong, you go outside the outer space and watch out for his Soul Attack.” Lin Xiao spoke, Primal Chaos Level’s powerhouse fight, the planet is at stake.

“Roar, the bondage of the dragon!” Longlong direct-cost body, up to the thousand zhang’s nine-claw golden giant dragon, inside the giant mouth, squirting a golden aura, instantly wrapped up Du Wuming, one sweeped outside the outer Space.

Immediately after, Longlong body swayed, and Nine Heavens passed away.

At the same moment, in the sky, there was a nameless name: “It is actually the nine-jawed dragon, brat, who are you?”

As soon as the sound came out, it disappeared instantly.

Lin Xiao coldly snorted , divine sense released, immediately found the position of Song Zhong and the others.

“You, do you still want to escape?”

In a dark valley, Lin Xiao broke the hiding array of Song Zhong and the others, so that only the remaining one hundred people appeared.

“brat, you…”

Song clock face is gray, and it keeps going backwards.

Lin Xiao coldly said : “Elder Song, your life is really big.”

Song Zhong was anxious, and then he thought of a scene of Lin Xiao’s escape from a few days ago. His confidence increased and he called: “Kill him!”

Immediately, ten Profound Immortal-level powerhouses came forward and surrounded him.

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