“Let’s show you now.” After that, Source Power is shipped, the camera is zoomed in, and playback is played back.

Next, in the picture, there is a dialogue between Lin Xiao and Song Zhong and the Chinese Super League.

After reading it, everyone was dumbfounded.

Lin Xiao went on to say: “You see it clearly, and you have heard it. The league’s Lord Super League has colluded with the outsider for his own hegemony, ignoring the life of Cultivator World. How can he stay with him?”

Yuan Yuanshi’s body was shocked: “Lin Xiao, knowing the truth in your hands?”

Lin Xiao disdainfully said: “You can doubt, but the fact is that the Super League wants to deny it.” Yu La, he took out another one and said: “Let’s see.”

Therefore, in the picture, there are scenes when Du Wuming and Song Zhong conspired.

In front of them, the Super League star is super low, and “Heavenly Demon Sect” Sect Master Sun Luo.

Especially when I heard the words of Song Zhong, everyone was angry, that is: “Sir is high, so that everyone in Cultivator World will hate Star Sect and even Taigar Planet. By then, sir can be as easy as easy as Pie let them kill each other and then take advantage of the fishermen.”

After reading it, everyone understood everything.

The leader of the league, Super League, first roared: “Song Zhong, you actually laughed at the knife, hypocritical, combined with Demon World, intending to destroy my Cultivator World?”

Song Zhong is not saying: “What we really value is Demon World. As for Cultivator World, on the surface I promise you, in fact, step by step to get rid of you.”

“You…” Super League, he can’t imagine this result.

In the Super League for a while, he said: “Sun Luo, you even lied to me?”

Sun Luo cultivation base was sealed, unable to say with a smile: “What about that? I really thought that I sincerely alliance with you, a total of great cause? Super League, you have lost your mind by desire, the enemy is hard to divide.”


In the mid-super gas, the blood surged and the spring came out.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said: “The owner of the Dignified Alliance is dedicated to the dream of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World. In the end, I found that I have been used by people. It is not too small.”

“You…you…” Super League is going crazy.

Lin Xiao looked at Yuan Yuanshi and said: “just now you have seen it, I think, these things, Kunlun Faction is also indispensable.”

Yuan Yuanshi complexion changed, Daxie: “Where is Kunlun Sect Master?”

“禀Master Ancestor, Junior Ding Yuhua.” An azure robe old man is coming out at the foot of the mountain.

“You are Kunlun Sect Master?”

“Junior is exactly.”

“old man asks you, just now, what is the impact?”

Ding Yuhua is busy: “Please Master Ancestor Mingjian, this is purely nonsense. I am Kunlun as a Cultivator World Sect, will you eat inside and outside, and frame all sentient beings?”

Yuan Yuanshi looked at Lin Xiao: “How do you say?”

Lin Xiao looked down at Ding Yuhua and said: “Ding Sect Master, you said that Kunlun Faction is innocent, then I ask you, are you sure that this matter is not known?”

Ding Yuhua is righteous: “old man can certainly be sure that your Star Sect has killed countless beings, but in the near future, the big slaughter, the blame of the people, the people are not happy. Today, my army crusade, but you distorted the facts, argued right and wrong, really Deceive me Cultivator World no one?”

“Well, when it comes to punctuality.” Lin Xiao clap his hands and said: “Ding Sect Master, how do you say that Star Sect is killing all beings?”

“hmph, no worries, everyone is obvious.”

“Is it obvious?” Lin Xiao coldly snorted, then loudly said: “The chasing of the chasing style, you just now see the image, is there no sense of it?”

“I understand!” A young man yelled: “I just now heard a sentence, roughly that ‘the chasing style will be desperate to kill Star Sect’, this is their conspiracy.”

“hehe, very good, you understand. In fact, I also know that many people present are clear, but because of their slutty, you dare not say it.”

As soon as the words came out, the number of 1 billion disciple flashed an unknown rays of light.

“This is the end of the matter…” Lin Xiao looked at the Super League: “In the middle of the lord, you still don’t bow down and plead guilty?”

“The old man is the Lord of the Alliance, what is it?”

Lin Xiao coldly snorted, shouted loudly: “I don’t want to pursue too many people who participated in the Stars tragedy. I will kill the sin, other disciplines, I hope you will go back, don’t make any mistakes, and recognize yourself.”

Yu La, Lin Xiao Hong said: “The master of the case of the participation of the stars extinguish sect immediately stood up, I will be lightly punished, not to hurt my life. If you resist, you will not repent, and I will never stop showing it. ”

Speaking out, everyone talked.

The star extinguish sect case, all Cultivator World disciple know. However, at that time they felt that the Star Sect should be destroyed, because the people who killed the same people could not stay.

But now, when the evidence of those scenes appeared in front of them, it was suddenly discovered that Star Sect was shackled.

The truth of an extinction sect that has been immersed for a long time is slowly unveiled.

Lin Xiao looked around in a circle, said coldy: “Don’t come out, well, I will let the Super League, Sun Luo one after another.”

Finished, he said solemnly: “Super League lord, give you the last chance, if you stupid, Hugh I let you lose your name.”

The Super League body was shocked but did not say anything.

Yuan Yuanshi called out: “Lin Xiao, as you said, you don’t need to do it, old man will solve him personally. If you speak out, the old man immediately clarifies the upper level, letting you pay for the choice today. ”

Lin Xiao screamed: “You don’t have to bother you, their lives, I must solve them personally.”

“Lin Xiao children, to kill and kill, old man will never compromise with you.” Super League shouted.

Lin Xiao doesn’t bird him, his hand flicks, the black item reappears. At the same time, zoom in quickly, everyone can see, and the clear picture is also displayed.

In the picture, Zhongchao and Sun sat in the secret room, Sun Luo said: “Zhongchao brother, how is the plan going?”

“Brother Sun rest assured that the chasing style has been eliminated. At the same time, many families and small forces have also been killed. We only left a small part, let them rush to Taigar, fight with Star Sect, then We will pick them up again.”

“Hateful!” Seeing this, Cultivator World’s discipline is furious, especially the surviving chasing discipline, desperately roar in the “Star Screen”, with red eyes staring at the Super League, it seems that he will be separated.

Super League and the others See this, shock one’s feelings in one’s speech.

The picture turned sharply, and Ding Yuhua, the master of Kunlun Faction, appeared. He faced two people and said: “In the middle of the lord, Sun Sect Master, my Kunlun Faction disciple died a thousand, seriously injured 5,000, which should be able to blind their eyes and ears. Ok?”

“Of course, this action, many thanks Dect Sect Master help.”

“Well, let’s say, a total of the graph industry, is my generation of vocation, trifling Lord of a Faction, how can I meet Ding Yuhua?”

At the end of the picture, Lin Xiao got up and stared at the discipline at the foot of the mountain.

In the Star Screen, the number 1 billion disciple was silent for nearly ten seconds, and then broke out.

“Kunlun Faction, Cultivator Alliance, you hate it!”

“Ding Yuhua, Kunlun Faction, I am chasing the wind with you irreconcilable.”

“The Super League, you are the owner of the Alliance, and you see our life as nothing, you are not worthy to be an alkali lord.”

“Kill, kill Kunlun Faction, kill all the league’s discipline.”


After learning that the forces of Cultivator World were full of hatred against Kunlun Faction and the Cultivator Alliance, the battle was on the verge.

Demon World disciple was very interesting and immediately retired and let out the place.

Loose Cultivator of Cultivator World, gnashing teeth of Loose Immortal, this reality is hard to accept. The Cultivator Alliance, which has always been proud of it, is the style of the “Kunlun” that is sent to the ears. They hate the madness.

Ding Yuhua, Zhongchao, Sun Luo, three people are stunned, and the images displayed on the screen are the scenes of the three people who are extremely secretive. But now, how can they be so unrecognized?

This is incredible, and the three people are dreaming.

Lin Xiao waved again and appeared again. In the picture, another scene was displayed.

“Kunlun Faction” master Ding Yuhua, “Fierce Yang Faction” master Weiyang, “Demon Exterminating Sect” Sect Master middle-aged large man Qi State, “Hundred Flowers Palace” Palace Lord Zhao Suqin, “Yu Ling Gong” Palace Lord bell gorgeous , “Elderly Ai Pang”, the “Purple Hall Faction”, and so on…

At this time, Ding Yuhua said: “Everyone, Star Sect’s counter-attacks are getting bigger and bigger. I hope that you will be able to keep your mouth shut. After all, we have all participated. If any one of us leaks, we will all face the demise. disaster.”

Weiyang went on to say: “Ding Sect Master Please rest assured that Star Sect wants to turn over is impossible. We can bite them to sneak up on Demon World. As for their crimes, we can preemptively and repeat it again.”

Ding Yuhua said: “Well, when we conspired with Star Sect, it took a lot of effort to connect them with Demon World. Although we finally divided the wealth of Star Sect, it left a bane, which is really unexpected. what.”

Zhong gorgeous smiled and said: “The two don’t have to worry, as long as our subordinate’s discipline is unaware, we can still destroy them again.”

Ding Yuhua took a table: “Well, go back and announce all the disciples, and say that Star Sect is going to make a comeback. This must be done.”

This is the end of the screen.

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