“What? Upper Universe?” The two screamed.

“Yes, I thought that everyone in your high-level stage knows. But unexpectedly, they appeared as Covering Heaven Sect. But now you know it is not too late, go back and tell your boss, be careful, I don’t think it will take long. They will have big moves.”

“This…” The two stopped, and their minds could not keep up.

“Well, Ding Yuhua, how many of you are coming to death, or let me do it myself?”

“Escape!” Ding Yuhua and several other Sect Masters flew and fled to the sky.

“Leave them, kill!” Lin Xiao shouted.

“Boom, bang!”

Dozens of white light flashed out of the “Star Sect” and flew to the air in Ding Yuhua, and suddenly died.

The white light appears, and it is a white clothed disciple.

Seeing them, some powerhouses shouted: “Immortal Venerable, twenty Immortal Venerable!”

When this language comes out, everyone is moving.

Yan Qiang smiled hard: “Lin Xiao, I underestimated you, I took the wrong piece, and regrets that I didn’t kill you at the beginning.”

“The good and the bad have a report at the end, Yan Qiang, you wake up!”

“Yes, I should… wake up… realize…” The last word is finished, Yan Qiang’s head hangs down, and blood flows out of his mouth.

Lin Xiao sighed: “I wanted to kill you with my own hands. I can’t think of it. You actually smashed Immortal Nascent and died. If you give me a dignity.”

“Sun Luo!” Huo Jianjun suddenly cried.

“Master Ancestor, the grandson knows how to do it.” Sun Luo’s painful answer, then, sitting cross-legged, the whole body was black and the opportunity to live disappeared.

Lin Xiao shook his head: “It’s a liberation with secret art.”

Then he looked toward the Song Zhong and the others.

Song Zhong picked the road: “brat, you dare not kill me.”

Lin Xiao looked at them, extend the hand pointing to Song Zhong, coldly said: “These people, kill without mercy.”

“As you bid!” And dozens of rays of light flashed, except for the People of Multiple Space, the people of Upper Universe such as Song Zhong, all mentioned high altitude.

When the demons of the two realms of the real world looked at the people, they were shocked and said: “Twenty Immortal Venerable.”

Plus the previous 20, full 40 name.

Everyone is jealous, 40 is Immortal Venerable, which is scary to death.

Huo Jianjun and Yuan Yuanshi also showed dignity. They perceive it according to their own aura. This 40 name is Immortal Venerable disciple. Anyone’s combat power is not weaker than them.

“Kill!” Lin Xiao shouted.

“Boom, bang!”

In the air, the 40 name has issued the strongest big move. Song Zhong and the others have not had a scream, and the smoke has not been smashed. As for the soul, it is even more difficult to escape bad luck.

The 40 name discipline flew to Lin Xiao and handed it to me: “disciple and so on.”

“Okay, let’s go back.”

“Yes!” Finished, directly into the Star Sect.

The two worlds are very strong, the bottom of the heart is cold, Star Sect is too mysterious, and there are too many experts. Not to mention the other, only 40 name Immortal Venerable, enough to dominate the entire Cultivator World.

Lin Xiao looked at Yang Yuqi and said, “Sister, everything is over, our father’s notoriety, washed away. The enemy, all down.”

“Yes, I finally got what I want!” Yang Yuqi cried.

Lin Xiao is also excited, so in the future, Star Sect will officially become a member of Cultivator World.

Yuan Yuanshi and Huo Jianjun came forward and handed the ball: “Zhulin Sect Master was able to defend his enemies, and Zhao Xue was indulged.”

“Two, I know that you are upset, but I hope that you can recognize the facts. We will only infuse the outsider with a slap in the face. I hope that you will sue others, for example, don’t make it anymore.”

“Yes, yes, I will keep in mind.”

In the end, the two leaders took the words and returned. Lin Xiao removed the “Star Screen”, and the two worlds, under the complexity of the mind, left. When they left, all walks of life took away the corpse of their own side.

“Multiple Space, let’s go, remember, it’s a universe, don’t make it again!” Lin Xiao spoke.

The leader Huang Dayi was in the body and said: “The little old man remembered.” Yu La, they left and left.

At sunset, around the peaks, peace was restored.

In the air, there is still a strong bloody and dusty smell that will not dissipate for a long time.

Black hair Purple land, smashing and dissipating peaks, the fascination of all things, showing the other colors of sadness and joy.

“Value, everything is worth it!” Lin Xiao looked at everything in front of him and muttered to himself.

It took a whole day to spend countless efforts, and finally exchanged respect and support.

“Let the disciples move all the way and prepare to deal with the scene. Then, gather the residents and tell them the good news.” Lin Xiao’s voice was very light and calm.

“Good!” Situ Feng responded and turned inside.

“Zi Jing, Qian’er, everyone, go back to rest, I want to stay alone.”

“strange person ……”

“Zi Jing, obey, go back with them.”

“Oh!” everyone shouted.

The sun is falling, and the five stars are extraordinarily scarlet, which is really beautiful.

Lin Xiao flew to the top of the peak, raising his hand to meet the wind, and his body and mind were very happy.

“hahaha…” He laughed and all the depression in his heart was swept away. For the first time, he was so comfortable.

At the peak, Lin Xiao looked very far, and the disciples began to get busy.

The next day.

Lin Xiao called Situ Qian, Zi Jing, Qian Shenhui, and Yang Yuqi together to tell them about the changes in Jiang Tingting’s home.

“How could this be?” The four people were shocked. This kind of thing is difficult for anyone to accept, let alone the delicate Jiang Tingting.

Lin Xiao said: “I told you to come, just want to let you comfort her. After all, I don’t know if the girl is at all. Maybe it will be counterproductive.”

Zi Jing stared at the big eyes and said: “Strange person, Younger Sister Tingting can resist the past?”

Lin Xiao said with distress: “I don’t know, it’s mainly about how you can find ways to help her through this.”

The four women looked at each other and Yang Yuqi said: “Okay, let’s try.”

After two hours.

At the top of the peak, Lin Xiao waved his hand and Jiang Yi appeared.

Immediately, with his fingertips, Jiang Yi regained his freedom.

“You are courting death.” Jiang Yi is now, just want to desperately.

Lin Xiao’s face is cold: “Jiang Yi, I let you out, I want you to see you elder sister. If you have a little conscience, give me some peace of mind.”

“What? Want to see my elder sister?” Jiang Yi’s face changed and he shouted: “I don’t want to see her, I don’t want to…”

“hmph, blindly avoiding useless, you must tell her everything, otherwise, once she knows everything, the pain may increase by a hundredfold.”

“I… I don’t dare to see her.”

“She will come right away, listen, don’t let go, and confess with your elder sister.” Yu La, Lin Xiao disappeared directly.

Jiang Yi all six vital organs fail, the footsteps are more than a million, I don’t know how to be good.

At this point, a white brilliant silhouette appeared. When I saw Jiang Yi, I screamed: “younger brother, you are really here.”

Jiang Yi listened to the sound and turned into a giant earthquake, slowly turning around.

Into the eyes, I saw Jiang Tingting that pure and delicate and pretty.

“elder sister…” Jiang Yi cried and squatted on the floor.

“younger brother, what are you doing? Get up quickly.” Jiang Tingting came forward and lifted him up.

Jiang Yi took the head contact and said: “elder sister, don’t touch me, please listen to me.”

“What happened to you?” Jiang Tingting was puzzled. Today Jiang Yi surprised her.

In the distance, Lin Xiao saw this scene and smiled.

Then, his hands of light flashed, and a middle-aged man appeared.

“Qin Shan, how are you thinking?”

Middle-aged man Hiding on the ground, moving his hands and feet, suddenly leaping, staring at Lin Xiao: “I am free?”

“Of course, you can go.”

“You… really let me go?”

“Yes, but I hope that you can go back and forth. With your current status, go back and continue to work. I can guarantee that you will die.”

Qin Shan sighed and said: “For so long, I am also rethinking. We feel that our actions are really distorted and we should not take things that are not our own.”

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “Well, since you can figure this out, it is enough to prove that your sins have not been sinned in these years. Go, go back to where you should go, cultivating, in the future, maybe we will Meet.”

“Please accept my Qin Shan.” He said, he squatted.

Lin Xiao was busy blocking him and said: “It is not necessary. In my consciousness, everyone is equal, there is no height. People are human beings, life is life, and equality exists.”

“Sir, I am Qin Shan like thunder piercing the ear, suddenly awakened, Qin Shan is grateful.”

“hehe, okay, let’s go, fly directly outside the planet and leave, our transmission array hasn’t gotten through.”

“Yes, for the sake of reporting, I have something to tell.”

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