“Give me kill them.” Zhu Wanghua’s voice roared, next moment, hundreds of warships cannon fire roar, all kinds of advanced weapons emerge in an endless stream, and several attacks that can destroy Heaven and Earth continue, all tend to Nangong Fei and so on. Battleship.

“Boom, bang!”

The explosion broke the vacuum, and the star territory where Lin Xiao and the others were located, set off a path of oversized smoke clouds, filled with smoke.

“hehe, Zi Jing Young Lady, since you are not willing, it is only death.” Zhu Wanghua’s voice is cold and loud again.

“Yes? See who is dying?” The icy voice of a few freezeable cracking stars shattered, listening to the listener, as if falling into an ice kiln.

“Xiaofei, Longlong, you go up and kill them, one can’t run.”

“As you bid!”

Then, four silhouettes flew out of the smoke group and rushed to the hundred Universe Battleship.

“It’s simply act recklessly.” Zhu Wanghua’s voice was so bad that he didn’t put a few people in Nangong Fei.

Also, the four of them are insignificant in front of the Universe Battleship and are inconspicuous.

However, in the next scene, Zhu Wanghua completely lost his voice.

Just listen to the four people shouting: “The true body of the road, big!”

Yu La, rays of light ten thousand zhang Dazzling, the four giants stand proudly in front of the Universe Battleship, with terrifying aura flowing on each person.

“Escape!” Zhu Wanghua ordered that the hundred ships battleship will be escaped.

“hahaha, this Sovereign makes you arrogant.” Longlong laughed, and the giant shadow of thousand zhang flipped and covered the Universe Battleship.

“Boom, bang!”

Under Longgold’s giant palm, nearly half of the Universe Battleship burst into a fire, and it was scattered.


Nangong Fei Three people also drank at the same time, Huge real attack, the mountain-like palms will cover a hundred kilometers.

“Ah, I will not let you go…” Zhu Wanghua screamed and his voice gradually disappeared.

Three shots were taken, and the fleet of “Interstellar Butcher” all died.

Immediately afterwards, several Longlong people returned to their originality and got into the battleship.

Lin Xiao waited for them to talk, reached out and stopped, saying: “I know, you are very prestige, I have seen it.”

Several people are chuckled.

“Go!” After solving the trouble, Zi Jing’s battleship flashed and disappeared into the “Orchid Galaxy”.

After they left, there were many unknown battleships in the outer space. They just flew around the battlefield of just now, and then disappeared without a trace.

The entire outer space, leaving only the battleship wreck, and the outer space gravitational load floating load.


“Weird, how could this be?” Lin Xiao After several people entered the Galaxy, the battleship flew slowly. Zi Jing’s two big eyes kept scanning the star territory around and smashed himself.

“Zi Jing, what’s wrong?” Lin Xiao asked.

Zi Jing black brows slightly wrinkle : “I remember that every star territory has a space station, and some small Galaxy edges have a detective spaceship. But we have been flying for so long, and no shadow has ever been seen.”

Lin Xiao said solemnly: “Did you not say that the defense system of your planet has been destroyed?”

Zi Jing shocked: “I almost forgot, the planet must have an accident.”

After that, Zi Jing accelerated and the battleship disappeared immediately.

“We are here!” Zi Jing’s battleship appeared in front of a light yellow planet.

This planet, about ten times the size of Earth, has a dazzling glow, which is very beautiful.

At its edge, there are five small planets that turn it around.

This light yellow planet is the home of Zi Jing’s hometown, Aiwei Planet.

“It’s really an accident.” Zi Jing immediately made a judgment when he saw the first sight of the planet.



A violent explosion was uploaded from a small planet’s small planet, and its oscillating force made the entire planet shake.

“This is the formidable power of the dimension **.” Zi Jing was shocked.


Breaking through the air, on the small small planet, dozens of Universe Battleships rushed out, headed by a ship, light yellow, very large.

The battleship behind it is blue-brown and looks like a reptile. Its size is comparable to light yellow Universe Battleship.

“This battleship is so familiar.” Lin Xiao looked in his eyes and seemed to have seen it.


The blue-brown battleship fired and attacked the light yellow battleship.


The attack was solid, and a protective layer was lit up on the light yellow battleship to withstand the attack. Although blocked, but the light yellow battleship was hit away from the hundred zhang, the hull rolled in the outer space.

“Brother…” Zi Jing suddenly yelled, his eyes full of impatience.

Lin Xiao is also a big earthquake. I can’t think of it. The owner of this light yellow battleship is Zi Jing’s big brother.

“ga ga 嘎…” The stunned laughter sounded.

“Zi Fan, you can’t escape, just hand over the password.”

Light yellow battleship Suspension: “Ge Du, you can’t think of it, as long as I have a sigh of relief, you don’t want to step into my plane.”

“Hehe, in this case, it only kills you, rush!” Immediately, dozens of blue-brown battleships rushed again.

“It’s them!” Lin Xiao remembered. When he went to “swallow the Planet”, he was blocked by the turbulence of the space. The teleportation didn’t go out. Later, it became clear that it was the fight between the two Universe Battleships, which interfered with the space.

Now think about it, was the two ships battleship not called Ge Du and Zi Fan?

“s” shaped mark? Lin Xiao was completely awake. When I saw it occasionally, I didn’t care. I thought about it now. Isn’t it the Zijing Galaxy logo?

“Brother…” Zi Jing yelled, and the battleship rushed up.

“Hateful bad guys, do you dare to bully my big brother?” Zi Jing wraps from behind, smashing the sneak attack when chasing Zi Fan.

“go to hell!” Zi Jing revered, hundreds of laser cannons shot, no one hit the enemy ship.

“Boom, bang!”

Dozens of blue-brown Universe Battleship recruited, smoke and smoke, sparks kept on, but did not explode.

“They have helpers coming together and killing them together.” Ge Du’s voice sounded, and then five ships turned around and rushed to Zi Jing’s battleship.

“younger sister, is that you?” Zi Fan’s voice came from the outer space, and it was very exciting.

“Brother, it is me, I will help you.”

“No, you are going, go back to the planet.”

“hahaha, it turned out to be Zi Jing, isn’t she missing?” Ge Du’s voice was rampant.

“Damn enemy, I can’t spare you.” Zi Jing extremely angry, all the weapons on the battleship are raining.

“younger sister, you are going, don’t be stupid.” Zi Fan’s battleship rushed over without attacking with weapons.

“Zi Fan, you have no weapons, what can you do to defend against my dark empire?”

Zi Fan said solemnly: “I just hit and knock you back.”

“haha, overestimate one’s capabilities, today is really a good day, if you can win your siblings, take down your planet, easy to break.”

“Strange person ……” Zi Jing panicked, the enemy ship seems to be very resistant, no matter how Zi Jing attacks, those enemy ships are mostly smoke, sparkling, and then, continue to attack.

Lin Xiao patted her, said with a smile: “Reassured, I am here.” Yu La, looked toward Longlong. “Small people, when the hero came, I saw you.”

Longlong grievances cried: “Boss, how is your tone like the monster of my Monster Race?”

“Amount… don’t talk nonsense, go kill them.”

“Yes!” Longlong four people drilled out, without saying anything, directly to the deity to become bigger, up to the thousand zhang, very embarrassing.

“What is that? Rewind.”

Seeing this scene, Ge Du screams, dozens of Universe Battleships are rushing to tens of kilometers.


Longlong A few people’s huge body stepped forward, and the palm was simply taken up.


Ge Du yelled and his battleship disappeared immediately.

However, other battleships reacted slowly, and there was no time to jump in the space. They were beaten by the four people of Longlong and destroyed.

“Boss, the leader ran away.” Back to the battleship, Longlong vocal.

Lin Xiao nodded, did not say anything, but in his heart, but it is a bitter smile. Think about the super powerhouses like Dragon Race Supreme and Nangong Fei to kill the mortal life. If you say it, others will laugh at the big teeth.

“younger sister!” Zi Fan connected to Zi Jing through the “sharp instrument” on the battleship, and he appeared on the big screen.

“Brother…” Zi Jing screamed happily.

Lin Xiao saw it, and sure enough, this person is Zi Fan that he once encountered.

“Brother, what happened?”

“Don’t say it, just go back with me. You have been missing for so many years, and your parents are dying.”


Suddenly, Zi Fan said with amazement: “What are these?”

Zi Jing said cheerfully: “They are my very good friends. This time, I will rely on them to help.”

“Oh, thank you, my name is Zi Fan, please rest on the planet.”

Lin Xiao smiled and responded: “Good!”

Zi Fan took the lead, Zi Jing followed, moved toward Aiwei Planet.

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