“No talk.” Zi Jing plays horizontally.

Zi Lei looked at Lin Xiao: “Lin Xiao, my nature is straightforward, the country major event I will think again and again. I only have nothing to do with this girl.”

“Oh, my uncle has something to say, I am listening.”

“Well, I want to know, where are you from?”

“My birthplace is called Taigar Planet, located at ‘Desert Cloud Galaxy’. As for growing up, it is at Milky Way Galaxy ‘Earth’.”

“Milky Way Galaxy ‘Earth ?'”

When I heard this, Zi Lei stood up and suddenly his face was full of excitement.

Lin Xiao couldn’t help but jump: “What happened?”

Zi Lei took Zi Jing and let her sit back and slowly said: “Is there life again?”

When I heard this headless, Lin Xiao was full of fog: “What does the uncle mean?”

Zilei sat down, sighed then said, “According to history, we just emigrated from there.”

“What?” Lin Xiao, Nangong Fei, Long Tiandan were shocked.

“You don’t have to be surprised, it is true. Our ancestors, or our birthplace, is Earth.”

Lin Xiao said incredulously: “This is too surprising.”

Purple Lei lightly smiled: “At that time, Earth’s time was fifty hours a day. Later, due to the inexplicable coming of another planet, the rotation slowed down and became twenty-four hours.”

“Inexplicable… came another planet?” paused, Lin Xiao said: “Is the planet only one-sixth of Earth, and the whole body is silver white?”

“Yes, the appearance of this planet has caused Earth to change the Heaven and Earth. Some animals and plants that absorb sunlight for a long time are constantly extinct. Humans are also unable to adapt to the shortening of staying up late, so that the disease is riddled and the dead cannot. Counting.”

Listening to this, Lin Xiao was shocked by the three people.

There is no doubt that the planet that appears in the purple thunder is a moon.

The moon suddenly appeared. And, before the moon appeared, Earth was already alive.

According to Zi Lei, combined with the remarks of Ruan Tian at the time, coupled with the science and technology of Earth, the formation of Earth is probably far more than 5 billion years.

This kind of thing, Lin Xiao three did not think about it.

“Uncle, is this true?”

“The ancestors have been passed down, it is not wrong.”

“Then you moved here, just because of the slow pace of change?”

“No, it is recorded that after the silver white planet appeared, the lifeform on Earth often died in large numbers, including humans. After the investigation, it was murder for others, not natural disasters.”

“what happened?”

“Unclear, because our technology has reached peak at the time, and we are looking for an answer, put all the energy on the silver white planet.”

Lin Xiao took a deep breath : “Is it caused?”



“On the planet, although there was an abnormality, it had nothing to do with the death of life. Until then, Earth almost destroyed, and our ancestors decided to let people leave and live again.”

“What happened?”

“It is said that there are many mysterious people flying volley, they possess great magical power, moving mountains and suppressing seas, omnipotent, is the legendary god.”

“80% is a cultivator.” Lin Xiao sneaked and said, “And then?”

“After?” Zi Lei smiled bitterly: “I don’t know why, for the first time, after the emergence of those mysterious people, the ancestors made the choice, immigration.”


“Later, the ancestors discovered this highly valuable planet after hundreds of millions of years of interstellar travel.”

“The uncle, so to say, Earth has a long time ago?”

“Yes, do you know what Earth was called at us?”

Lin Xiao Several people shook their heads.

Purple Lei said: “Early, Earth was hit by a comet almost every day, and even a small Planet. But this is not enough. Any foreign object, as long as it is close to the thousand kilometers, will be Destroy the first time.”

“Is there still this?”

“Yes, the Earth at that time was still in infancy, and the entire Milky Way Galaxy was confusing. After the immigrants immigrated, they buried some science and technology on the surface, hoping that one day, the follow-up life could be discovered, thus reproducing Earth’s glory. “”

“Uncle, what was Earth called?”

“Star of the Universe.”

“Star of the Universe? What do you mean?”

“The meaning is that Earth, the planet of the universe, is the center of the universe.”

Lin Xiao was surprised by a few people: “No, Earth will be the center of the universe?”

“That is what I said, but no matter what happened, no one knows. After all, Universe Wan Qian Shen is amazing, it is impossible to see through technology alone.”

Lin Xiao “Oh” said: “So it’s the curtain?”

“Yeah, when the ancestors left, they left a book that recorded the strange anecdotes on one of the two intertwined planets. The ancestors hoped to help the latecomers to reach the top level as soon as possible. “”

“Uncle, the ancestors are so sure there will be future generations?”

“Of course, the most magical thing about the Universe is to create life. Within the Universe, life is scattered and there is our cradle, so the ancestors believe that the follow-up will happen.”

“Two intertwined planets? Well, it should be Pluto.” Lin Xiao understood.

Suddenly, he thought of Ruan Tian. He knew that Zi Jing’s hometown was seen in a book on Pluto. So to speak, Ruan Tian, ​​they didn’t know the ancestors. Are they left behind?

“I don’t think that Earth has such a history.” Lin Xiao sighed.

Purple Lei got up and said: “Well, the food is coming soon, I am busy, you can eat.”

“Dad, you haven’t told me what happened to the planet?” Zi Jing yelled.

Zi Jing’s favorite way: “Shantou, accompany your friends to have fun, these things are not something you can manage.”

“We can, definitely.” Zi Jing strives.

“Obvious!” Finished, ignore Zijing with panting with rage, Zilei went straight out.

“Father is really, I am also a small child. Strange person, you go and talk to father.” Zi Jing ran to Lin Xiao and sprinkled Jiao.

Lin Xiao trembled: “I said beautiful woman, can’t you come to this set?”

“hmph, strange person, if you don’t help me father, this Miss is not finished with you.”

Nangong Fei suddenly stopped: “beautiful woman, you can rest assured, Lin Xiao, if you don’t help, you will not marry him.”

“Xiaofei…” Lin Xiao looked at him intimidated.

Zi Jing laughed at Hehe’s words: “Strange person, you promised me, I will protect me. This time, you can’t stand by.”

Lin Xiao squatted his forehead and said: “Sit down and eat, wait until we figure out the situation.”

“hehe, I know that the strange person is the best.” Zi Jing is on Lin Xiao.

“Get up, your mom is coming.”

“Oh, oh…” Zi Jing got up and sat down on the chair.

“Jinger, after dinner, take your friends around and turn around?” Fenglan came over with a plate.

“Know it, Mom!” Zi Jing naughty a small tongue.

Longlong stared at his eyes and looked at the plate in the hands of Fenglan. He said, “Bo… Mother, is this the meal we want to eat?”


Longlong bitter face: “Just kidding, just a plate, how many people are we?”

Feng Lan did not care, faintly smiled: “Then you can be optimistic.”

Yu La, she put the plate on the table.

A few people looked at them, dumbfounded, and the dishes were empty and there were no ones.

Longlong grinned and said: “No.”

Feng Lan looked at Longlong and said: “You are so cute, rest assured that aunt will let you eat the best.”

“No?” Yang Xiaoyu, Long Tiandan cried: “Auntie, this guy is the most greedy, you let him eat the best, be careful to eat you poor.”

Feng Lan opened his heart: “Reassure, my aunt has something good for you, children, feel free to eat, and my aunt promises to let you eat enough.”

“Okay, then we are welcome.” Longlong grinned.

“Look!” Feng Lan extended the hand, pointing to the middle of the plate.

“Hey, chi…”

The plate changed at the moment of pointing.

I saw that the plate was first broken, then rotated, then it became bigger, and soon, the big table was crowded.

“Open!” With a command, those items smashed and burst into flames.

“Good fragrance.” Smell the smell, everyone is full of intoxication.

Zi Jing was unceremonious, picked up one of them and called out: “This is my favorite ‘ice and snow star’. I haven’t paid for it for a long time. I have enough to eat today.”

Lin Xiao and the others looked at them and picked them up, but they didn’t know how to eat them.

Zi Jing crafty smiled: “There are control buttons at the bottom, you want to eat, just say it.”

Soon, a few people figured it out and provoked them to click one’s tongue in wonder.

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