Zi Jing’s eyes turned twice, sweetly said: “Okay, let’s be friends, okay, talk later.”


“what happened again?”

“Since it is a friend, let’s play together, can’t we?”

Zi Jing said: “We have played, too tired, we have to go back.”

Weikang smiled and said: “I am not afraid, I am not afraid. I have a family doctor who specializes in treating tiredness. You can go back with me to keep you comfortable.” When he said this, his laughter became abnormal.

Lin Xiao heard, handsome face, could not help but coldly snorted out loud.

Zi Jing lovable body trembled, busy near Lin Xiao, said: “No, we have to go.”

Weikang’s face was gloomy. He stared at Lin Xiao and said, “brat, this Young Master doesn’t care for your face. What are you doing?”

Lin Xiao looked at him coldly, icily said: “hedonistic son of rich parents, every place can meet, let’s go.”

“Stand up.” Wei Kang anger: “brat, do you have to say it again?”

Lin Xiao said helplessly: “Zi Jing, come here, I don’t want to cause trouble. Although he is coming to you, I can’t turn a blind eye. Now, what do you mean?”

“brat, hello tone.” Wei Kang shouted, at the same time, the 20 large man behind him immediately surrounded a few people, fully guarded.

All around people, have shunned, looked at Lin Xiao with a slap in the face.

“It seems that as Shen Peng said, Aiwei Planet has changed.” Lin Xiao is secret.

Zi Jing stared at two big eyes and looked at Weikang. “What do you want?”

Wei Kang glared at Lin Xiao and said: “Let him apologize to this Young Master. Then, you go back to sleep with this Young Master.”

“What?” Zi Jing pretty face.

“hehe, this Young Master is going to fix you.” Kinky, listening to Nangong Fei, Longlong, a few people violently.

Zi Jing bites the cherry blossom, crunchly said: “You bad luck.”

“What are you talking about?” Weikang astonished.

“Look at it.” Zi Jing screamed, figure illusion, and powder fists slammed against Wei Kang and twenty.

“Ah, ah…” Maintaining Kang and his men’s screams and screams, even though his weapons and equipment are advanced, but in the face of Zi Jing’s savage attack, he was only unable to resist.

“Ah!” Weikang was hit by a high-altitude by Zi Jing, and then he had not yet been allowed to land, and another kick was kicked up.

In this way, Wei and Kang screamed again and again.

As for the twenty men, Zi Jing used the Divine Ability contained in the cultivation technique to completely set them in place. They could only be frightened and looked at the beaten dimension with both eyes. Kang.

The onlookers, including Lin Xiao, are shocking and unbelievable.

Around, it became extremely quiet, without a trace of noise, quiet as a ghost, only Weikang’s screams fluctuated.

“Dare to mess with this Miss, you are impatient.” Zi Jing said the last sentence, the power disappeared, Wei Kang crashed into the ground, the nose was swollen and half dead.

“Strong!” This is the voice of everyone.

“You are generally refused to accept?” Zi Jing stepped on Weikang and asked the fierce tyrant.

Weikang was dizzy by Zi Jing, and after hearing the question, he was busy nodded.

Zi Jing smiled softly, and with a wave of jade palm, Wei Kang’s twenty men regained their freedom.

“Young Master!” Twenty men immediately rushed up and surrounded Weikang.

“Great, really amazing!” Lin Xiao saw Zi Jing coming back, constantly praise.

Zi Jing wrinkled Qiong nose and said: “Who will dare to provoke me later.”

Sweat, sweat…

Nangong Fei, Longlong Several people are chilling.

“Give them a hand.” Weikang’s words are unclear.

“Hurry up obediently surrender, otherwise, we will kill on the spot.” A team leader threatened.

Lin Xiao looked at the weapons in their hands, all of them “pulse guns”, which can instantly destroy the physiology of all lifeforms, and the treatment is too late. At the same time, there is a visible light curtain on the surface of their body, which should be anti-protective cover.

“brothers, up!” Longlong gave a command, and the four turned into four afterimages and rushed to those men.

“Ah, ah…”

They did not react, they were shot and flew into the air.

Even if there is protection against protective cover, they feel that they are also ineffective. Every time they are recruited, they are all painful.

“Boom, bang!”

Less than ten seconds, twenty people all fell to the ground and lost their fighting power.

Longlong, Zi Jing A few people shot, a little bit of power is useless, using only one ten thousandth of its own strength.

After seeing Weikang, Wei Jing repeatedly retreated, and even climbed into the spaceship, and he ignored his life and escaped.

Lin Xiao said: “Let’s go, the gas is out, people are jealous, it should be flashing.”

Yu La, Zi Jing Several people are in the public eye and go away.

Onlookers, each and everyone big eyes staring at small eyes, half a day’s reaction.

Fairy Mountain.

At an altitude of over ten thousand meters, it is straight.

The mountains are stacked, the peaks and peaks are connected, and the imposing manner is out of the ordinary.

The scenery lush and green shows everything opportunity to live.

Halfway up the mountain, the group was hazy and smashed.

On top of mountain top, Nangong Fei was in a bad mood: “I am really depressed. Why can I encounter such scum wherever I go?”

Lin Xiao said: “Well, Xiaofei, don’t complain again, haven’t you all learned it?”

“Know it, talk about it.”

“Zi Jing, how do you find the ore?”

Zi Jing looked at the ground and said, “Let’s wait.”

Said, her small stretch, a detector appeared.

“This is a machine designed to sense floating ore.” Zi Jing explained that he was slowly looking for it on the ground.

“Drip, drip, drip…” The crisp sounds.

“Found it.” Zi Jing pointed to a huge stone path on the edge of the cliff.

Nangong Fei boring voice: “No, that thing is on the edge of the cliff?”

“The location of the floating ore is not fixed. What’s more, the ore will move according to the movement of Earth Qi. No one can confirm the specific location.”

Lin Xiao looked at the boulder and said: “Floating ore actually ran into the big stone, and it was a strange spar.”

“Get it out,” Zi Jing called.

“Give it to me.” Longlong spoke, and then he made a boulder stone up to ten meters.

“Open!” Longlong loudly shouted, double-handed into a sharp knife, straight into the boulder.

“Elder Sister Zi Jing, where is it?” Longlong didn’t find it.

Zi Jing detects: “One meter above.”

“Oh!” Longlong lifted his arms, and the palms immediately plunged into the stone, reaching for a hand, and two glazed, round spars were brought out by him.

“haha, still two.” Longlong laughed.

Zi Jing said: “Of course two, the floating ore contains both positive and negative forces and cannot be separated.”

“Oh!” Longlong took it in his hand and said, “How do you use this?”

Zi Jing smiled badly: “You hold each piece in your hands and then touch each other.”

“Understand!” Longlong separated his hands and took each one. Then, “peng” slammed and fiercely slammed together.

Next moment ——

In the moment of the touch, a powerful energy storm rolled up and forced several people to retreat.

And Longlong, in the confusion and depression, flew off the ground, the speed is fast, it is ridiculous.

“What is going on here?” Lin Xiao asked.

Zi Jing laughed at Hehe’s words: “If the floating ore meets, it will produce negative gravity. The opposite, the holder, will be separated from the gravity of the earth, and will be shocked by a powerful storm, and the body will leap.”

Nangong Fei cried a few people: “It’s a good thing. With it, don’t you have to fly without having to work hard. Just take two stones and touch it?”

“The principle is this, but to control the strength, like Longlong, the force is too strong, and as a result, it is not obvious.”

“It turned out to be.”

“Wow!” Longlong screamed and fell from the air. At the same time, there was a trace of electric light on his body.

“Longlong, what are you doing? Going up, how did you become a Thunderbolt?” Lin Xiao made fun of it.

Longlong’s hair was reversed by electricity, black face, and wronged: “Elder Sister Zi Jing, you pit me, there is power grid defense over the air, I bumped into it and almost died.”

Zi Jing pretty face startled, said: “Are you okay?”

Longlong has a chest: “Nothing, don’t want to think about who this Sovereign is, will you be embarrassed?”

Suddenly, an alarm sounded.

Zi Jing was shocked: “It must have been Longlong who came across the defense grid and was discovered.”

Longlong doesn’t matter: “Don’t be afraid, this Sovereign doesn’t bird them.”

Zi Jing said in a hurry: “I can’t find trouble for my parents. I will hide first and find time to make it clear.”

Lin Xiao said: “I will accept you into my dimension space.”

At this time, the boulder that originally took out the ore was broken and the rain was full.

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