Seeing this, Zi Fan was scared and pale, and he was very clear about the weapons. Think about it, so many weapons attacking four bodies at the same time, can you live?

“Brother, don’t move, they are fine.” Zi Jing saw Zi Fan’s action and was busy reminding him.

Zi Fan looked at Zi Jing and looked at Lin Xiao, full of shock.

“Boom, bang!”

Like the stars colliding with each other, the smashing images of the meteorites appeared, and various formidable power super weapons hit the four-shoulder silhouette, making a shocking sound. Zi Fan does not doubt that if these attacks fall on a small planet at the same time, it is bound to be a devastating blow.


The last roar stopped, four silhouettes, completely surrounded by smoke, vacuum air mass, vague.

“They…” Zi Fan was very worried.

“Do not worry, they are fine.” Lin Xiao said with a smile.

“ga ga 嘎, dead, kill!” The hoarse voice broke the vacuum, very ear-piercing.

“Hate of hateful.” Zi Fan hates the hate.

“Dragon desert!”

“Crushed empty palm!”

“Space against the wind!”

Nangong Fei, Long Tiandan, Yang Xiaoyu’s voice suddenly sounded, followed, like the thunderbolt’s huge palm shadow, the fist shadow, like a raging wave of the bank to the enemy ships.

“Boom, bang!”

Where the attack went, the enemy ships were broken and shattered, and the fire flashed and annihilated, and the explosion continued into the ears.

Just one move, the enemy fleet, lost more than half.

“Escape, flee!” Ge Du screamed, screaming at the far away starry sky.

“haha, late, the truth of the movement technique – destruction!” Longlong’s voice sounded, and then, a path of several vacuum waves that could collapse the sky, chasing at the speed of light, pointing directly at the enemy fleet.

“Ah, no…” Ge Du screamed, and his battleship burst open and turned into a fire.

“bang bang!”

The endless battle, the remaining battleship did not escape, all the ship was destroyed.

In less than ten minutes, all the enemy ships were annihilated.

This result made all the homes of the Planet and the Dolly Planet battleship dumbstruck seem to have seen incredible things.

“Ah, is this true?” Zi Fan was a shivered, stared wide-eyed and watched the dark starry sky. As far as the eyesight is concerned, only countless battleship wrecks float and no enemy can be seen.

“younger sister, I…I…” Zi Fan was so excited that he didn’t know how to express it.

“Boss!” Longlong four people appeared in the battleship.

“Boss!” Zi Fan rushed to Longlong and was very enthusiastic.

“What are you doing?” Longwin rushed away to see Zi Fan’s movements.

Zi Fan rubbed his hands and said: “Thank you very much, I… I can’t think of you, Great Divine Ability, Great Divine Ability.”

“Brother, what are you doing? Don’t be shameful.” Zi Jing complained.

“younger sister, I am not shameful in front of them, Divine Immortal, this is what I want to see in my dreams. I don’t think, Divine Immortal is in front of my eyes, I don’t even know, damn it, damn it.”

“You… brother, don’t go crazy, just order them to go back.” Seeing Zi Fan’s emotions, Zi Jing was speechless.

“Okay, okay, I will let them go back!” Zi Fan was still excited, and even the fingers that entered the command were shaking.

After the release, Zi Fan said with enthusiasm: “I must tell the world about your deeds and let them all worship you.”

Lin Xiao is busy: “Where, don’t do this, our identity, only you know. Because you are Zi Jing’s big brother, so I don’t intend to marry you. If you let everyone know, we Go away immediately, never leave a moment.”

“Ah, no, no, don’t leave, I haven’t seen anything.” Zi Fan said with his hand on his eyes.

“Aiya, brother, you are really, more and more improir.” Zi Jing sighed at him.

He looked toward Lin Xiao: “You are their boss?”


“That… isn’t it better than them?”

“Amount… How to say this, it’s almost the same.” Lin Xiao sneered.

“Old Lin is big, I want to mix with you.” Zi Fan is charming and pleads.

Lin Xiao eyes stagnate: “Van Ge, you are Zi Jing’s big brother, follow me? What joke?”

Zi Fan laughed at Hehe: “It doesn’t matter, I am her big brother, and it is your younger brother, the same.”

“Brother, what are you talking about?” Zi Jing is awkward.

Lin Xiao shook his head, and for this future big brother, the change was so great that he was completely unprepared.

“Well, brother, let’s go back first.” Zi Jing hugged Zi Fan’s arm and dragged him back.

Zi Fan is sitting in the driver’s seat and still wants to say something.

Zi Jing said sternly: “Brother, after you go back, you will see how you compiled it. If there is any trace, you will have trouble.”

“Know, know!” After a pause, Zi Fan bitterly said: “younger sister, you are not unclear. On our planet, can you lie?”

“I don’t care, the order is yours, and the responsibility must be borne by you.”

“Boss boss…” Zi Fan looked towards Lin Xiao.

As a result, they agreed to Zi Jing’s words.

“Well, I try my best.” After that, the battleship flashed and entered the planet.


“You boss, please accept me.” Since Long Long showed strength, Zi Fan returned to the planet, in order to justify it, it is painstaking. Fortunately, at the end of the past, let the planet’s executives think that the four silhouettes are only accidentally helping, Zi Fan does not know.

But from that day on, Zi Fan sticks Lin Xiao several people every day, and has to follow them as a younger brother, when hehird thug.

For this, Lin Xiao is ridiculous.

Lin Xiao how dare to make his future big brother a younger brother, and Longlong, a few people are also very clear, but even dare to take Zi Fan’s boss.

When the boss of Big Brother Lin Xiao, they are not okay to find?

Just because they didn’t agree, Zi Fan was a rogue, hard-boiled, and had to let Lin Xiao teach him Divine Ability.

Early this morning, Zi Fan opened the spaceship and came to them again, which made Lin Xiao a headache.

Zi Fan, who is looking at the direct injection of saliva, is busy: “This way, Fan Ge, you go back first, we discuss it.”

After bitter and persuaded, I promised that Zi Fan would only shine.

After he left, Zi Jing also ran over.

When I saw Lin Xiao, Zi Jing went up and hugged him. “Strange person, let’s go to the beach today.”

Lin Xiao faintly smiled, said: “Sit down first, I have something to tell you.”


Lin Xiao looked at her: “Zi Jing, don’t you really want to tell you about father and mother?”

Zi Jing held the whitefly and said: “I am also worried about it. I don’t know if I should say it, strange person, what do you think?”

“This is your family business, I can’t just say anything.”

“What?” Zi Jing was angry: “Isn’t my family affairs yours?”

“Amount… It’s true in theory, but now we are not that?”

On the side of Nangong Fei said with a smile: “Afraid? You can’t just cook rice and mature rice tonight.”

“Get out of the way!” Lin Xiao kicked him out.

“Lin Xiao, you guy, I will help you.” Nangong Fei is dissatisfied.

Lin Xiao ignored him and said to Zi Jing: “If you really let me say, then I will talk.”

Zi Jing has a big eye: “Then you will say.”

“I ask you, are you willing to let your family live in a strangled life?”

“Of course not willing, on our planet, this kind of thing will never be allowed.”

“Well, in this case, your business can tell you father and mother, but don’t let them cultivate.”

Zi Jing doesn’t understand: “Why? Tell them, why not let them cultivate?”

“You also said, you don’t want them to live in the life of killing. Cultural World, slaughter everywhere, what do you say?”

“Oh!” Zi Jing nodded, said again: “Well… how can I tell them? To them, am I Divine Immortal or cultivator?”

“It depends on you. In short, you must let them accept. After all, your future life is unlimited, and your father and mother family can’t.”

Zi Jing stunned: “So, my family will die, leaving me alone in the world?”


“This… can you change it?”

Lin Xiao shook his head. “Zi Jing, your thoughts are too simple. Everyone has their own life route. We can’t change one’s destiny without authorization. On the surface, we may be helping, actually, It is also harmful.”

“But… one day, they are all dead, only I am alive, this…this…” Zi Jing cried.

Lin Xiao comforted: “cultivator, this is to race against time, and against the Universe, the key is to see if you can stick to the end.”

“strange person… I don’t know what to do?”

“Well, don’t cry, I will be with you to explain the situation to your father and mother. In addition, when I came, I took some upper-grade medicine pill, these medicine pill, for the ordinary person, Take one capsule and you can extend the lifespan for a thousand years.”

“Really? Strange person, you think too thoughtful.” Zi Jing turn tears into laughter.

“Right, what is the average lifespan of people on your planet?”

“Probably one can live five hundred years or so.”

“Five hundred years old?” Lin Xiao meditated. “Is it calculated according to the time of your planet?”


“That said, 42 hours a day is almost twice that of Earth. Converted to Earth 24 hours, there are more than 800 years.”

“Well, that’s about it.”

“It’s no wonder that after you came back, they didn’t ask about your appearance. It turned out to be the case,”

Zi Jing got up and took Lin Xiao. “No, let’s go play.”

“it is good!”

Changle Street.

This is the busiest street on the Aiwei planet.

All the items are here, all in one place.

Lin Xiao entire group Walking in a messy crowd, it is extremely simple. Even so, they have cited many people to look back.

There are no reasons for them. Their clothes are really too earthy.

Longlong is still a golden gown, Nangong Fei, Yang Xiaoyu, Long Tiandan is a white gown, Zi Jing, goose yellow clothes, and Lin Xiao, still a black gown.

If the clothes on them are placed in Immortal World, God World, I am afraid that they will cause competition and kill. That is the upper-grade Divine Artifact, built-in defense, hidden and attacking array, any cultivator seeing, will be jealous.

Since it is Divine Artifact, of course, there is no such thing as a wash, and it can maintain its hobby and dryness for a long time.

Of course, they are in mortal World, and in their eyes, they are completely old-fashioned.

“Look what? Haven’t you seen such a handsome man?” Longlong was very dissatisfied.

When his words came out, the people around him glimpsed first, then laughed.

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