At this point, Wu Fengcai has been surrounded by three people on the mountain top.

Not far away is the transmission to the Taigar Planet.

“old fellow, immediately hand over the person to us, otherwise, it will be ruthless under our sword.” One of them said coldy.

Wu Fengcai did not care: “Three Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal, this strength is to be honest, in Cultivator World, it is indeed an expert. However, if you know it by Star Sect, you can’t eat it.”

Another person gloomily said: “I killed you, no one knows. Besides, Star Sect will be dealt with sooner or later, they will not be arrogant for a long time.”

“hehe ……” Wu Feng was smirked, and the figure swayed, and he even came out of the encirclement of the three.

“Hateful!” Three people were anxious, the swords in their hands were bursting, the ripples were spilling, and the snoring was deafening.

“You…have controlled the space power.” Wu Feng was at the same time as the complexion greatly changed.

“Yes, let’s die!” Three people snorted, Sword Dao ripples ignored everything, almost catching up with Wu Fengcai.

“brat, bully intolerably.” Wu Fengcai suddenly stopped, placed the waiter on the ground, and the two palms closed. Then, the funny face turned sharply and dignified, and said: “The law of shadow – cracking.”

But see –

A crystal-like pleat pattern appeared in the hands of Wu Fengcai, and then the crystal jingle flashed and rolled up to the Sword Dao ripple.


Two lines and two touches, not world-shaking, but the space field that met, a short-term stagnation, the invisible air seems to be solid, clear presentation.

After the three interest –


The space is broken and turned into a little bit of crystal, scattered and vain.

“Hey, hey, hehe…”

Three muffled sounds, three white clothed people, seven bloody, convulsions, opportunity to live, and fell to the ground.


Wu Fengcai squirted blood, and sat down on the ground. He said: “It’s really bad luck, I used this move, the lowest loss of my cultivation base for a thousand years, but there is no way, this way, I am sure Have to hang up.”

After that, he looked down at the ground, waiter with two eyes smashing round, said: “brat, my old man almost took the life to protect your life, this time let you worship me as a teacher, no Tell me something?”

Suddenly –

A cold, yin-sharp voice came: “He has nothing to say, but the old man has something to say.”

“Who is it?” Wu Feng only resisted the injury, and he slammed up and warned all around.

A blood red silhouette appeared next to the bodies of three white clothed people.

“Blood Demon!” Wu Feng was so cold that he couldn’t resist when he faced Blood Demon.

Lin Xiao in the distance also shocked himself. The life of this “Blood Demon” was too big. “Hate the World” did not kill him. Taigar would not see him, and now he jumped out.

“Old stealing, hand over to the old man, old man may be able to spare you a life.” Blood Demon Sensen said.

Wu Fengcai’s eyes turned, and then, with a smile: “Senior, with your reputation, how could it be with the Junior?”

“Blood Demon” Shi Tianhe is a red flame, and his eyes are chilling red glow. “There is less nonsense, the old man counts three times. If you don’t pay, the old man will make you die.”

“Senior, you… are you not a strong man?” Wu Feng was full of grievances.




“Senior, please listen to the little old man!”

“Three, suffer!”

“Wait, let me pay!” Wu Feng only compromised.

The bloody flame of “Blood Demon” flashed: “From now on, you have to be loyal to the old man and do things for the old man.”

“Ah…” Wu Feng was stunned.

“If you dare not agree, the old man will make you squander.”

“Yes…Senior, Junior cultivation base is low, with this little force, it is really difficult to help Senior.”

“Hehe, your stealing technique is unprecedented, even ‘Space Sect’ is a sigh. This is very important for the old man.”

Wu Fengcai was so sad that he said: “Is there any other choice for Junior?”

“Yes, that is death!”

“This…Senior, what do you want this brat to do?”

“hehe, he is best suited to cultivating old man’s ‘Shadow Magic’, and old man wants to accept him as a discipline.”

Wu Fengcai said: “Well, the little old man helped him to unlock the body restriction and let him be your discipline.”

Blood Demon looked at him coldly: “Old stealing, I hope you don’t play tricks. In front of the old man, all your obstacles are in vain.”

“Yes, yes, little old man can’t dare.”

Said, Wu Feng came to the waiter side of the store, stretched out the fat fingers, and he was sick on him.

At this time, the store waiter can be described as a disaster.

A Wu Fengcai is enough for his headache, and after three people, the fierce and evil, forced to ask. Although Wu Fengcai focused on killing them, but at the last minute, it came more terrifying.

Blood Demon, just look at its shape, enough to make people feel bad, too scary. Now, when he hears that he wants to accept himself as a discipline, the store waiter really wants to kill himself.

At this moment, he discovered that Wu Feng was so cute.

When Wu Feng said that he wanted to hand him over to him, the waiter’s mouth was screaming, intent to prevent him from unraveling himself. However, he was over-stunned and couldn’t make a sound at all. Only two eyes flashed anxiously.

For a moment, Wu Fengcai finally turned to the store waiter under the shoulder tribe, slowly turned to face Blood Demon: “Senior, the little old man has finished.”

Blood Demon sharp with a smile : “Well, you can go, remember, from today, you are the servant of the old man, everything is listening to the old man.”

“Yes, Xiaocai remembered.”

After that, Wu Fengcai looked at the waiter on the ground again, and reached out and stroked him. He sighed: “Brat, you are really blessed, and Senior can accept you as a discipline, and I am envious.”

Yu La, he bounced and ran to the foot of the mountain, blinking traceless.

The waiter was lying on the ground, motionless, and even his eyes became empty.


“Blood Demon” coldly snorted, a palm to the store waiter on the ground.


The attack was solid, the dust was full, the gravel was flying, and a huge pit appeared.

The strange thing is that the store waiter is still lying there, and it is suspended.

“Hateful, old steal, how dare you deceive the old man with the law of the land barrier?” Shi Tianhe roared.

Next moment, “Blood Demon” moved toward Wu Wucai disappeared in the direction of chasing.

At this point, the store waiter on the ground slowly disappears.

Lin Xiao showed a few people, he looked at the huge pit in front, said with a smile: “The law of the earth barrier? Hehe, a good deception, actually fooled ‘Blood Demon’.”

“Boss, what do we do now?” Longlong said.

“Catch, the waiter in that store can’t fall in the hands of ‘Blood Demon’.” After that, a few people left.

Abandoned ancient forest.

This is a safe place on the Blue Crystal Planet.

All around The vastness is boundless, the obstacles are pervasive, the gas is horrible, and the swamps are countless.

There are countless powerful Monster Beasts, and the space power here has a repressive effect. Once entered, the cultivation base will drop 30%.

Rumor has it that the existence of this forest comes from ancient times and is much longer than ancient.

Fortunately, the Monster Beast here never comes out, otherwise Blue Crystal Planet will not be so stable.

The sky, the sun, the sun, spare no effort to release the Might of Heaven and Earth.

A silhouette, holding a person, constantly approaching the forest.

“brat, my old man has caused a big disaster this time. In order to accept you as a disciple, do you say that I am easy?” Wu Feng was flying while facing the store waiter in his hand.

Waiter is silent, if you want to let him choose between Wu Fengcai and Blood Demon, he definitely chooses Wu Fengcai.

“hehe…” The sharp laughter was sent to Wu Fengcai’s ear.

“Bad, Blood Demon is chasing it.” Wu Feng was in a hurry, his feet accelerated, and he instantly approached the ancient forest.

To the brink, Wu Fengcai looked around with distress: “I really stunned the eyes of my old man, how can I run here?”

“Old man, what’s wrong here?” The waiter finally opened, but the voice was weak.

“What’s wrong?” Wu Fengcai said with a straight face: “There has never been a human being who dares to approach, and anyone who goes in has to die.”

“Ah, then let’s go back soon.”

“Do you have a problem with your brat? My old man is being chased by his ass. I am going back and going to death?” Wu Feng hated the iron and did not become a steel: “Moreover, there is only a place in the desert where there is a place to escape, other places, Covered by his divine sense, this time it’s really finished.”

“Old man, then we…we…”

Wu Fengcai made a fuss: “hmph, angered my old man, and broke into the forest. If you don’t go deep inside, there may be a line of opportunities to live. If you don’t, you really have no chance to live.”

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