Helpless, Lin Xiao took the body of Old Daoist Ji Kong into “Other Dimension Universe !”

On the Earth class, a sunny place, Lin Xiao palms turned, and a giant pit appeared.

After processing, he put on a Divine Artifact white shirt and put it in the pit. Lin Xiao said: “Senior Ji Kong, I am very fond of Hongwu anyway. In the future, I will be good with my sect. Keep it.”

Yu La, a palm of the hand, a new grave appeared.

Then, the divine sense sensed the crowd of the starry sky peak cultivating, Lin Xiao flashed out.

Real space.

His divine sense swept, and soon found Deng Yufang’s position.

However, Lin Xiao was stunned because, next to her, there was another person, a low, big fatty.

In a rectangular valley, Lin Xiao appears in the sky.

Looking forward to the shade of several giant trees, Deng Yufang complexion pale’s deep body trembled, looking at the fatty in front of him in horror.

“I said little beauty, I am going to go back with my old man, ran for so long, wasted that many energy, my old man is very tired.” Fatty spit out.

“Wu Fengcai, is this guy not seriously injured? How long has it been, and is it alive and kicking?” Lin Xiao wondered.

Deng Yufang glared at the trunk and said with fear: “You… don’t come over, I will go back.”

Wu Fengcai squinted at his face, and his two small eyes could not be seen. He said: “I know that you will go, but your speed is too slow. My old man will take you to the Blue Crystal Star. When you get there, you will be there. I want to do everything, it has nothing to do with my old man.”

“Leave me away!” Deng Yufang was very weak.

Wu Fengcai moved forward two steps: “My old man is very kind, believe me.”

“No… don’t believe, you are like a rumored thief Wu Gong.”

Wu Fengcai’s face is a board: “What thieves? I am a poor man, a hero, and which bastard dare to talk like this?”

“No matter who you are, please let me go.”

“Okay, go back with me, go to the place and put it.”

Lin Xiao in the distance looked in his eyes, suddenly realized and dared, the person Qin Shenhui invited, is this Wu Fengcai.

But to be honest, this Wu Feng is indeed a method, and it took him a long time to find someone. Unlike yourself, it only depends on the divine sense.

“Help!” Deng Yufang suddenly yelled.

“Hey, my little grandmother, don’t call, let other people hear it, it will damage the reputation of my old man.” Wu Feng was anxious to jump.

“You are dead fatty, my name is of course I hope others will hear. Do not want to damage their reputation, you immediately leave me.” Deng Yufang loudly said.

“It seems that my old man can only use it.”

Said, aggressively forced to help Deng Yufang.

“long time no see.” A slightly cold voice came behind Wu Fengcai.

“en?” Wu Fengcai’s two small eyes shined and turned quickly.

After seeing people, Wu Feng was startled: “It’s you.”

“Yes, it’s me, Yu Chen.” The person who came here was Lin Xiao. He remembered that when he met him, it appeared in the image of Yu Chen, and it changed.

Wu Gong’s eyes narrowed and hehe said: “Yu Chen? Well, what are you doing here?”

Lin Xiao swept away behind Deng Yufang and said, “What have you done? I saw someone bullying a weak woman in a broad day, so…”

“Hey, knowing can’t talk nonsense.” At first glance, Wu Feng was anxious to pick up.

“Oh, do I have a mess?” Lin Xiao smiled and said to Deng Yufang: “Girl, is he intended to be derailed?”

Deng Yufang aimed at Wu Fengcai, then moved to the side of Lin Xiao and pointed to him: “Yes, this old bastard wants to take advantage of me.”

“I…” Wu Feng was anxious: “Hey, don’t you mean, from the beginning to the present, did my old man move you?”

“hmph, you intended to be like this, except that this Miss Yingming Shenwu did not let you temporarily get that’s all.” Deng Yufang said proudly.

“I sweat…” Lin Xiao was speechless.

Wu Fengcai’s small eyes turned straight: “I said that you have a ruler that doesn’t work well. With the strength of my old man, will you still be able to get you early?”

“The fact is like this.” Deng Yufang argued.

“Okay, okay!” Lin Xiao was busy, saying: “That, Wu Gong, you are holding this girl, what do you want?”

“You don’t know?” Wu Fengcai blinked twice, seemingly suggesting.

Lin Xiao was shivered and said, “Don’t look at me with that look, I don’t understand.”

“Oh!” Wu Fengcai said with a smile: “Since you don’t know, you still go, when you get home, you naturally know everything.”

Lin Xiao, stunned, but soon understood it and said: “If you don’t, I will send the girl back with you, how?”

“No…” Wu Feng was justified: “My old man is alone, but it is necessary, and does not like to walk with other people.”

“Besides it is necessary?” Lin Xiao made a deep thought.

Wu Fengcai realized that he had made a mistake and was busy: “brat, don’t think about it. My old man is acting brightly and never stealing chickens and dogs.”

Lin Xiao listened to her ears, and her heart was full of contempt.

Obviously a thief, he also described himself as a hero.

Wu Fengcai said again: “Time is limited, don’t talk to you.” Said, to Deng Yufang said: “female doll, go with my old man.”

“Old bastard, you go to hell.” Deng Yufang did not give him a good look.

“You…” Wu Feng’s fat face is red, jumping: “The woman in the world has a rib, my old man is kind enough good intention, you don’t appreciate it, want to mad at me?”

Deng Yufang simply twisted to one side, not bird him.

“I really want to, really want to…” Wu Feng was going crazy.

Lin Xiao held back with a smile: “Well, Wu Gong, you are not angry, this girl is brought back by me, how?”

“Do you know where to send her?”

“of course.”

“hehe, okay, this is also my province’s old man’s troubles.”

Lin refused said: “You are so assured to give me?”

Wu Fengcai had a negative hand and said: “Right, this time you help me, um, with the last time my old man reminded you of killer, a cancellation.”

“Oh, thank you!” After he finished, he said again: “Deng girl, let me go.”

“You?” Deng Yufang hesitated.

“It’s Chen Hua big brother, let me come out to find you.”

“What? Chen Hua?” Deng Yufang complexion changed: “Are you a Star Sect?”


“Is Lin Xiao coming back?”

“Does this… have anything to do with him?”

“Yes, if he is back, I can’t go there anymore.”

Lin Xiao indifferently said: “You can rest assured that Chen Hua big brother has already made it clear that you will not have anything to do.”

“Really?” Deng Yufang said hi, then he said: “Impossible, how can this kind of thing be said?”

“Do not lie to you, I promise life.”

“That… well, I will go back with you.” Deng Yufang compromised.

Wu Fengcai suddenly came up and said: “brat, still remember the disrespect to my old man?”

Lin Xiao startled: “Remember, what happened?”

“hehe, I said at the time, even if you ask me later, I won’t tell you. Now, if you pick up this female doll from my old man’s hand, is there anything to say?”

Lin Xiao expression, a stagnation, said: “I heard that my Star Sect’s discipline saved your life, is it true?”

“Eh…” Wu Feng was unwilling to say: “Yes, what?”

“To offset each other, we will never be in conflict with each other.”

“Well, this is what you said.” Wu Feng was overjoyed.

“Let’s go.” Said, turned and left.

“Wait a minute!” Wu Feng just yelled behind.

Lin Xiao turned back: “What?”

“My old man is going with you, um, to Star Sect, my old man wants to join.”

“What?” Lin Xiao stunned and said, “No, Star Sect won’t accept you.”


“Why? What did you do yourself?”

“What can I do?” Wu Feng whispered.

Lin Xiao glanced at him and thought of Qian Shen Family. “But if you are willing to answer a question, you may consider it.”

“What is the problem? You are going to say it.” Wu Fengcai is hot.

“What is your relationship with Qian Shen Family?”

“Qian Shen Family?” Wu Fengcai pondered.

“Forget it, don’t want to answer the pull down.” Lin Xiao waved his hand and the two strode out.

“Wait!” Out of the mouth, Wu Feng chased him up and said: “Go back to Star Sect, then I will tell you.”

“Yes!” Lin Xiao beheaded.

Suddenly –

There was a wave of fluctuations in the space ahead, and a large group of people appeared.

Lin Xiao looked around, men and women, and dressed in various sects.

“He is really here.” In front, an old man shouted with a Transforming Void late-stage, then pointed to Wu Fengcai.

“Wu Old Ghost, this time I see where you are going.” Another Transforming Void late-stage powerhouse came forward, and the divine sense locked Wu Fengcai.

To: Reward the gold medal of the book friend 123608sohu plus more chapters! !

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