“Lin Xiao…” Wu Fengcai followed behind him and smiled.

“Old Wu, what are you doing?”

“You didn’t promise me?”

“Promise?” Lin Xiao was confused.

“Hey, you are not saying, do you want to get my old man to get started?” Wu Feng was anxiously flushed.

“Oh, old Wu, look at Kazakhstan, with your skills, heaven, omnipotent. Picking stars to catch the moon, such as sacs. I said, talents like you join me Star Sect, not too wronged you? ”

“No grievances, no grievances!” Wu Feng was busy calling: “As long as I let the elderly join, I will give you any position, even if it is a common disciple.”

Lin Xiao’s headache: “Old Wu, it’s not that I’m not close to humans, it’s you…”

“Is the character too bad?” Wu Fengcai raised his face.

Lin Xiao pondered for a while and said: “That way, you are my Star Sect Outer Sect Elder, free to leave, not subject to sect rules.”

“Outer Sect Elder?” Wu Feng was dissatisfied: “Outer Sect Elder, far less than a core disciple, is my old man so bad?”

Lin Xiao has nothing to say.

In fact, any person will be mercilessly rejected.

Think about it, an unpredictable person, a secret person, a thief who steals all over the world, a thief who has a headache, which Sect is willing, just doubled to receive a core disciple?

Moreover, today’s situation is not the same as before, and the enemy is stronger than one. If there is any problem inside, then you will be stretched out and you will lose your mind.

“How? Do you think about it?” Wu Feng was full of wings.

“I…” Lin Xiao’s words just came out, Yang Yuqi’s voice interrupted him: “Brother Xiao, Qian Shen younger sister has something to say to you.”

See Yang Yuqi, Lin Xiao said with a smile: “What?”

“younger sister said that there is a person. Desire’s Senior wants to enter our Star Sect, whose name is Wu Gong.”

“My old man is Wu Gong.” After Wu Fengcai heard it, his proud eyes ran to the top of his head.

Lin Xiao wondered: “What does Qian Shenhui say? Sister, you repeat.”

“Oh, she said that there is a high morality…”

“Wait…” Lin Xiao reached out and waved: “Da Gao looked at the crowd? Say he?” He pointed to Wu Fengcai.

Lin Xiao glanced at him and said, “It should be.”

Lin Xiao bent down and leaned in front of Wu Fengcai. He said, “German is high and looks at you?”

Wu Fengcai was overbearing, and his eyes went straight up: “Yes, I know that my old man is amazing.”

“Hey, this world is really damn dark.” Lin Xiao sighed.

“brat, what do you mean by this?” Wu Fengcai is very dissatisfied.

Lin Xiao waved his hand and said, “Well, let’s get started. But you give me the truth, if you are caught, don’t say I know you.”

“Reassure, when did my old man lose his hand?”

“Is it really interesting to listen to what you mean?”

“Amount… no, no, just a joke.”

“I always feel that you have something.”

Wu Fengcai took the chest: “You care too much, my old man never lie.”

“Scram!” Lin Xiao kicked him out and angered: “You don’t lie, the sows can get on the tree.”

Wu Fengcai did not worry at all, and ran back and smiled: “It doesn’t matter, the sow will go up sooner or later.” After that, he said again: “Since I am already your discipline, can you make a small request?”

“There is a conspiracy, let’s talk!”

“hehe, still remember, the waiter that was saved by you?”

“Remember, what happened?”

“I… I want to accept him as a disciple.”

Lin Xiao’s eyes turned over: “I still remember that a certain population was squirting and swindling others to worship him as a teacher. In the end, people refused to live and die. Lao Wu, are you saying that?”

Wu Fengcai smiled. He knew Lin Xiao speaks correctly. He said: “At that time, my old man was not very good, but now, I am a star discipline, Righteous Sect. He has no reason to refuse.”

“Oh, for a long time, your old Wu is playing the idea of ​​Gan Jie.”

“Hehe, yes, I really want to accept him as a disciple.”

Lin Xiao turned to Yang Yuqi: “Sister, Ganjie?”

“Town Chief is teaching him cultivating.”


Then, watching Wu Fengcai: “Have you heard, Gan Jie has been taught, you still die.”

Wu Fengcai listened, and excitedly excited: “Lin Xiao, ah, no, Lin Sect Master, wrong, Elder Lin, I honestly tell you, Gan Jie, if I can get what I have learned, it will definitely be hundreds of times more than me. This is hard to find for hundreds of millions of years.”

Looking at his strength, Lin Xiao curiously said: “Is he so good?”

“Yes, absolutely. Although you teach him cultivating, the results are as terrifying as they are, but it is far less than what my old people have learned.”

“Oh, what do you mean, I want him to grow up, let you personally teach, and then steal the fairy, God, Holy Three Realms?”

Wu Fengcai sighed: “Lin Great Elder, this Ganjie physique is most suitable for cultivating explosive cultivation technique. After the success of the art, the same level of people, no matter how powerful, is not an opponent. Even worse, the level can be more 3 challenge.”

“The More Level 3 Challenge?” Lin Xiao was surprised to know that the Level 3 challenge is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Stage to the Crossing Tribulation Stage.

“What physique is he?”

Wu Fengcai showed a rare dignity. He said: “Is it heard that the ‘Huangxue Star Emperor’ is not?”

“Huang Xuexing Emperor? This has never been heard.”

“His physique can be compared with the Primal Chaos body, the Innate Dao Body, which is hard to come by for millions of years.”

Lin Xiao was shocked and couldn’t think of Gan Jie’s physique.

Yang Yuqi on the side also made a big mouth, unbelievable.

“In addition…” Wu Fengcai said again: “Blood Demon’s ‘Shadow Magic’ also applies to him.”

“Why?” The two asked at the same time.

“Blood Magic, its biggest feature is speed, Blood Demon also took this divine art, and slipped away from the powerhouse countless times.”

“It turns out!” Lin Xiao understood the reason for “Blood Demon”.

Wu Fengcai continued: “Not long ago, I found the brat, he was outside, and his in the body’s injustice caught the attention of my old man. Later, he was taken away and learned through various methods that he was ‘ho Blood Star Emperor ‘!

“How did Blood Demon know?”

“Blood Demon is very powerful. Since I can sense it, he naturally goes without saying.”

“So…” Lin Xiao looked at Yang Yuqi: “Call out Gan Jie and let Lao Wu adjust.”

“Yes!” Yang Yuqi did not say much, leaving directly.

Wu Fengcai laughed and said, “Lin Xiao, you can rest assured, it won’t take long, the world’s first thief will be born. Haha, the major families sect, you shudder.”

Lin Xiao scorned him.

In a short while, Yang Yuqi came with Gan Jie.

When I saw Gan Jie, Wu Fengcai greeted her face with a warm heart and cried: “haha, my discipline, I will be mixed with my old man.”

“Sect Master, this…” Gan Jie looked at Wu Fengcai, very scared, looking at Yang Yuqi with trembling.

Yang Yuqi said with a smile : “You can rest assured that he is now part of our with the sect. In addition, your physique is also what he found. This is the so-called fate. You should worship him as a teacher.”

“Oh!” Gan Jie heard, although not willing, but still obey.

“hahaha!” Wu Feng was happy with said: “Don’t worship, just verbally say it, my old family is annoying the etiquette, do as one pleases.”

“See… Master.” Gan Jie vowed Wu Fengcai.

“Hey, hey, hehe…” Wu Fengcai’s laughter went away.

“Old Wu, Anfen you give me, I hear your laughter, how you kind of wanted to hit the urge?” Lin Xiao Road.

“wu!” Wu Fengcai listened, immediately grabbed his mouth, for fear of getting out of tune.

Seeing this funny scene, Gan Jie showed a smile.

“Sect Master, I have to teach my disciple cultivating now, I can’t wait for it.” Wu Feng was very excited.

“Well, you come with me.” Yang Yuqi saw Lin Xiao nodded, jade hand, and left with two people.

“strange person ……” Zi Jing’s voice sounded.

Lin Xiao turned around and Situ Qian was there.

“Oh, are the two beautiful women so busy?”

Situ Qian squinted and said, “Are we leaving after a month?”

“Yeah, Cultivator World is coming to an end, so go to Immortal World.”

“That… us?”

Lin Xiao said with a smile : “Of course, go together, can’t I still leave you behind?”

The two women showed their smiles.

“You have to prepare, or close, and the time will come soon.”

“Oh!” The two left with a disappointment.


After half a month.

The outside disciplines returned, and they brought back a message.

A few days ago, the high-level World Plane, all issued orders, all people above Nine Heavens Profound Immortal must immediately return to the upper bound, otherwise, immediately executed.

After hearing it, Lin Xiao took a look and then understood.

This is a notice from Saint Venerable Leng Tianyun in advance, which proves that space changes are likely to lead to death.

For a time, many hidden powerhouses, after receiving the order, set off and returned to World Plane.

This is tantamount to good news for Lin Xiao. When they left, the subsequent discrimination cultivation base was not much higher, but after the powerhouse was driven away, leaving only the true strength of Cultivator World, Lin Xiao was very reassured.

With the power of follow-up discipline today, no one can eat at Cultivator World.

Within Star Sect, Situ Feng, Yang Yuqi, Qu Tian, ​​and Town Chief Yang Huai, with the inspiration of the Qian Shen Family, were able to preserve the space power of Saint Venerable and preserve it.

But they also intend to live in a simple way, and let all disciples not disclose their existence, otherwise, they will be executed.

A month later, the public disciple cultivating Perfection is full.

300,000 disciple and 200,000 have both entered the Crossing Tribulation Stage, and the hundreds of thousands of Great Ascension Stages.

In the moment they appeared, the sky’s tribulation thunder masked the Vault of Heaven, all inclined to Star Sect, as if to destroy Star Sect completely.

During this period, Lin Xiao ordered Longlong to fly up and fight against the thunder and smash it.

Cultivator World’s tribulation thunder, for the Primal Chaos Stage’s powerhouse, doesn’t hurt at all, and it’s useless.

Wu Fengcai and Gan Jie chose to stay. At this time, Gan Jie, whose cultivating speed, made Lin Xiao greatly surprised. In just one month, and still normal, it broke through the Great Ascension early-stage and reached the middle-stage.

And his tribulation thunder is called ‘fire robbery’, its formidable power, far beyond the general thunder.

After his dying price, he finally resisted the past. After being promoted to the Great Ascension Stage, Ganjie’s cultivating speed is increasing day by day, and once the movement technique is applied, even Nangong Fei can’t lock it.

On the other hand, Qian Shenhui took a lot of hands and feet, re-arranging the stars Sect Headquarters and the array outside the Taigar Star Sect, and the defense is super strong.

Thousands of Masters, and they are constantly refining countless weapons and medicine pill day and night, leaving a strong backing for Star Sect’s follow-up discipline.

Then there is the dog, Longlong never forgets, but he can’t find it. Lin Xiao explored with a divine sense, a glimpse of aura, he estimated that the dog should leave Cultivator World.

At this time, the thing in the box, Lin Xiao can be sure, definitely belongs to the dog, and is very important. Otherwise, it won’t risk breaking into its own dimensional universe.

In contrast, Lin Xiao is also very impressed with the dog’s space ability, and he can deceive him.

As for Deng Yufang, the cultivation base is lower. In order to be with her, Chen Hua puts on the whole body cultivation base, forcibly mentions her to the Immortal Monarch period, and he is half dead.

Finally, Lin Xiao confessed to Situ Feng. If there is a person who calls himself Profound Ice God, tell him to let him find himself at Immortal World.

The two men agreed, and for Lin Xiao, as long as he did not speak, the two would never ask.

Everything is in order, Lin Xiao summoned the original 10,000 figures, and Nangong Fei and the others, left Cultivator World and went to Immortal World, the paradise for the cultivator.

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