“Boom, bang!”

The powerful force whizzed, the old man’s virtual palm was eventually repelled, but the blocker was bloody.

“You are so poisonous!” A middle-aged man squinted, holding a red-clothed girl in his hand.

“You are the City Lord, Shidong Qiang?” Immortal Venerable old man’s voice is like monarch, irresistible.

Although Shi Dongqiang hated his teeth, but in this momentum, his horror in his eyes was hard to cover up. “Yes, you are damaging my daughter, too deceiving.”

“hahaha…” old man laughed, his voice spread thousands of kilometers, and the mountains responded for a long time.


Shidong strong complexion changed, spurt a mouthful of blood, figure is crumbling.

“Dongqiang brother, how are you?” Huo Yuanjia helped him.

Shi Dongqiang looked at the cold body in his eyes, and said in pain: “I want revenge, I want revenge!”

Huo Yuanjia nodded, said: “I figured it out, even if I put a blood flowing into a river tonight, I can’t lose people in our dream city.”

Shi Dongqiang is hearing this, his eyes are red, and there is no fear of looking towards the old man in the air.

“Ignorance juniors, dare to despise old man, die!”

Old man Seeing Shidong’s gaze, it’s very uncomfortable. At the moment, he stretches out his hand and shoots it, wanting to kill him.

“Attack together!” Huo Yuanjia shouted, a dozen of silhouettes issued the largest style, against the destruction of Immortal Venerable.


The attack was touched, the blood spurted up, and there were more than a dozen silhouettes. In an instant, there were no more than ten people. The aura was weak and in jeopardy.

“Hateful, why is Immortal Venerable’s attack so strong?” Huo Yuanjia was unwilling to swear, but he was also seriously injured. With several people now, he competed with Immortal Venerable, and he was looking for a dead end.

“old man conveys the command, one is to end his life, the second, by the old man hands-on, give you ten breaths time to choose.” Old man’s words gloomy horror, listen to everyone’s ears, not to mention Death God sentenced death.

Huo Yuanjia’s anxious sweat, hit, beat, suicide, not reconciled, he entered the valley.

The only thing he is worried about now is the residents of the city. They and the others are not dead, but even thousands of people die together. This sin can be big.

In a dilemma, Huo Yuanjia looked up and said: “If we end ourselves, can we put other people in the city?”

Old man glanced at him with a scornful look. Sensen said: “You don’t have to talk to the old man about the conditions. Now, how do you want to die, hurry up!”

Huo Yuanjia bit his teeth: “If you refuse to let the residents of the city, we all take a self-destruction, even if you are Immortal Venerable, I am afraid I can’t stand it.”

Old man Eyes cold: “Do you dare to threaten the old man?” Saying, figure moves, and grabs him straight.

Huo Yuanjia’s death was so strong that he was locked by Immortal Venerable, and he had nothing to do.

The people around him, under the momentum of Immortal Venerable, are hard to maintain, let alone rescue.

At this point, Huo Yuanjia desperately closed his eyes, he did not dare to expect any miracles to happen. For Lin Xiao’s confidence, he didn’t care.


The violent earth trembled, the wind smashed like a cut, and Huo Yuanjia’s heart burst into a sigh: “Is it dead?”

Then he heard the old man’s horrified voice: “You…who are you?”

“en?” Huo Yuanjia is under this, fiercely opened his eyes and saw several silhouettes standing in front of him.

One of them, even if he is facing him, Huo Yuanjia is still excited: “Senior, is that you?”

Lin Xiao turned and said with a smile : “I said, tonight, I will solve it.”

Upon hearing this, Huo Yuanjia was somewhat happy and dizzy. He was saved and came over from the edge of death.

“old man asks you, quickly say, who are you? Dare to be an enemy of Covering Heaven Sect.” old man shouted.

Lin Xiao said coldly: “old fellow, you are dead.”

After that, the unmatched momentum was released and pressed against the old man.


Old man horrible broken, on the spot was invisible by the invisible murderous aura shocked weekly ten zhang.

“This…” Huo Yuanjia behind him was so dumbfounded, but Immortal Venerable, the hegemon of Immortal World, has not been hands-on, has been wounded, how strong is this seemingly person?

“You…you…” The old man got up and was shocked. In the face of Lin Xiao’s momentum, he found himself to be just a stone in a thousand mountains, insignificant.


Before Nangong Fei moved, boxing came out and there was no horror.

“roar!” old man screamed, the whole body was like a rainbow, and kept rising. In the face of the enemy, he is completely desperate.

“Even if you get to the Heavenly God level, you have to give me a hate.” Nangong Fei coldly shouted, the palm shadow of the fist, almost tearing the space.


Old man Fighting to resist, the palms are black and full, the cool and sturdy, full of death aura.


Nangong Fei went backwards and his body suddenly recovered.

The old man screamed and flew backwards, his hands smashed shoulders, and the momentum fell back.

“Too… too fierce!” Huo Yuanjia and the others saw this scene, and the shocked eyes almost fell.

An Immortal Venerable king was abolished by two or three strokes, which made them suspected of dreaming.


Without stopping, Nangong Fei rushed to the drop of the old man and shot again.

Old man The body of the wounded is unbearably heavy, and he is dying quickly after successive blows.

On the side of Mengxiangcheng, all of them are stupid, and their hearts are excited.

Tonight, they have made plans for mortality. When Immortal Venerable came, they even thought that there was no way to escape. Now, the situation suddenly reversed and a group of strong people appeared. Immortal Venerable is in their eyes, but it is only the Mavericks test, and the number is solved. They are very excited.

“Hateful, old man wants you to die together.” The dying old man Immortal Venerable suddenly became fierce, all around Immortal Origin Power constantly pouring into him, his body instantly bulging and rounding.

“He wants to blew himself.” Huo Yuanjia suddenly, he knows, Immortal Venerable blew himself, not to mention his city, even if half of the planet will be turned into fly ash, no one can escape.

“Negative resistance!” Lin Xiao cold and cold, golden’s big palm appeared out of thin air, fiercely turned to the old man.

“hong long long !”

The earthquake wave spread, the mountains collapsed, the earth was stunned, the sky was trembled, and the stars were eclipsed.

Ten thousand zhang The dust is flying, the position of the old man, there is a big hole that is bottomless, and the aura of the stocks keeps going up.

“God…God!” everyone in Mengxiang City cheered, and Immortal Venerable blew people to fight the destroy both body and soul, except for God World, who can do it?

“Thank you, Senior graciousness of life-saving!” Behind him, the city’s discipline, under the leadership of Huo Yuanjia and Shi Dongqiang, succumbed to them.

Lin Xiao void, the crowd stood up and said: “No need to pay more, Huo Sect Master, can you know this person?”

Huo Yuanjia nodded and said: “Know, he is Covering Heaven Sect Outer Sect Elder, who is in charge of everything. But this time, I can’t think of it, it will be him.”

“Oh, so to speak, trifling Outer Sect Elder, even if it is dead, no one will pursue it?”

“Hui!” Huo Yuanjia said: “Covering Heaven Sect is very strong. Once there was a Sect that accidentally injured one of them as a handyman. As a result, the Sect was destroyed. Now, Immortal Venerable is dead, they definitely don’t Will stop.”

Lin Xiao, a few people listened, look at each other in dismay, accidentally injured a handyman, it is necessary to destroy the whole family, this is not a general strength.

Min Xiaoshen, Lin Xiao said: “Don’t say this, where is the Spring Wind Pavilion?”

“Senior, are you planning?”

Lin Xiao coldly said: “Destroy them.”

Huo Yuanjia nodded and said: “Since Senior has this plan, Junior will go out and Junior will take you there.”

“Okay, let’s go now.”

Huo Yuanjia turned, loudly said: “Immediately repair, strictly guard against, do not let the residents feel fear.”

“Yes, Sect Master!” The public disciple macro responded.

“Dongqiang brother, I am leaving with the Seniors, you have to be careful.”

Shi Dongqiang closed his eyes nodded, painfully looking at the body of the daughter in his arms.

Lin Xiao said: “The first old man is impersonating?”

Huo Yuanjia said: “No, Junior sensed his aura, he is the person of the Spring Breeze.”

“Oh, that’s why the old man of Immortal Venerable said they were fake?”

“Senior doesn’t know, Covering Heaven Sect has never failed. The first old man, he definitely wants this opportunity to avenge their Pavilion Lord.”

“Oh!” Lin Xiao understood, but also shocked, this Covering Heaven Sect is really vicious, and in order to succeed, everyone can kill.

“Senior, according to our “hunyue peak” outside the thousand kilometers, is the distribution of Chunfeng Pavilion.”

“Dispatch?” Lin Xiao confused.

“Yes, but the gangs who rely on Covering Heaven Sect must have two branches. Otherwise, they are not qualified.”

“Well, let’s kill one and then kill the other. If they are strong, then I will compare them with them and see who is stronger.”

“Well, please come with Junior.” Yu La, first vacated, in the starry night, and Lin Xiao several people head south.

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