For a time, all the wearing cultivators that wear a black jacket and white clothed, regardless of the cultivation base, were caught. In addition, as long as it is a child with a golden gown, no matter who you are, you will catch it all!

The reason is very simple. When they can’t find it for a long time, they think that they have changed their appearance and are mixed in the market. Ever since, they are arguing that they would kill 10,000 and not let go of the purpose of one person, and launched the inhuman slaughter.

Of course, except the people who are there!

In just a few days, the number of people who died in their hands has exceeded that of hundreds of thousands.

Others, in order to protect themselves, all spare no effort to find Lin Xiao and the others, I hope they appear, to resolve their own crisis.

At this moment, Lin Xiao is still in the dimension space to adjust the interest rate, leaving the wind and rain outside the city, and turn a deaf ear.

Two months later.

Lin Xiao, Longlong, a line of six people appeared.

The Lishui Villa has completely become a ruin at this time.

The sky, the stars, the stars twinkling, the beautiful nightingale.

The moon of the two huge hangs, one green and one red.

The two planet satellites are three times larger than the moon and run slowly in the night sky.

“In the past two months, I don’t know how it is going on outside?” Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Chen Hua said: “It’s also said that we just came to Immortal World and slaughter all sides, and then disappeared. Be sure, now they must try to find us.”

Lin Xiao coldly smiled: “Covering Heaven Sect, Upper Universe, so far, their people didn’t really come up with an expert, they are all dead ghosts on our side, just picking up an Immortal Monarch.”

Chen Hua looked towards the distance: “Come on, our whole move is too big. They will lose their money. It is impossible to send an expert.”

“I don’t know if they guessed us?”

“It should have been guessed, after all, in Cultivator World, you have completely destroyed their plans.”

“We are in the city!”

Purple Emperor City.

Prosperity still, although experienced shocks, but no harm, but still noisy, shadows, and constant exchanges.

Staying outside the city, Lin Xiao indicated that several people have changed their looks, and they are no longer provoked.

When everything is done, a few people who change their looks sway into the city.

“Stand up!” Touching the city gate, a shouted came.

Lin Xiao looked sensitively and saw that at the gate of the city, a large man wearing a heavy armor was sitting on a wild beast, his eyes full of suspicion.

He looked very uncomfortable, with a wave of his hand, a few people moved forward again…

“brat, stand for laozi!” The roar burst, and the crowds around him ran away and dared not stay.

“You call us?” Lin stopped, turned, cold and cold.

“Crap, this sir is not called who you call?” Large man cocky.

Lin Xiao divine sense Micro-sweeping, stunned: “Immortal Monarch middle-stage, the strength is comparable to Heavenly God, no Nascent Soul, and it was said by Big Brother Chen that the people of Upper Universe couldn’t help but scream out.”

“What is the intention of stopping us?”

Large man came down from the beast, and his hand stretched out, gloomily said: “Get it!”


“brat, don’t pretend to be laozi, fairy stone!”

Lin Xiao looked at each other and said: “Is it necessary to hand in Xianshi?”

“Yes, but only let outsiders pay.”

Lin Xiao doesn’t care like a smile: “How much?”

Large man killing intent A flash: “One person one hundred, a total of six hundred upper-grade Xianshi!”

Lin Xiao heard, could not help but furious: “Why is your mother not going to robbery, six hundred upper-grade Xianshi, who has so much?”

Large man hehe Yin smile: “Come, they resist taxation, seize, and die on the spot.”

Lin Xiao eyes cold: “Are you a Covering Heaven Sect?”

“hehe, brat, ask more, laozi is Covering Heaven Sect core disciple, now, answer laozi, life or death depends on you.”

“Oh, have you ever thought about your life or death?”

“en?” large man stunned and then stayed.

Because Lin Xiao’s hand is already on his neck. With a slight hand, you can unscrew his head.

“You…” large man scared of speechless, a soldier ready to catch people, not dare to act blindly without thinking.

“How do I? Life or death can’t be autonomous?” Lin Xiao said with a sneer.

“You… let me go!” large man trembled.

“Incompetent!” Lin Xiao coldly smiled, the palm of the hand grips hard, “ka-cha”, the neck of the large man instantly breaks.

“You… dare to kill us Captain?” A Profound Immortal expert screamed.

“Scram!” Lin Xiao coldly shouted, the palms of light flashed, throwing the large man’s body to the crowd.


When the soldiers were ready to raise their hands, the large man’s body suddenly exploded, and the bloody meat drenched them.

“Devil…” Seeing this scene, the soldiers fled with fear and fled, only hating to run too slowly.


In the distance, the audience is very strong, and they are far away from each other and dare not approach them.

Lin Xiao shook his hand and said, “Let’s go!”

The entire group is unobtrusive. The purpose of Lin Xiao is to show that your Covering Heaven Sect is arrogant and that others will be more arrogant than you.

Anyway, at this moment, I am not really true. After a big fight, I will leave again.

“oh la la ……”

Pedestrians who had been shouldering the road on the road, after seeing them, could not help but let the road open and keep a certain distance.

“Why are you so afraid of this Sovereign?” After the change, Longlong is still very cute, asking for a small face that is innocent.

Passerby whispering.

“You see, this is their pedestrian, that brat is the most obvious feature.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think it was because they caused that many people died.”

“Oh, this doesn’t blame them. People have the strength of the foundation. Of course, they can’t be swallowed like us.”

“But they shouldn’t have a sleeve, don’t ask, let us suffer from people with low cultivation base.”

“That’s right, they are too selfish, just care about their own lives and deaths, no matter what other people, these people are better than not.”


Lin Xiao six people stepped down the street and heard the crowd’s arguments, his face darkened.

They originally thought that if they had their own and the others, they could summon other people’s fighting spirits. Now they are good, but they don’t work. Instead, they blame themselves and the others.

On the other hand, they also found a problem. That is, with so many cultivators, no one except them wears black clothed, white clothed or gold. Originally, this was not unusual, but the whispers of everyone were introduced into their ears to make them understand.

Covering Heaven Sect, at all costs, kills people who are similar to them, even if they are dressed.

After knowing this, Lin Xiao’s murderous aura is heavier, and the Upper Universe’s method is really stunned. Looking for people is fruitless, and actually toss such a far-fetched reason.



A big hand came out of nowhere, and it straightened to Lin Xiao.

“hong long long !”

The strong formidable power caused the sprinkling buildings on both sides to collapse, and the pedestrians were killed and injured.

“courting death!” Nangong Fei loudly shouted, figure up and slammed into the palm of his hand.


In the distance, the palms shattered and followed, and there was a sigh.


A sturdy big knife is like the sky Changhong, with a dazzling brilliance, brightening the night sky, and heading for a few people.


Those who are lucky on both sides, under the power of the blade glow, will not escape the bad luck, and will be turned into invisible by the knife.

“Saint!” Lin Xiao was in a cold, and the expert finally came out.


Chen Hua shot and broke the offensive of the Broadsword.

Lin Xiao waved his hand and said: “Xiaoyu, I will accept you in. This scene, you can’t cope.”

“Yes, Big Brother Lin!”

After Lin Xiao earned him, he said: “We are outside the city, it is not suitable for fighting here.” Said, five people shot out of the city, and instantly stunned.

“Leave your life!” The sound of the sound bursts the huge sound, the stars shake it, the entire Purple Emperor City, under the shouted, countless houses touch the sound waves, suddenly turned into debris.

There are thousands of dead, and the pain is screaming all over the world.

Tonight, for many people, it is a sleepless night.

A hundred kilometers away, in a deserted valley, Lin Xiao five people stand upright.


The short burst of the air, four silhouettes have emerged.

The four people unified black and loaded, and the shoulders were dancing with the wind, and the air was like a mountain.

“Four Saints, and all are late-stage.” Lin Xiao secretly, they should be the core disciple of Covering Heaven Sect. Although aura fluctuates, it is still Middle Universe, but the strength is there.

“Follow us!” One of the four, calmly speaking, simple and convenient, a commanding tone.

Lin Xiao A few people didn’t eat this one at all. Longlong licked his mouth and said, “Who are you four black sticks? Do you dare to talk to us?”

“Khan…” Lin Xiao Several people were speechless about Longlong.

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