Unknown Prey

Chapter 100 100 The Drive to Town

"It's alright, Leo. I was just formally asking for Kitty to allow me to pursue Cindy with the intention of making her, my mate. I can not deny the attraction I feel any longer and if this is what it feels when you find your other half I can understand why our kind can not find a second mate. There is no way to get this feeling back again." Carlos looks at Leo, "let's head out then and I will see you again in a few days."

Leo walks up to Kitty, wraps his hand around her waist and gently leads her out to the front of the house. He opens the front door and holds it open for Kitty then follows her to the car he parked out front. "When you are able to drive again I will let you drive any car in the garage unless there is something else that you would prefer to drive?"

She allows Leo to take the lead and she looks down at the car parked in the driveway. "I can't wait to see what other vehicles you have in the garage. I do like the look of this one and the windows are tinted to the point that I wouldn't be seen in there but also, it seems that it could and would be used for your work. I do not really have a preference on what I drive."

Leo opened the door and held it open for her and once she got in and was settled he closed her door, then got into the car. "See you guys later," he said as he closed his door. "So it is a little bit of a drive into town so if you feel tired go ahead and rest. I will get us there safely." Leo glances over at Kitsune making sure that she has her seat belt on before he starts the car. The engine purrs silently to life. He pushes the gas and the car races out of the driveway. 'I think that I have everything I need to cook a romantic dinner but we may cut it close but that is okay. I will hope that she takes a nap while I prepare her dinner and set the table. I know that I have some non-alcoholic fruit juice that she may enjoy with dinner. Normally it would be Champagne but that is alright as it won't do any harm to have a different drink.'

Kitty watches as the scenery changes quickly and then looks at the speedometer. "Darling, aren't you going a bit too fast? I know that this car can handle it but are you not afraid you will get a ticket?"

"Ahhhh, nope. I always speed down this way. The cops don't watch this road as they should but that is because I requested them to not watch it. What would happen if Luke went for a jog and the cops saw him running as fast as he can to try and work out the excess energy he has. So this road is for the most part cops free. Helps with my work as well. If something comes up and I need to speed to get to an area quickly. It's become a bit of a habit." Leo wanted to peek over at her but refrains from doing so as he is going way over the speed limit.

"I understand and I will trust your driving skills but I do not like the idea of you speeding whether or not the car can handle it. I will have to be understanding as this is something that you have had set up for many years and it is not something that is new to you. I am sure that I will get used to it over time but if you bring our child out I would prefer if you didn't speed. I am sure that when you first got Luke you didn't speed but as he got older he enjoyed speeding into town with you."

Leo focuses on the road while listening to Kitsune. "Kitsune, you are right with your assumption on my driving. I wouldn't speed with our child in the car until they are much older. It was different as a werewolf loves the thrill you get from speeding so with Luke he loved it. I won't do that with our child...unless asked to go faster. With the speed we are going to will take only 45 minutes or less to reach the town. Is there anywhere else you would like to go besides the post office and the hospital?"

"At this point, those are the only two places I would like to go to. Well, and a place to eat at as well. It's not like I know the town very well and know what is there. I will leave lunch up to you as you will know better than I will on where to eat." Kitty smiled and then rubbed her belly.

"Don't forget that we have cookies and fruit that we packed up in case you got hungry on the drive into town. I was thinking that we should eat at the cafe in town they have a lot of sandwich-type foods that you might enjoy. The owner is nice and if you have a request if it is within their power they will accommodate you. I know that a few of the women in town have eaten there while pregnant. So I think that would be a good place to catch lunch." Leo hears Kitsune's stomach growl at the mention of food. "See your body agrees that food is a good idea."

Kitsune blushes a deep red color and then pulls out the fruit first and starts munching on it. "If others go to that cafe I think it is a good idea but how did you know that other pregnant ladies have eaten there? Was it an observation you made?" As she eats the fruit she looks up at him questionably.

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"I go there to eat every once and a while so you tend to pick up the demographic that goes to a place when you go to one place as often as I do. I have seen and heard the requests that the mothers to be had requested and they weren't odd requests for the most part. So I kept that in mind so I could do more research on how to make the town grow." Leo smiles and then continues to focus on driving.

"I understand. If there are others that go there then there will be no issues if we go there as well. I think we should get the post office done first, then lunch and finally go to the hospital. I do want to get the hospital over and done with though." Kitty finishes the fruit and slowly passes out from the steady pace that the car was moving at.

Leo glances over at Kitty and smiles. 'It is good that she naps. I would prefer to let her nap rather than keeping her awake. I think it will refresh her mind. I can go over what I need to do to prepare for my plans this evening. I know what I would like to cook and how I would like to set up the dining room and I got the ring from Luke so that is everything I can think of.'

Leo woke up Kitty in roughly thirty minutes later just before the entrance of the town. "Kitty, you need to wake up. I am going to be entering the town shortly."

"Mmmmm, okay, Darling." Kitty opens her eyes and rubs them stretches her arms to the dashboard and then she closes her eyes and focuses on the transformation. Her ears and tail disappear. "I am ready so to the post office first and then food. I want to meet Scarlet. I think she will remind me of Cindy."

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