Unknown Prey

Chapter 105 105 The Other Hunters

"I am sure that you did the right thing, my love. You are unique and they will call you when they have calmed down. I know that I won't have a traditional true name but a given name. Have you decided on that yet or is it something that happens when I turn and the name hits you then?"

"I am sure that they will call me tomorrow and when they do, I will take the call. I know what your name will be but I will not tell you until my powers go to you. I don't want something to happen while I am unstable just incase your name goes into effect. I decided your name when marked you. I think it suits you well and I hope that you enjoy the name I have chosen for you." Kitty beams happily.

Leo parked the car in the parking lot and then they got out of the car and they both walked inside. Leo leads the way to the reception. The nurse looked up and Leo said, "there were two of my colleagues that came in by ambulance last night and I was wondering if you could give me the room that they are in?"

The nurse looked at the ambulance records quickly. "There was a male and female that were brought in by ambulance yesterday and Luke called it in. Is this the one you are looking for Sir?"

"Yes, Luke is my son so I am grateful he took the time to call it in." The nurse wrote the room number down and then handed it to Leo. "Thank you." Kitty followed Leo to the room. Leo knocked on the door before entering.

The male hunter was sitting on the chair looking at the female who was injured more than he was. "Leo, why did a deer need to run into the road? I was only passing through your town to go to the resort that we picked out for a small vacation and now we are stuck in a hospital. Not a very good vacation."

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"George, don't worry I will help you and Margret get more time off. You two have been working so hard lately. The association will give you recovery time and your vacation. I'll help with the report."

Margret stirred and opened her eyes. "Leo, what are you doing here and who is that behind you?"

"Margret, I am so glad that you are awake. I was worried that you wouldn't wake up." George got up and rushed to her side.

"Hello, My name is Katherine but you may call me Kitty." She moved and stood by Leo's side and leaned her head on his chest.

"If it wasn't for my adopted son you guys may have been stranded on the road. This is the town that I fund and have nurtured. So, of course, I would be here. Kitty is my girlfriend but also the mother of my child. I will be announcing us when I get back from my vacation and also I would like you two to keep it a secret until I make it known." He winks at the two.

"It's good to meet you, Kitty. I'm Margret." Margret looked at Kitty and smiled.

Kitty walked over to Margret and touched her hand. "It is good to meet you, I hope that you feel better soon. You look like you got hurt more but I am sure that you will bounce back in no time." Kitty could feel the baby kicking inside.

Margret could see the movement and asks, "may I touch your belly?"

Kitty smiles and takes Margret's hand and lets her feel the baby moving around. "It's a very active little one. Do you know whether it'll be a girl or a boy?"

"We do not know and the mystery is more fun for gathering people's guesses." Kitty giggles.

Leo walked over to George and sat down. "You need to rest more and I will make sure you can have an extended vacation at the resort and I will pay for the extra days. Don't worry about this I know that the two of you have been struggling with Margret's condition and I want you two to enjoy your vacation to the fullest."

"Thank you, Leo. Margret might not have much time left and this is a blessing that I couldn't have asked for." George starts crying and Leo pats his shoulder. "You love her more than anything else in the world and you are honestly too kind to be in the hunting business."

"I didn't know what else would give me enough money for her treatments and I was grateful that you were able to pull some strings and get me in. I can not thank you enough." George looked at his wife lovingly.

"You are sick?" Kitty looked down at Margret.

"I have a heart disease and I was told if I suffer any more heart attacks or strokes I might not make it. I am still young enough that surgery is an option but I am waitlisted and now with this accident, I might not be able to get it done." Margret looks up at Kitty. "You don't need to cry for me, dear I am okay with my fate. I do not want to be a burden on society. This is nothing that I couldn't handle. I will still be able to go on my vacation."

Kitty covers her face and tries to wipe away the tears. "Are these people on your side, Darling?"

Leo looks up at Kitty. "I trust them to hold the secret. They are on the side of peace. Remember your condition and don't push yourself, my love."

"I won't push too hard. Margret, I would like for you to trust me." The tears were still flowing down her cheeks.

"I don't understand what you two are talking about but I will put my trust in you. It's not it will cause me harm to put my faith in another hunter's wife to be." Margret smiled sweetly.

"Thank you." Kitty drops her transformation and places her hand on Margret's shoulder. She starts a chant in her mind and slowly lets the healing powers enter into Margret. ~In and out, through and through, cleanse the impurities, begin anew. May the body become stronger as the impurities are removed and may you become stronger with each beat of your heart. The impurities within will be no more and your body cleansed and stronger than before. May the blessing inside grow and be protected. Goddess watch over this female and I offer you my undying gratitude and love.~

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