Unknown Prey

Chapter 107 107 Will You Marry Me?

Leo let out a sigh and then walked to a storage closet and grabbed a vase to place the flowers in. He mixed the package as per the instruction and trimmed the stems on the flowers before placing them in the vase in the middle of the table. 'I hope that will do. I am not completely well versed in this but I know enough.' He went back in the kitchen and placed two sweet potatoes on tin foil and then wrapped them before placing them in the oven. He closed the oven door then looked at the marinating steaks in the fridge and started to heat up the grill in the kitchen. Leo washed his hands and went back outside and grabbed the two boxes of flower petals and brought them to the dining room he opened the two boxes and started sprinkling the petals over the table. He trailed the petals all the way to the stairs and he stopped leaving petals when he reached in front of the bedroom door. He placed the box in a spare room and grabbed a bunch of candles to light the dining room up.

Leo went down with the candles and placed them on the table but didn't light them yet. He grabbed the second box of petals and spread them all over the dining room and smiled. 'I really hope she will like this.' He went back into the kitchen and started cutting vegetables for a salad and he mixed it together but didn't add the dressing yet. He placed the salad in the fridge and then checked on the sweet potatoes. 'They are starting to soften I can cut the mushrooms and then saute then and then cook the steaks as well. Leo chopped up the mushroom and added them to the pan after it was heated. He pulled out the steaks and placed each one on the hot grill. He quickly washed his hands and he pulled out the sparkling fruit juice and placed it like it was champagne on the table.He smiles and then quickly goes back to the kitchen and turns the steaks over, then flips the mushrooms. He pulls out some plates and starts to plate up dinner and places metal bowls over top of the food to keep it warm as he takes two champagne flute to the table and then he goes up to the bedroom.

Kitty opened her eyes and took a shower then got changed into a dress. She was brushing her hair when Leo came into the room. "Darling, I'm awake now. Sorry that I slept for so long."

"There is nothing to be sorry for. I knew you needed the sleep. Come down when you are ready for dinner. I will be waiting for you." Leo walked up to her and planted a kiss on her lips and placed one of the blue roses behind her ear. He then leaves the room and goes to the table and lights the candles.

Kitty smiles and watches Leo leave and she finishes loosely braiding her hair and she touches the rose. 'How thoughtful he is.' She goes to open the door and sees the flower petals and her heart rushes in happiness. She follows the path and she reaches the dining room and she gasps. "Leo, this is amazing."

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Leo got down on one knee in front of her and held out the ring box. "Kitsune, I would like to ask you to become my wife. I know I was chosen to bare your mark but I want to show the world that you are mine and that I will forever protect you. So will you marry me?" He opens the box and waits to hear her reply.

Kitty starts to shed tears of happiness. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you, Leo. This was not what I was expecting to wake up to. How did you even get these flowers? This is the most perfect proposal ever."

Leo gets up and places the engagement ring on her ring finger. "I planned this just for you and I made a celebratory dinner for us, come sit my wife to be." Leo pulled out the chair for her to sit down on.

Kitty sat down on the chair and then admired the ring that was now placed on her finger. It was a white gold ring with a big aquamarine gem in the center. On both sides of the ring were there were hearts accompanied by one small diamond at the top of the big heart, one diamond at the end of the smaller heart that was to the right top side of the big heart and below that heart was a diamond and a midium heart. Below the medium there was six more dimonds that staggered down the side. the two side bands came to together at the back of the ring and the design mirrored the other side of the ring. 'This is all happening so fast but I am so happy right now.'

Leo wiped her tears and then lightly kissed her cheeks. "I will be back. I am going to grab us our dinner." Leo goes back to the kitchen and adds the sweet potatoes to the plates and then brings them to the table. He places Kitty's plate in front of her and places his plate next to her and then he goes back to the kitchen, grabs both the salad, some dinner buns and brings them to the table. Before sitting down he opens the bottle of sparkling fruit juice and pours it into the champagne flutes. "I thought we should have something like champagne to celebrate but without the alcohol and then I remembered that I had some sparkling fruit juice set aside in case Luke decided he wanted to have a drink with me. I bought non-alcoholic beverages but who would have thought I would be the one to drink it." He chuckles.

Kitty looks at the dinner that Leo cooked and was impressed. "This is the most romantic evening I have ever experienced. Thank you, Darling."

"I was trying to make this the most perfect evening just for you. I wanted this to be something that we could look back up and be happy at the memory. I do not know what the future may hold but we have the rest of our lives to spend together. I almost proposed to you in the Cafe earlier today but I had everything at home so that I could make this memorable." Leo sits down and his ears turn red.

"I love it Darling. Let's have a toast to our future." Kitty picks up the flute and holds it to Leo. "May each day our hearts grow fonder and our love grow stronger. May we be happy and always there to support one another."

"And I love you, Kitsune. I will always be there when you need me and I will always protect you and our loved ones no matter how hard our lives may get. You are my bride to be and I will cherish our time together and learn all about you and your people." Leo tapped his glass against her glass and then drank the sparkling fruit juice. After finishing off the glass he fills both glasses once again. He starts to eat after Kitty starts eating.

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