Unknown Prey

Chapter 109 109 The Phone Call

Leo smiled and held her as she slept. He got out of bed and prepared a warm cloth then gently wiped down her body while she slept. He covered her with the blanket and watched her sleep until her phone went off. Leo picked up her phone and took the call to the hallway. He flipped open the phone open then picked up the call.

"Kitsune! Do you even know who you are seeing?!" Scarlet's voice came through the phone.

"She is well aware that I am a hunter, Scarlet. I am well aware that she isn't human. She is the mother of my child so I will protect her from the association if I can't change it. I am a hunter who wishes to unite the races together." Leo looked down the hallway and then went into the nursery.

"Why are you picking up Kitty's phone and where is she?" Scarlet panicked.

"Kitsune asked me to answer the phone if she fell asleep. She had a rather long day and was exhausted after coming into town and so I am letting her sleep as much as she can." Leo touched the crib and smiled.

"I hope that you haven't done anything to Kitty, Leo. I will not forgive you if something happens to HER!!!!" Scarlet raises her voice as she says this.

"Why do you think I would bring harm to the mother of my child? It doesn't matter to me that she isn't human. All that matters to me is that she is who she is and I don't ever want her to change who she is. Besides, I am not the cruel person you think I am." Leo touched one of the plushies in the crib. "I really look forward to my future with Kitty."

"Not as cruel as they say?! Do you even know what rumors are out there? You know what, I will come over first thing in the morning I want to see Kitty again and talk some sense into her!" Scarlet hit the end button and then turns her phone off.

Leo hears the dial tone and sighs. "It's not like I wanted to become the enemy of the supernatural." He hangs up the phone and then heads back to the study. He quickly does a little bit of work on the computer and rebooks George's and Margret's vacation. After he was done he heads back to the bedroom. He climbs into bed and pulls Kitty into his arms gently. "I love you my dear sweet Kitsune," he whispers and then kisses her head before he falls asleep.

Nice bright and early Kitty wakes up and looks up at Leo. "Good morning, Darling. Did you sleep well?"

Leo tightened his hold around her, "I sleep better knowing that you are mine. I would not change how things are for anything. I talked to Scarlet last night. She was not pleased that I answered the call and I'm pretty sure she is going to come over soon."

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"It is as I suspected." Kitty giggles and snuggles into Leo's chest. "As comfy as I am. I know that we should at least get up and look presentable."

"We can stay in bed for as long as you like. It doesn't matter what others think. I want you and you alone. So even if someone comes over you will take priority over them." Leo holds her in his arms. He reaches behind himself and checks his phone. 'A message from Will, George, and John.' He reads the one from John is says that he will be over in two hours to start the shelf installation. He reads the one from George and smiles. "Kitty, George and Margret are going to be going to the resort today. I rebooked it for them before coming to bed so they now have a better room and a longer stay."

Kitty smiles and looks up at Leo as he is looking at his phone but he keeps glancing at her. "That's wonderful news. I hope that they enjoy their vacation. They deserve the break."

"Just about as much as I deserve a break but my vacation time is coming up soon enough." Leo checked the message from Will. ~Leo, you may have a problem. The association is wanting to do house checks. I know that you are at your private house. I will look into this more and get back to you. As soon as I know more details then I will let you know.~ Leo frowned and read the message again.

Kitty watches Leo start frowning. "What is it, Darling?" She reaches out and touches his cheek.

"I may have to go back to work soon. There are some changes that were made without my consent, so I need to go to work and figure out why they are going to do house checks." Leo frowns.

"Is it something that doesn't normally happen?" Kitty looked up at Leo. "If they come here I can act sickly and maybe they will back off and not stay long. Cindy is my midwife so she could act as my nurse who you hunted down while you were on vacation."

"That just might work. This won't happen for a few days. Since I brought you out yesterday we can chop it up to you having a good day where the baby isn't bothering you. My main focus is going to be on you. Will let me know. So I will have to thank him." Leo moved and kissed her wrist.

"Okay, let's get up and get ready for the day." Kitty unwillingly separated from Leo and climbed out of bed. She went to the closet and started looking through all the dresses that she hung up. She picked out a pale blue summer dress and slipped it on over her head.

Leo watched her actions from the bed and then got up and got dressed. He put on sweats and a white tee shirt. "Come sit down and I will brush your hair for you."

"If you are home then it's okay to wear white but not at work. I can see my mark on you." Kitty touches over his heart and traced the tattoo-like mark before sitting down.

"I'm wearing this shirt to prove a point to Scarlet when she shows up. She will see that what I said was the truth." Leo picked up the brush and slowly but gently brushed her hair. After he finished brushing her hair he loosely braided her hair.

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