Unknown Prey

Chapter 111 111 Scarlet's Secre

Scarlet followed Kitty and sat down next to her in Lukes's usually seat. "I understand, I won't be afraid of Leo finding out who I am. Do you want to talk to them?"

Leo plated the food and brought the first two plates to the table. He went back to the kitchen and grabbed his plate and the fruit punch for Kitty. He placed his food down and poured another cup of juice for Kitty and then went back to the kitchen and brought an empty cup for Scarlet and coffee for himself.

"Thank you, Leo. This is weird for me so it may take some time. Kitty is the only one who calls me Rina and I am not human. I am scared to mention what I am at this time but I should tell you in case something comes up and I can be of use." Scarlet looked down and was looking nervous.

"Take your time and when you are ready to tell me you can do so. I know it is not something that everyone needs to know. I am not sure if you know this but Luke is actually a werewolf. He struggled for a long time but now has more control of his transformations so his ears and tail no longer will pop out. He is a great kid honestly." Leo thinks back at how Luke was and chuckles.

"Is that why it was decided for the kid to be homeschooled? Wait, I think the better question is why is a hunter raising a werewolf?" Scarlet just looks at Leo in shock.

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"To make a long story short I saved him from another hunter and I took him under my care. I did not want the kid to become an experiment at the hunter association. I've already told Kitty the whole story and she is rightfully Luke's Godmother as well. As for the homeschooling, I'm sure he could've gone to school if he chose to but the kid chose to stay at home so that he would not cause me any trouble. I am grateful that he decided to stay here because then I had someone to watch the house while I was at work. With Kitty here all the time, I hope that you will come to keep her company." Leo sits in his spot on the other side of Kitty and smiles at her.

"I will be fine on my own, Darling. I do not need to be babysat. Besides, do you think Cindy, Carlos or even Luke will let me out of their sights at the house? You all are worrying too much." Kitty shakes her head and then looks at Scarlet, "Rina, you can trust those that I keep dear to my heart. You always said that I could read a person before seeing their true self that is hidden behind a mask. You asked earlier if I would like to talk to them I will turn you down as I would like them to rest in peace. I do not want to bring them back just to hear their last words. I know that they were prepared to leave and are at peace."

"If you say that is so then it would be harder to call them back. I will let them rest in peace, then." Scarlet eats some of the breakfast in front of her.

Leo looks at the two shocked and smiles. 'I think I may have figured out what Scarlet is.' He smirks and starts on his breakfast.

Kitty caught the look on Leo's face and then started to eat. "Every time you cook for me I feel like I am going to get fat. I absolutely loved the last two meals you have cooked for me."

"You can't get fat, Kitty. You are only pregnant so it is better to gain a little weight. I think you are amazing and besides, when the little one is born you will lose all the weight you gained anyways." Scarlet kept eating until she ate everything on her plate.

Leo picked up his napkin and wiped the whipped cream that was on her cheek off and then placed the napkin down. "I will love you no matter what size you are but I believe that you need to eat what you need to when you need to. You are more important to me than anything else in the world."

Kitty blushed and then finished her breakfast. "Let's go to the living room and discuss what is necessary." Kitty got up and walked to the living room slowly. She sat down on the couch.

Scarlet and Leo followed her into the living room and Scarlet chose to sit across from Kity and Leo while Leo sat down next to Kitty. He pulled Kitty into his lap and she curled up into his arms. "Scarlet are you by any chance a Necromancer? I only came to the conclusion because you mentioned talking to them at the dining table."

"Yes, I am a necromancer. My true name is Yaurina. When you get your name please introduce yourself to me properly." Scarlet bows and then sits back up.

"That explains why Kitty calls you Rina. This is not the first time I have run into a necromancer. The first time was five years ago and it was at the association. There was a male that got captured and brought to the facility. I heard that he was a necromancer but he was locked in an area that no one without permission could enter. I sat down with him once and he spoke in riddles that if you listened close enough you could figure out what he was doing, he was doing it to try and throw the hunters off. I did manage to get his name. His name is Alario."

Scarlet stood up and her eyes were full of tears. "So that is why I couldn't find his spirit. My dear sweetheart is still alive." She weeps and then sits back down.

"Scarlet, if everything goes as planned, we might be able to free him. I will do what I can to save Grezhul." Kitty looked at Scarlet that was crying.

"Grezhul, the name he is known by at the facility is Alario. That must be his true name. What is your connection to him Scarlet?" Leo asks as he watches her break down in front of them.

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